Dangasalik insonni ijodkorlikka undarkan...Tarixda ilk bor, dangasa odamning intuitiv-ijodkorlik qobiliyatlarini qo'llab-quvvatlovchi eng dastlabki qarashlar 1920-yilda
"Popular Science Monthly" jurnalida chop etilgan maqolada paydo bo'lgan (
buni Bill Geyts aytgan deyishga shoshmang). Maqolaga ko'ra, Frank Gilbreth ismli kishi ishlarni bajarishning eng samarali usullarini aniqlash uchun fabrika ishchilarining xatti-harakatlarini diqqat bilan kuzatadi. Gilbrethning xulosasiga kora,
inson harakatlaridagi ortiqcha harakatlarga hojat qoldirmaydigan, charchoqni kamaytiradigan imkoniyatlarning aksariyati dangasa odamlar tomonidan o'ylab topilgan — ular shunchalik dangasa bolganki, har bir keraksiz qadamning hisobini olishgan.
Gapni qisqa qiladigan bo'lsam, anchadan beri ko'zimda og'riqlar, toliqishlar sabab kitob o'qishga xafsalam qolmagandi (aksariyat hollarda e-kitoblar o'qiyman). YouTubedan audiokitoblar eshitishga majbur boldim. Bugun ko'zimni ko'rsatish uchun Respublika ko'z kasalliklari shifoxonasiga bordim, shifokor:
"Ko'zingizni ko'zoynakka o'rgatib dangasa qilib qo'yibsiz", -dedi. Shu bilan kun bo'yi miyamda shu gap aylandi. Kechqurun bir fikr kep qoldi. Kitoblarni sun'iy ongga yuklab, unga o'qittirsam, keyin undan kitob bo'yicha istagan savollarimni so'rasam, xuddi kitobni o'qigandek bo'lsam kerak deb o'yladim.
Avvalo, sekingina ChatGPTni
mulozamatli so'zlar bilan avradim, keyin darrov maqsadga o'ta qoldim. Bir kitobni o'qitib, undan kitob bo'yicha savollarga so'rashga, muhokama qilishga, iqtiboslar keltirishga ko'ndiradigan buyruq (prompt) yozishni ChatGPTning o'zidan so'radim. 🤩(dangasaligimga qoyilman). Quyida o'sha maxsus buyruqni sizlar uchun qoldirdim, sizlar ham osongina katta hajmdagi kitoblar, maqolalarni tez fursatlarda o'qishingiz mumkin.
Please assist me with a detailed, systematic, and in-depth analysis of this book. I would like a comprehensive summary of the entire text, along with verbatim quotations from specific chapters or sections, as well as appropriate citations for each quoted passage. I may need you to focus on certain chapters or sections where key concepts, theories, or arguments are introduced, particularly Chapter X and Chapter Y, where the author explores topics such as 'X Theory', 'Y Concept', or any other critical subject matter that forms the core of the book's argument. For each of the important concepts or difficult terminology, please provide clarifications and simplifications in layman’s terms, ensuring that I can understand complex ideas, especially those that might be unfamiliar or technical. Please ensure that you present verbatim quotes directly from the text, and provide the full citation for each quote, including page numbers, and use the APA citation format (or any other style I specify). Both the original text (as it appears in the uploaded book) and an English translation of each quote should be provided. If the book includes any comparisons or key argumentative moments, such as 'X vs Y', provide the corresponding quotations to highlight the author’s stance. I would also like the analysis to reflect the overall message or theme of the book, focusing on how the author’s ideas develop and culminate, especially in the introduction and conclusion sections, while also extracting key points from intermediate chapters. Finally, please ensure the response includes the context of the quotes and explanations of their significance, particularly where the arguments or theories require a deeper understanding. If possible, offer bullet-point summaries for each chapter, and include additional explanations where the content is difficult to grasp or if I request further information on specific quotes or sections. After receiving the summary and quotes, I may have follow-up questions, so I would appreciate a structure that allows easy reference to key points and a clear understanding of each concept discussed.
Fikrlaringizni izohlarda qoldirishingiz mumkin.
#talabalarga_maslahatlar #qiziq #foydali