IELTS with Shermuhammad

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

IELTS 8.5 ×3
Speaking 9.0 ×2
Writing 7.5 ×3
Students' result: @ieltssresults
Speaking mock @speakingwithbandniner
Ads: @aboutads
Admin: @shermuhammad8_5
Meaningful and useful contents 🫡

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Watch this 🥸

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📈Speaking'dan 2 marta 9.0 olgan ustozdan eng sara maslahatlar!

Speaking'ni oshirish uchun hamma har xil usullardan foydalanadi. Ammo hammaga birdek foyda beradigan metodlar haqida ham eshitganmisiz?

📊Videoni ko'rish orqali 2yilda ham oshirolmagan speaking ballingizni ko'tarib oling!


Speaking oshirgani 3 ta 🔥 tips beremi?

In Uzbek, we don't say "my speaking skills are bad"

We say... ? 😅

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Rome wasn't built in a day

The idiom "Rome wasn't built in a day" means that achieving something significant or worthwhile takes time, patience, and effort. It emphasizes the importance of persistence and gradual progress when working toward a goal, rather than expecting instant results.

Example: I've been struggling to learn the guitar, but I need to remind myself that Rome wasn't built in a day. I'll get better with practice."

📍Example: This first draft is far from perfect, but I'm trying not to rush the process.
Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a good novel.



IELTS with Shermuhammad dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Sending you this nearly 1 hour video lesson dedicated to GR/A in IELTS speaking from yesterday's live lesson👍

• What is GR/A?
● Basic grammar you need
• Grammar in Part 1️⃣ & 2️⃣ & 3️⃣
● Various sentence structures
& many more

Watch and learn 🫠

Leave a reaction 🔥👍 to inspire me for more stuff like this ❗️

#freelesson #grammar


Assalomu alaykum, qalisizlar? 👀

🎁 Bonus kitoblarni tashlab berishni boshladik 😍

Darslar boshlanishiga atigi ikki kun qoldi 😍

Maxfiy kanal uchun tezroq link oling va bonus kitoblarni qo'lga kiritib bir oylik Bepul IELTS kursga qatnashing 😍

Maxsus kitoblarni olish va Super kursga qatnashish :👇

Offlinedan Darsdan Parcha

Learning T/F/NG questions

Qaysi biri True/False/Not Given?




MARATHON imizda, bepul kurslar sovg'a qilinishi boshlandi..

15 ta writing darslarni bepulga qo'lgi kiriting! (Only for a limited period)

Buning uchun, yuqoridagi postda berilgan BOT dan foydalaning!




‼️ BONUS kitoblar bugun Maxsus kanalga tashlab beriladi 👇👇

⭕️ Special Speaking course 📚
⭕️ Pronunciation book 📚
⭕️ Band 8+ speaking answers 📚
⭕️ Special Writing book📚

Shoshiling ‼️, yaqinda bepul IELTS kurs ham boshlanadi ✅

Maxsus kitoblarni olish va Super kursga qatnashish :👇


It is undeniable that virtually everyone has access to the internet services, which is why sad feeelings as well as comments are more easily expressed on social media than ever before. While I believe this may lead to a negative outcome, it can still contribute positively as online criticism encourages further development.

It has been suggested that this can be branded as “online bullying “ in some situations and have dire effect not only on individual’s feelings, but also on small businesses' reputation. In other words, once a complaint is registered under the comment section of certain posts and it can be seen by the general public, this adds up to many more complaints. Even though some frustrations could be understood, public humiliation definitely takes its toll on a person’s self-esteem and has the potential to influence other people, which is something that most online users try to avoid. Case in point, the reason why people can sometimes take this practice to the extreme and not realise their freedom to vent their feelings is because it actually becomes hate speech that ought to regulated by the third parties.

On the flip side, as long as the complaints are valid and justified, there is hope to expect some positive changes. It is not a secret that in every aspect of our life, let it be retail, medicine and customer service to name but a few, there is always a room for improvement, which is less likely to happen unless they are criticized or at least told by other people. Many businesses even admit they have grown their company’s profit and image by always listening to what others are saying about them and learn from them. For instance, public pressure can be used in a bigger way, that is to show dissatisfaction to how a local government reacts to the global warning and/or practices that harm our environment and if that pressure becomes too big to avoid, government officials will start taking positive steps accordingly.

In conclusion, there is a shippery slope when it comes to allowing public frustration and complaints to be seen as it can either make or break businesses and even ordinary people and it is difficult to decide to fully ban or promote this trend.

#writinghelp #classworksample


The rise of social media platforms has made it easier for people to vent their frustration and complaints publicy.

What is consequence of this?
Is there any benefit to expressing complaints on social media platforms?


🎉 A big shoutout to my amazing student, Mukhtasar, for securing an impressive IELTS 7.0!

Your dedication and hard work have been truly inspiring, and I’m beyond proud of how far you’ve come.

⚡️From our very first lesson, your determination and growth have been remarkable. This milestone is just the beginning, and I can’t wait to see what great achievements lie ahead for you.

Keep striving, Mukhtasar—the sky's the limit!


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
I wanna thank me ... 😁😁





Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Watching what Trump has gone through made me realise that " mevali daraxtga tosh otiladi " mevasizlari bilan birovni ishi yo'q, ya'ni o'ladimi yoki qoladimi.

Mevali daraxt bo'lib hated bo'gan yaxshi menimcha rather than being the latter one)

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Rolton head lost. Finally, the hype is over.

Merab, another win from a Russian speaker! 🇬🇪

What a fight! AND NEW!


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
I have been wanting to see her hands raised since right after the first fight!

Shevchenko gets her championship belt back in such a dominant fashion 🇰🇬

Wow 🔥


Now time for Merab to break rolton head Omalley 😅

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.