
Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

My life, full of 'hustle and bustle', is here:

And, this is a place, that I can escape everything, share memories, thoughts and just be myself)

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Three hours passed, I finished several tasks, yet my study desk is still cluttered with lots of papers and a few books)

And one more masterclass to attend, organized by Harvard's Aspire Leaders Program on an interesting topic)))

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
This evening is going to be a bit tiring: I have to prepare two research works, a comparative article, a study plan, two projects, learn Korean (Day 3), and sort out my achievements)

— What do you do when you're upset or frustrated?
— I try to enjoy writing a research paper, getting 100% human written on an AI detector, and filling out application forms for fully-funded events and scholarships until I see "Your application has been received".

I think, my weather notifications don't know how to notify in a an official way)

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
To avoid experiencing this situation, I need to remain as quiet as possible for the next 30 minutes.

4 hours of sleep, multiple tasks starting from 8 a.m, conducting a seminar for nearly 40 people, and completing several important documents... and this situation

Uch savdoyi degan hind kinosi bo'lar edi.
Bosh qahramon leksiya darsida professorni savoliga "dehqoncha"siga tushuntirib berganini, professor noto'g'ri deb ilmiy tildagisini talab qilgandi.

Hech o'ylamagandim, o'zim bilan ham kun kelib bunday hodisa bo'ladi deb(

O'zi sezishim kerak edi, dekanat topshirig'i bilan ustozni 2 ta darsiga kira olmaganim, seminar o'tib chiqib bu darsga 10daqiqa kech qolib kirganim, mendan avvalgi 7 ta odam javob bera olmagan savolga javob bermoqchi bo'lganimdan keyin har qanaqa javobimdan kamchilik axtarishi aniqligini.

There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN in 2015 to be achieved by 2030. These goals focus on social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

As someone working in 12 areas of these SDGs, I can say that achieving at least 80% of the 2030 goals requires significantly increasing efforts.

Current progress is insufficient, especially in areas such as climate change, gender equality, sustainable economic development, and resource management.
To address this, governments, the private sector, and civil society must strengthen collaboration, implement innovative solutions, and integrate sustainable development principles into practice. Education and awareness-raising are also crucial(I always mention these two as one of the main solutions. ) Without effective strategies now, reaching the 2030 targets will become increasingly difficult.

And I hope to begin my work at the United Nations by 2030!

A new admission every 2 seconds in the next 5 years!

According to the post and statistics, the global upper secondary school completion rate has increased by only 5% from 2015 to 2023. This is a very slow growth rate. If this trend continues, achieving SDG 4 targets by 2030 will be extremely difficult..

These days, I have started experimenting with something: a 5-hour sleep after the Isha prayer is much better than a 7-7.5 hour sleep after 10 PM.
A fresh mind, enough energy to do something early in the morning, and a lot of time.

Dostoyevskiydan qaydlar dan repost
Insonda eng asosiy narsa aql emas, balki xulq-atvor, qalb va yaxshi hislatlar kabi uni boshqarayotgan narsalardir


Today, for the first time, not knowing the language was the reason I couldn’t fit in the program. I met all the other eligibility criteria 100%. I had planned to learn French, and I think I should start sooner.

Uy, oila davrasi- xotirjamlik, erkinlik va halovat his qilinadigan maskan!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Thousands of people, thousands of dreams – each on their own path, with their own story.

p.s In a story with a # (hashtag), if you click on the hashtag, you can see all stories worldwide that have used the same hashtag.
My story hashtag was

Ba'zida yolg‘iz qolib ham turish kerak.

— Ochiq osmon ostida, shahar shovqini va odamlardan uzoqda. Faqat qushlarning chug‘urlashini tinglab, tepada uchib o‘tgan samolyotni kuzatib o'tirgan holda.

Atrof shunchalik jimki, vaqt go‘yo sekin oqayotgandek yoki butunlay to‘xtab qolgandek tuyuladi. Miyadagi o‘y-fikrlar atrofdagi narsalarga singib, ular orqali so‘zlayotgandek. Go‘yo ko'ngil atrof bilan birlashib, men esa uni ichiga tushib qolgandek.

Ba’zan shovqinli hayotdan uzoqlashishni xohlayman. Ichimda esa ulg‘ayishni istamaydigan, lekin bu jarayonni boshidan o‘tkazayotgan qizcha bordek. Xuddi jarlikdan o'tish uchun ingichka arqonga qadam qo‘yib, har safar ortga qarab, oldinga yurishni istamayotgan inson kabi.

Ba’zan shunchaki kuzatish kifoya. Bu sukunat ichida hamma narsa mavjuddek. Juda ko‘p anglashlar bo‘ladi.

I lost track of time staying here; an hour passed without me noticing, and probably I'll spend a few more!

Yeah, it’s a bit hard right now...
Overthinking, especially about the future, eats you up from the inside. Stress drains your energy until there’s nothing left to chase your goals.

Naseeb, soon everything will be fine.
The struggles being faced now will someday be turned into memories, and only the pursuit of sky-high dreams will remain.
At times, it feels as if everything is being paused, and emotions are being overwhelmed. But this is not failure, It’s simply your mind and soul whispering: ‘Take a breath. Pause for a moment.’
And after that pause, strength will be regained, clarity will be found, and the path forward will be taken once again.

Day 2: Self-Learning Korean

I’m already starting to enjoy learning Korean.
I think this learning journey will be great—unless my opinion changes after 3–4 more lessons!

-Girl, it’s not about writing an article, doing research, being the CEO of organizations, or gaining authority in other organizations. You need love!!! Maybe you should think about that, girl! Be gentle.

-Actually, doing a master's research or PhD dissertation is easier than accepting romance and watching couples doing such work 😊


(I think there's something wrong with my emotions 🤓)

One step closer to the UN.

You know, I am the CEO and founder of the official Leader Ladies Club organization.
Recently, on behalf of it, I was planning to organize a project in collaboration with UPG.
And today, my organization has been appointed as a lifetime member of UPG.

For now, I’ve gone through one lesson prepared by an Uzbek (Uzbek-Korean) teacher and another by a Korean (English-Korean) teacher online.

The English-Korean one seemed much more suitable for me. I think I will continue with this teacher💙

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.