INGLIZ TILI | by Sheraliyev

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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P.S. O'rganganlaringizni mustahkamlash uchun izohlarda misollar yozing. ⤵️

P.S. O'rganganlaringizni mustahkamlash uchun izohlarda misollar yozing. ⤵️

#tenses #grammar #english

P.S. O'rganganlaringizni mustahkamlash uchun izohlarda misollar yozing. ⤵️

Kecha sen Ertaga degan eding...

🇺🇸What gives?
🇺🇿 Nima gaplar, qalay ketyapti

Cause - sabab bo'lmoq

#Synonyms: Lead to, Result in, Bring about, Trigger, Generate, Induce
Example: Smoking leads to severe health issues.

#vocabulary #useful #speaking #writing
Kerak bo'lgan bo'glovchilar

✅ Frankly speaking - Ochiqchasiga aytganda
✅ To cut it short - Qisqa qilib aytganda
✅ So to speak - Deylik
✅ By the way - Aytgancha
✅ It goes without saying - O'z - o'zidan ma'lum
✅ As far as I know - Bilishimcha
✅ Indeed - Rostdan ham
✅ In other words - Boshqa so'z bi
✅ So well - Demak, shunday ekan, shunday qilib, binobarin.
✅ Besides - Bundan tashqari
✅ Anyway - Har qanday holatda ham
✅ Always at all - Umuman
✅ Therefore - Shu sababga ko'ra
✅ Though - Garchand, garchi, ... ga qaramasdan
✅ Although - Garchand, garchi, ... ga qaramasdan
✅ Nevertheless - Lekin, shunday bo'lsada, baribir
✅ Perhaps - Balki, bo'lishi mumkin
✅ Probably - Balki, bo'lishi mumkin
✅ To put it mildly - Yumshoq qilib aytganda
✅ At all - Umuman
✅ To tell the truth - To'g'risini aytganda
✅ So - Ho'sh
✅ Moreover - Undan tashqari

🗣 If I am not mistaken — Agar adashmasam
🗣 If I remember rightly — Agar toʻgʻri eslasam
🗣 It does you credit — Bu sizga obroʻ keltiradi
🗣 It doesn’t matter — Bu muhim emas
🗣 Let us hope for the best — Yaxshi umid qilaylik
🗣 Mind your own business — Oʻz ishingiz bilan shugʻullaning
🗣 On the one hand... — Bir tomondan...
🗣 Nothing much — Hech narsa maxsus emas
🗣 Say it again, please — Iltimos, yana bir marta ayting
🗣 That’s where the trouble lies! — Muammo aynan shunda!
🗣 Things happen — Har xil narsalar sodir boʻladi
🗣 You were saying? — Nimadir deyotgandizmi?
🗣 What do you mean by saying it? — Buni aytib nimani nazarda tutyapsiz?
🗣 What is the matter? — Muammo nimada?
🗣 Where were we? — Biz qayerda edik?


Quyidagi otlar ingliz tilida faqat koʻplikdagi otlar hisoblanadi va koʻplikdagi fe'l bilan qoʻllaniladi.


🔹Most of the goods produced in this factory are exported.
🔹All their belongings have been destroyed.
🔹The police are investigating the case.
🔹My earnings aren't high but at least they are regular.


🇺🇸 Don't mention it
🇺🇿 Arzimaydi

Synonyms for IELTS💞

And for other language exams


Deep (Adjective C2)

🇺🇿 Juda chuqur (ma’noga ega)

— The conversation between my girlfriend and me was so deep

#tenses #grammar #english

P.S. O'rganganlaringizni mustahkamlash uchun izohlarda misollar yozing. ⤵️

🇺🇸 By the way
🇺🇿 Aytmoqchi, darvoqe

#N_2 #Advanced #Grammar #Speaking

✅ Since then (C1)

— O‘shandan buyon

I started my journey as a teacher about 3 years ago. Since than, I have taught more than 200+ students.

P.S. O'rganganlaringizni mustahkamlash uchun IZOHLARDA MISOLLAR YOZING. ⤵️


◀️ Have a good time - yaxshi vaqt o'tkazmoq
◀️ Have a rest - dam olmoq
◀️ Have a break - tanaffus qilmoq
◀️ Have a cold - shamollamoq
◀️ Have 3 meals a day - kuniga 3 mahal ovqatlanmoq
◀️ Have a headache - boshi ogrimoq
◀️ Have a toothache - tishi ogrimoq
◀️ Have a backache - beli ogrimoq
◀️ Have a stomachache - oshqozoni ogrimoq
◀️ Have a sore throat - tomogi ogrimoq
◀️ Have a flu - gripp bolmoq
◀️ Have a cough - yotalmoq
◀️ Have a sneeze - aksirmoq
◀️ Have one's English - Ingliz tili bilan shug'ullanmoq
◀️ Have a smoke - chekmoq
◀️ Have a tea - choy ichmoq
◀️ Have a dictation - diktant yozmoq

🔝 Gapga qarab to'g'ri holatda ishlating ( bo'lmasam ma'no o'zgarib ketishi mumkin) 🔄

P.S. O'rganganlaringizni mustahkamlash uchun izohlarda misollar yozing. ⤵️

#Advanced #Grammar #Speaking

✅ Not because….. but because….. (C1)

— Bu … uchun emas, balki … uchun

I am writing this example not because I want you to learn, but because I want to learn.😁

➖➖ 🧠 ➖➖
P.S. O'rganganlaringizni mustahkamlash uchun IZOHLARDA MISOLLAR YOZING. ⤵️

🇺🇸None of your business
🇺🇿 Ishing bo'lmasin

P.S. O'rganganlaringizni mustahkamlash uchun IZOHLARDA MISOLLAR YOZING. ⤵️

🇺🇸 Don't give up
🇺🇿 Taslim bo'lma

P.S. O'rganganlaringizni mustahkamlash uchun IZOHLARDA MISOLLAR YOZING. ⤵️

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.