Selena Gomez Uzbekistan

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Musiqa

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Lekin Talk qoʻshigʻi qayerda? 👀

📰 News 📰

🇺🇿  Selena Gomez albomning treklistini e'lon qiladi "I Said I Love You First".

🇺🇸 Selena Gomez announces the tracklist of the album "I Said I Love You First".

⚜️ @selena_gomez01

Selena Gomez reunite with childhood bestie Miley Cyrus at the Oscars 2025.

Party at vanity fair

Oscars 2025
красная дорожка part 1


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📰 News 📰

🇺🇿 "Talk" qoʻshigʻi Fransiyadagi Apple tijoratida Selena Gomez tomonidan yangi qo'shiq.

Qo'shiq "I Said I Love You First" da bo'ladi.‌‌

🇺🇸 "Talk" is a new song by Selena Gomez in an Apple commercial in France.

The song is featured on "I Said I Love You First".

⚜️ @selena_gomez01

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Tez kunda yangi qoʻshiq 🫢

13 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.