Getting accepted to top colleges doesn't guarantee your success. Not being accepted to privileged universities, not even getting a degree or not being a genius doesn't guarantee your life failure
There is no universal key to success
People always seek shortcuts to success to achieve it as soon as possible or earlier than others, thinking that it makes them happy and satisfied with their lives. However, the path to success itself is a happiness that we all are looking for and beyond the finish line is just an empty, meaningless space.
We all are ready to reach the finish line at any cost, but what if we get more than enough at the end and the cost is far more than how much should be sacrificed…
We always enjoy the food when it doesn't make us full
There is no universal key to success
People always seek shortcuts to success to achieve it as soon as possible or earlier than others, thinking that it makes them happy and satisfied with their lives. However, the path to success itself is a happiness that we all are looking for and beyond the finish line is just an empty, meaningless space.
We all are ready to reach the finish line at any cost, but what if we get more than enough at the end and the cost is far more than how much should be sacrificed…
We always enjoy the food when it doesn't make us full