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Financier's Road dan repost
Regretting over the time you wasted is also a waste of time.

Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values.

© Doflamingo

Eng kuchli sun'iy intellekt(AI) uchun protsessor yaratuvchilarning biri hamda tarixdagi eng ko'p kunlik katta yoqotishlar bo'yicha mutaxassis NVIDIA kompaniyasi yana bir bor zararga kirdi, ammo bu safar tarixdagi eng katta yoqotish deb qayd etildi va o'ziga xos bir antirekord o'rnatdi − yangiladi.

Hech narsa sababsiz bo'lmaydi.Ushbu $560 milliardlik(-17%) yoqotishga sabab nima bo'lgan? Dam olishn kuni X(sobiq Twitter) platformasida shov-shuvga chiqgan yana bir sun'iy intellekt DeepSeek kompaniyasinig ustida ishlash bo'yicha harajatlar va uning GPT-4 kabi AI'lar bilan raqobat qila olishi NVIDIA'ning qimmat chiplariga ehtiyoj borligiga ayrim kompaniyalarning shubhaga soldi. Ma'lumot uchun Open AI(Chat GPT) o'z AI kuchaytirish maqsadida elektroenergiya stansiyalar kabi kuch talab qilishi va bu uchun $100 million pul tikilganligi hamda NVIDIA'ning $100 ming qiymatiga ega chiplik kompyuterlardan foydalangani ma'lum qilgan edi. Unlarning ushbu yangi raqobatdoshlari esa tayyrorgarlik uchun $5 million(-$95 million) va chip uchun $2,000(-$98,000) ishlatgani yuzaga chiqgan.

Nega barcha barcha katta kompaniyalar NVIDIA'ning superchiplaridan foydalangan davrda, DeepSeek o'ziga alohida yaratdi? AQSh raqbatdoshlari AI bo'yicha ulardan o'tib ketmasliklari uchun eksport qilishni ta'qiqlagan edi, va bu Xitoylik shovvozlar uchun o'zlari uchun boshqa yaratishga sababchi bo'ldi.

Tanganing ikkinchi tomonida DeepSeek yolg'ondan ma'lumot berilgandan ayblanib, u aslida $2,000lik chip emas, balkida NVIDIA'ning eski modeldagi $40,000lik chiplaridan foydalangani haqida ham etilmoqda...

It has taken me all my life up to now to fall in love with the world, but I’ve started to feel it the last couple of years. To fall in love with the world isn’t to ignore or overlook suffering, both human and otherwise. For me anyway, to fall in love with the world is to look up at the night sky and feel your mind swim before the beauty and the distance of the stars. It is to hold your children while they cry, to watch as the sycamore trees leaf out in June. When my breastbone starts to hurt, and my throat tightens, and tears well in my eyes, I want to look away from feeling. I want to deflect with irony, or anything else that will keep me from feeling directly. We all know how loving ends. But I want to fall in love with the world anyway, to let it crack me open. I want to feel what there is to feel while I am here.

© John Green

– "While clearing brush is labor, untangling politics is art."
– "Peace is suspension bridge held in place by the tension of equal forces."


Umid qilishdan boshqa hech narsa qilmaydigan xalq bizniki.
Neki bo'lmasin ko'nikib yashagan xalq bizniki.
Qachon adolatsiz dard yursa ham, bardoshda toblangan xalq bizniki.
Kelajak ishonchini hech qachon yo'qotmagan, har kun yashar xalq bizniki.

Zaharni zahar kesadi.

O'zbekistoning issiq kunlarida issiq choy eng yaxshi ichimlik bo'lsa, Minnesota shtatining sovuq kunlarida eng yaxshi ichimlik bu muzdak suv ekan.

O'zingning o'zgaga qilgan yaxshiligingni, o'zganing o'zingga qilgan yomonligini unutib yasha.

Live by forgetting the good you have done for others and the harm others have done to you.


Chala Britaniyalik dan repost
Ming yillarkim, bulbul kalomi
Oʻzgarmaydi, yaxlit hamisha.
Ammo shoʻrlik toʻtining holi
Oʻzgalarga taqlid hamisha.

Ona tilim, sen borsan, shaksiz
Bulbul kuyin sheʼrga solaman.
Sen yoʻqolgan kuning, shubhasiz,
Men ham toʻti boʻlib qolaman..

© Abdulla Oripov

Chala Britaniyalik dan repost
Tandiriy - usti yaltiroq, ichi qaltiroq restoran deb tariflagan bo’lar edim. Nomidan tortib ishluvchilarning usti-boshigacha milliylikga burkangan restorandagi asosiy muomaladagi til rus tili bo’lgani odamni sal ranjitdi. Qo’ng’iroq qilib bog’lanish tortib taomnomasigacha (qiziq fakt, rus, ingliz, fransuz, xitoy tillari onlayn taomnoma tillar ro’yxatida mavjud lekin o'zbek tili emas). Bu tendensiyani qaytib kelganimdan beri har bir kichik “book cafe”lardan tortib katta restoranu, savdo markazlarida ham sezish mumkin.

O’z tilini bilmaslik, o’zligini yo’qotish demak. Gapni undalmasini Abdulla Oripovning she’rlari bilan yetqazishga harakat qilaman!

