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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Ismoiljon Gulomov dan repost
To’g’ri, barchamiz yagona osmon ostida yashaymiz.

Lekin Germaniya havosi sezilarli darajada yoqimli va tozaroq.

Tabiati sezilarli darajada yashil va go’zalroq.

Osmoni sezilarli darajada musaffo va tiniqroq.



Article 5.pdf
#ReadArticles - Enjoy reading


Article 4.pdf
#ReadArticles - Enjoy reading


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Article 3.pdf
#ReadArticles - Enjoy reading


Article 2.pdf
#ReadArticles - Enjoy reading


Most people say that no breakthrough has beaten a computer since its creation over the last century. Even if it needs to be admitted that computers simplified our life in many ways, I do not think that they should take all the credit.

On the one hand, it is true that the invention of computers brought some positive changes to our life. Now, we can do almost everything relying on our portable laptops; we can do office work sitting at home, watch movies, make documents and store them - which would still remain in the form of paper if it had not been for computers. For example, so many learners are now signing up for online courses taking advantage of their comfortable devices. Thanks in large part to computers, we now have more opportunities than people who lived a few decades ago used to have.

Having said that, it is, I believe, wrong to claim that computers are the only invention to be credited. That is to say, things that computers offer would be impossible without the internet, which is also one of the biggest accomplishments of the previous century. As an illustration, the concept of working remotely in the comfort of home couldn’t have come to existence without the presence of the net. In other words, although computers have admittedly become the most significant tool, they could not perform all their functions without the help of the internet.

In conclusion, the significance of computers cannot be overlooked since they are making our lives easier in so many aspects. I, however, feel that they should not be overrated as the most crucial discovery of the 20th century when there is the net whose job is as important as a computer.

289 words


Article 1.pdf
#ReadArticles - Enjoy reading


As of today, I will also be share some articles to read, podcasts to listen to, videos to watch. Hope you will benefit from them.

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