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Let's goo @TeamMrIkromov

ᴇʙᴜʟʟɪᴇɴᴄᴇ✨ dan repost

° It's ok to cry

° It's ok to ask for help

° It's ok to set boundaries with others

° It's ok to need alone time

° It's ok to prioritize your


BM | IELTS 9.0 dan repost
### 🌟 Word of the Day: Ability


"Ability" (noun) refers to the power, skill, or means to do something. It can describe both natural talents and skills that are learned or developed over time.


🔹 Verb + Ability:
- develop ability: "With practice, you can develop your ability to speak English fluently."
- demonstrate ability: "She demonstrated her ability to solve complex problems."

🔹 Adjective + Ability:
- natural ability: "He has a natural ability to play the piano."
- incredible ability: "The athlete showed an incredible ability to adapt to the new environment."

🔹 Noun + Preposition + Ability:
- confidence in + ability: "The coach has complete confidence in her ability to win."
- test of + ability: "The exam was a true test of my ability to work under pressure."

Common Expressions:

- To the best of one’s ability: Doing something as well as one can.
_Example: "I completed the project to the best of my ability."_

Fun Fact:

Did you know? The word "ability" comes from the Latin word "habilitas," which means "skillful" or "suitable."


### 💡 Quick Tip!
When you describe someone’s skill, you can use "ability" with adjectives like "average," "outstanding," "limited," or "exceptional."


### 💬 Your Turn!
Share a sentence using "ability" in the comments! Try to use one of the collocations or expressions mentioned above. Let's see how many different ways we can use this word! 😊

Dilshodbek Ravshanov (9.0) dan repost
Lexical breakdown of this essay ⬇️

1. Advanced Vocabulary 🔠
• Technological advancement – a precise term to describe progress in technology.
• Cultural influences – refers to the impact of culture, showing a sophisticated understanding of social dynamics.
• Dominance – used to describe the overwhelming presence of something, in this case, technology.
• Phenomena – a formal plural for phenomenon, used appropriately to refer to trends or widespread changes.
• Intellectual development – a complex phrase indicating cognitive growth.
• Erosion of tradition – an expressive phrase to describe the gradual loss of cultural elements.
• Facilitates the growth – a formal expression indicating support or promotion of a trend or development.

2. Subject-Specific Vocabulary 🔠
• Technological revolution – specifically refers to the massive changes in how technology has evolved.
• Screens – commonly used to refer to devices like smartphones, laptops, or tablets, relevant to the subject of tech use.
• Reality shows – highlights a specific form of media consumption among young people.
• Global village – an academic term to describe globalization and the interconnectedness of cultures.
• Heritage – a culturally rich term that emphasizes traditional values and practices.

3. Collocations 🔠
• Technological advancement – frequently paired together to describe progress.
• Mental development – a common collocation related to cognitive growth.
• Pass down – often used in the context of transferring information or traditions between generations.
• Dedicates hours – a natural way of describing how time is spent.
• Culturally significant – used to describe something with importance in culture.

#AttentionToDetail 💯

@ieltsaidbydilshodbek ❤️

Raimbayev Elmurod | Rasmiy blog dan repost
2 barobar soliq to’lamang

Har bir insonning o’z tashvishi bor. Bu bir stressga olib keladi.

Bu tashvish haqida o’ylash esa 2 barobar stressga soladi.

2 barobar stressni oshirmaslik uchun “The making of a Manager” kitobidan 2 tavsiya bor:

1. Havas qiladigan insoningiz ismini googlega “(ism) duch kelgan muammolari” deb yozing. Bu narsa sizdagi muammolar barchada bo’lishini tasdiqlaydi.

2. Muammoingiz borligini tan oling. Bir varoqqa “mening “shunday” muammoim bor” deb yozing. Varoqqa tushirgan har bir tashvishingiz, sizni uni o’ylab yurishdan qutqaradi.

Sinab ko’ring. Yordam berishi kerak. 😉


Speaking for IELTS dan repost

Until you walk in his shoes (C2)
- uning vaziyatiga o’ziz tushib ko’rmaguncha.

— Until you walk in his shoes, you’ll never understand what he is feeling.
— People are quick to criticize, but until you walk in their shoes, you’ll never fully understand the situation


Mood Swings dan repost
Think about the problems you stressed over 10 years ago.

They seem laughable now.

And, 10 years from now you'll feel the same way about the problems you stress over today.

Not because your problems are small. But because you become so much bigger by comparison.

– Alex Hormozi


Ulugbek Davlatov | iTeacher | dan repost
Of three countries – A, B, and C - S + V + O.

Mood Swings dan repost
Think about the problems you stressed over 10 years ago.

