🐦 President Tech Award natijalari raqamlarda: 538 ta startap ishtirok etdi
🎉 Joriy yilgi tanlovda
3,458 ishtirokchi va 538 ta jamoa ishtirok etdi, bu O‘zbekistonning innovatsion salohiyatini yana bir bor namoyon qildi! 🚀
💡 Asosiy natijalar:· 173 ta startap –
Ijtimoiy sohada raqamli texnologiyalar yo‘nalishida· 63 ta startap –
Sun’iy intellekt texnologiyalari yo‘nalishida· 92 ta startap –
Tadbirkorlik va Fintech yo‘nalishida· 41 ta startap –
Kompyuter va mobil o‘yinlar yo‘nalishida· 31 ta startap –
Micro-SaaS va AdTech yo‘nalishida15 ta eng yaxshi jamoaga jami $900,000 mukofot jamg‘armasi taqdim etildi!
🏆 G‘oliblar:TASS Vision: chakana savdo hajmini 20% ga oshiruvchi sun’iy intellekt vositasi.
Onlayn Hamshira: tibbiyot mutaxassislari va bemorlarni bog‘lovchi platforma.
Gale-Force Entertainment: bestseller kitob asosida yaratilgan sarguzasht o‘yini.
OYGUL: sun'iy intellektga asoslangan kiyim xarid qilish platformasi.
Jobster: ishga qabul jarayonini optimallashtiruvchi markazlashtirilgan tizim.
Batafsil veb-saytimizda
Results of the President Tech Award 2024 in Numbers: Participation of 538 StartupsThis year’s competition brought together
3,458 participants and 538 teams, showcasing the best of Uzbekistan’s innovative talent! 🚀
Key Achievements:- 173 startups in
Digital Technologies in the Social Sphere- 63 startups in
AI-Driven Technologies- 92 startups in
Entrepreneurship and Fintech- 41 startups in
Computer and Mobile Games- 31 startups in
Micro-SaaS and AdTechA prize fund of $900,000 was awarded to 15 top teams!
Winners’ Spotlight:TASS Vision: AI tool boosting offline retail sales by 20%.
Onlayn Hamshira: Connecting healthcare professionals with patients.
Gale-Force Entertainment: An adventure game inspired by a bestselling novel.
OYGUL: artificial intelligence-based clothing purchase platform.
Jobster: Streamlining recruitment with a centralized system.
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