Chala Britaniyalik dan repost
Yaratganning o'zi bizga madadkor,
Kim ham bizga tenglasha olar.
Yelkamizga oftobning tekganligi rost,
Tilaklar mushtarak, ezgulikga mos.

Irodamiz metin, qadamlar shaxdam,
Bugun yo'lga chiqamiz dadil va bardam.
Afsus nadomat-ki do'stlar azizlar,
Hayot kurashlardan iborat har dam...

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
– if a string is in a knot,
patience will untie it.
patience can do lots of things,
have you ever tried it?

I came across to this biblical line(John 8:32):

“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

When we sincerely seek truth—whether through scripture, learning, or reflection—we free ourselves from ignorance and falsehood.

In our faith, recognizing truth is an act of worship. The Holy book repeatedly urges us to contemplate and to stand for what is right. This biblical phrase resonates with our own emphasis on honesty and justice. Truth, wherever we find it, helps us break free from the chains of doubt and misunderstanding, strengthening both our hearts and our communities.

Hammaga o'qib ko'rishga arziydigan bitta kitobni tavsiya qila olasizmi? Takliflaringizni qoldiring...
What’s one book you suggest everyone should read at least once? Drop your recommendations — I’m looking to add to my reading list!

Shavqiddin Nematov dan repost

Bugun tun soat 4 lar atrofi. Atrof jim jit. Tush ko'rdim. Tushimda 4-5 yil oldin o'tib ketgan matematika ustozim kiribdilar. Shu desangiz darsda turibmiz (tushda). Doskaga chiqardilar. Go'yo hozirgi ilmim bilan doskaga chiqqanman. Misolni tushuntirib ber, deb misol berdilar. Shuncha matematikadan dars, kurs o'tib bitta shu oson misolni ishlolmadim. Aniqrog'i shu misol yozilgan betni topolmay qolibman. Keyin ustozim o'zi topib berib, bolalarga yechib ko'rsatdilar.
Keyin tahorat olib tahajjud namozidan keyin ustozim haqqiga duo qildim. Balki ustozim shu kibrga berilgansan, shu kibrni qaragin shu sabab bir oddiy misolni yecholmading deb manga tanbeh bergandir, bilmadim. Lekin bir narsa aniq ustozim o'shanda bizga ilmni ilk o'chog'ini ongimizga quygan edi. Hozirda shu ustozim bergan ilm bilan bu sinovli hayotda o'zimni o'rnimni topib, yashab yuribman.

Аgar shogird shayxulislom, agar qozidur,
Agar ustoz rozi – Tangri rozidur

(A. Navoiy)

Og'zini tuta olmagan hech bir yerini tuta olmas.

© Xalq hikmati

Now new year has come, there is so called army of "New year, new me" people. Some people started to exercise, some started to read – something I see common in them is tracking. I have been seeing that people mostly my peers started to track everything that they do as if they were tracking their habits. I have nothing against it, but it depends what are you tracking. From what they say it is a good motivation to help them stay on the track, I agree with that. Yet there are some who track things, I wouldn't recommend them to do. I am going to give some examples from my own friends (I did get their consents to do so):

1) Keeping track of non-smoking days;
2) Keeping track of fastfood-eaten days;
3) Keeping track of missed prayers;

When you track your good habits, this action really does help you to motivate you not to miss them, but when you do so with the bad habits, I think that you are just tracking how long have it passed since the last time you did these bad habit of yours. One of those friends of mine did this last year too. During summer, he always said that these many days have passed since he last time smoked. Yet these number of days never exceeded 21, why? Every time I asked these question, the remained the same: "I have not smoked for 3 weeks, I have proven myself that I can go without it, and I am just celebrating it" (He eventually returned back to smoking).

Tracking habits works best when it focuses on building good behaviors, not counting time since a bad one. Highlighting past mistakes can unintentionally reinforce them, as seen with my friend who used his "days without smoking" as a reason to relapse. Focus on growth, not the gaps.

Notebook - No Longer Human.pdf
"No Longer Human" by Osamu Dazai

I marked all quotes/parts in different colors:
yellow – quote; new information;
blue – same idea; my thoughts.
pink – related to the story, hard to understand without the context.


"No Longer Human" by Osamu Dazai

○ My first book for this year... I don't actually like to count the order of books I have read, but the first one seems a bit special.

• "No Longer Human" is a raw and honest look at feeling out of place in the world. I was drawn to the main character's – Yozo Oba – struggles, which felt strangely relatable. The book taught me the importance of facing uncomfortable truths about ourselves, even when it’s hard.

• I have fond of poems over this past 2 years, and couldn't miss the one in this book which was referenced to Persian mathematician Omar Khayyam:

Look at the vast, endless sky,
We're just a tiny speck floating within it.
Who can understand why this Earth spins?
Rotation, revolution, it's all arbitrary.

I sense supreme power everywhere,
In every nation, in every people,
I discover the same humanity.
Am I a heretic for this?


Dr. Aliyor dan repost
Insonni toliqtiradigan hayot emas, umr bo'yi taqib yurgan niqobdir.

©️ Shekspir

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.