They seem laughable now.

And, 10 years from now you'll feel the same way about the problems you stress over today.

Not because your problems are small. But because you become so much bigger by comparison.

– Alex Hormozi


Speaking for IELTS dan repost
NEW TOPIC: Doctors and nurses

1️⃣ Do you think it is necessary for people to learn first aid skills?

Yeah, I do think so. I believe everyone should learn First Aid skills because they can be very beneficial, especially in emergency situations. With these skills, people can help save someone’s life, and the person they rescue could be grateful to them forever.

What are the differences between the roles of a doctor and that of a nurse?

First of all, when talking about the roles of a doctor, I’d say that they usually diagnose, perform surgeries, and prescribe medications. Doctors carry a huge responsibility.
In contrast, nurses provide direct assistance and care, frequently talking to patients and checking on their well-being.

Band 8 answers 🔥🔥

Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov

Speaking for IELTS dan repost
TOPIC: 🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠

🚀 His major is medicine - uning sohasi meditsina

🚀 To get into a medical university - Tibbiyot universitetiga kirmoq

🚀 Medical knowledge - Tibbiyotga oid bilim, meditsinaga oid bo’lgan bilim

🚀 Medical staff - tibbiyot xodimlari

🚀 In an emergency situation - Favqulodda vaziyatda

🚀 In life and death situations - inson hayotini saqlab qolish yoki yo'qotishga olib kelishi mumkin bo’lgan vaziyatlarda

🚀 First Aid skills - birinchi yordam ko'rsatish ko'nikmalari

🚀 Help as many people as possible - iloji boricha ko'proq odamlarga yordam bermoq

🚀 Healthcare professionals - sog'liqni saqlash mutaxassislari

🚀 To perform surgeries - operatsiyalar o’tkazmoq

🚀 To diagnose - tashxis qo'ymoq

🚀 To prescribe medications - dori-darmonlarni yozib bermoq

🚀 For effective treatment - samarali davolash uchun

Prepared by Khusan Abdumuminov

Writing Marathon 2024 dan repost
T2_ How to deal with Two-Part-Question Essays.pdf
I’m excited to share this PDF I’ve prepared as part of our ongoing Writing Marathon!

This week, we’re diving into two-part question essays for Task 2. In this comprehensive guide, I’ve chosen a Task 2 question that holds special meaning for me. It’s the same question I received in 2017, the year I scored my first 8.0 in Writing (and the model answer included here is an improved version of the essay I wrote back then).

Personally, I’ve always found two-part question essays easier to manage because the structure feels more straightforward when it comes to paragraphing.

Jo’rabek Sanokulov | IELTS dan repost
Learned a phrase today, yay 🎉

To have someone in stitches - make somebody laugh very hard

Example: He was telling jokes at the dinner table that had us all in stitches


Alex F (IELTS 9) dan repost
Example preparation

Book by PC, Written in 1980’s, | Novel, bestseller
Regularly, | Enjoyable book, Helps 4 motiv
Journey, boy, | self devel, Progress with other ppl
Important, | key moments, emotional

Alex F (IELTS 9) dan repost
Individuals : Appearance / Personality / Hobbies / Relationship / My feeling
Places : Location / Exterior / Interior / Atmosphere / Service / My feeling
Cities : Location / People / Food / Cityscape / Entertainment / My feeling
Experience : What / Why / When / Where / Who / My feeling
Leisure activities : What / Who / When / Why / My feeling
Natural Beauty : Location / History / Visitors / Activities / My feeling
Animals : Appearance / Habits / Food / Relationship / My feeling
Objects : How I got it / Exterior / Function / Price / My feeling
Organizations : History / Members / Location / Duty / Influence / My feeling

Alex F (IELTS 9) dan repost
7 Starter Phrases
1) the one I’d like to tell you about is…
2) my favourite was…
3) I’d like to talk about...
4) Let me tell you about…
5) Personally, I would have to say…
6) the one who/that stands out is…
7) I’m going to tell you about...

MY PHRASE: I am going to tell you a bit about …

Nice phrases for stories:
• I'll never forget this particular time
• something happened that I wasn't expecting
• It was a (Sunday) morning
• But my first surprise came when...
• I was still wondering about this when...
• Suddenly I realised what was happening
• Luckily I managed to
• In the end, I just...
• All in all, it wasn't (a bad journey)
• I would have preferred
• Even so, (I made sure that...)

Ozodbek Botiraliev dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Advantage / Disadvantage Essays

IELTS Writing, Task 2

In this video, I explain how to use chatgpt and articles to research topics. In the next videos, I’ll try to explain how to use it to improve your essay/report.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.