🌟 Word of the Day: Deliberate (adjective) 🌟
🗣 Pronunciation: /dɪˈlɪbərət/
📖 Definition:
🤔 Done intentionally and with careful consideration; planned or meant.
💡 Example Sentences:
"Her deliberate actions showed that she had thought everything through carefully."
"He gave a deliberate pause before answering the tough question."
🔍 Similar Words:
Intentional: Done on purpose; planned.
Thoughtful: Showing careful consideration or attention.
🗣 Now It’s Your Turn!
Can you come up with your own example using the word deliberate?
🗣 Pronunciation: /dɪˈlɪbərət/
📖 Definition:
🤔 Done intentionally and with careful consideration; planned or meant.
💡 Example Sentences:
"Her deliberate actions showed that she had thought everything through carefully."
"He gave a deliberate pause before answering the tough question."
🔍 Similar Words:
Intentional: Done on purpose; planned.
Thoughtful: Showing careful consideration or attention.
🗣 Now It’s Your Turn!
Can you come up with your own example using the word deliberate?