Aziz's Journey

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

WUT scholarship student
Double Majoring in BA / MIS
⚡️CEO of @share_project
🎙Weekly podcast at @FLTV_MTRK
Not an academic person, trying to balance life and studies

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Pirmatov's fikrvlog dan repost
Kecha shanba kuni bayram bo'lgani uchun men doimiy hafta oxiri boradigan joy yopiq edi va ko'p vaqtdan beri o'ylab yurgan ish Toshkentdagi metro bekatlar bo'ylab sayohatni amalga oshirishga qaror qildim va bu jarayonni vlog shaklida kameraga muhrladim.

Soat 12 dan 6:30 gacha 22 ta bekatni aylanib chiqishga ulguribman

Bu vlogni tez kunlarda youtube sahifamga yuklayman shungacha yuqoridagi rasmlardan zavqlanib turing albatta rasmlar mahorat bilan olingan deb aytolmayman sababi metroda odam juda ko'p edi lekin har qalay yo'qdan ko'ra bor.



I'm in the process of doing my Schengen visa to Spain 🇪🇸

K- Kokcha

Very useful video for those who want to pursue double major at Webster University.

Like, comment and share it with your friends 🚀

Fergana PS MUN dan repost
📣Hey MUNers! Spring is here, and so is FPSMUN S4.

We’re excited to announce that application for Season 4 of FPS MUN is officially open!

This time we have prepared 4 diverse committees for you to explore:
- United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
- Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)‍
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Human Rights Council (HRC)

FPSMUN is your chance to bloom like early trees of the spring. Outthink, outdebate, and outshine the rest to win a prestigious award to boost your resume.

🗓Event Date: April 2nd, 2025
📍Location: Presidential School in Fergana
🗓Application Deadline: March 23rd, 2025

The participation fee is 79,000 UZS (non-refundable). Before signing up, make sure to check your eligibility for possible discounts here. Your fee includes refreshing coffee breaks, a tasty lunch, and a networking pizza party! Dormitory accommodations will be available for participants coming from distant regions for free.


For further info, contact: 🏪ADMIN



Grant sohiblarini nima bog‘lab turadi?

Bugungi ochiq suhbatimiz yaqin do‘stimiz Azizbek bilan bo‘lib o‘tdi. Ko‘pchilik biladi, Azizbek Harvard Universitetidan 360 ming dollar grant yutib olganlar 😳

Suhbat davomida grant yutgan talabalarni bog‘lab turuvchi umumiy jihatlar haqida fikr yuritildi.

Link 👇

My first inroduction video is posted on instagram now.

Like, comment and share it with your friends 🚀

Abdulboriy | IELTS dan repost
I don’t believe people when they say, “I can’t live without you.” Because this is just a sweet lie said out of emotion. Look at your parents—when their parents passed away, they still continued living. You too, when the time comes, will go through this experience. Of course, it may be difficult at first, but people eventually get used to it. The main reason I don’t believe in the phrase “I cannot live without you” is that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) passed away, yet we are still living. He (peace be upon him) said that a believer’s faith will not be complete until he loves him more than anyone or anything else.

Now, ask yourself: How many times a day, a week, a month, or a year do you remember him? How often do you feel sadness over his absence?


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Biz tashkil qilgan 2 haftalik bepul SAT marafoni muvaffaqiyatli yakunlandi! Ushbu dastur davomida ko‘plab o‘quvchilarimiz SAT bo‘yicha bilim va ko‘nikmalarini oshirdilar. 

📚 Kurs davomida:
- SAT imtihoninng eng muhim qismlari o‘rganildi. 
- Matematikadan samarali yechim usullari va vaqtni boshqarish strategiyalari o‘rganildi. 
- Reading bo‘limida murakkab matnlarni tushunish bo‘yicha foydali maslahatlar berildi. 

Ushbu loyihadan ilhomlangan o‘quvchilarimizning samimiy minnatdorchiliklari biz uchun muhim. Bunday imkoniyatlarni davom ettirish va yana ko‘plab o‘quvchilarimizga yordam berishni rejalashtirmoqdamiz. 

Keyingi loyihalarimizni kuzatib boring va o‘zingizni yangi cho‘qqilar sari tayyorlang! 

💬Telegram | 📹Instagram | 📹Youtube

Website’da ancha o‘zgarishlar bo‘ldi, tez orada taqdim etamiz.

17 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.