M.Pozilov | Memoir

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

📍ESL teacher at English Life Stimorol Branch
I send what I want😁
To contact: @pozilov_muhammadqodir
created — 20.04.2021

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Send this video to those who said Listening is easy😅

Cole Palmer in Chelsea😅🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

secret) dan repost
- Hech narsani jahl bilan boshlamang! Bo'ron paytida kemaga o'tirgan kishi ahmoqdir.

secret) dan repost
A man becomes a villain when the hero inside him dies. Not by choice, but by necessity. He doesn’t destroy because he wants to—he destroys because it’s all he has left.
And that’s the hardest truth: Every villain you fear was once someone else’s hero.

It's always the darkest before the dawn🌔

The secret to a fulfilling life is simplicity and knowing when you are truly happy. I've seen so many people who are always striving for something better and are unhappy because they don't notice the good things that already exist in their lives


Am I the only one who has got this problem?

Har kim o‘z qismati qoshida yolg‘iz,
Garchi atrofimda do‘stlar bor – xolis,
Ular ummondagi xas kabi ojiz,
O‘zingdan o‘zgaga aytar dardim yo‘q.

Og‘ir bu yillarning toshi yengilmi,
Birov ocholmadi tilsim sevgimni,
Uchratmasang, qaydan topay tengimni,
O‘zingdan o‘zgaga aytar dardim yo‘q.

Umrimni cho‘qilab zog‘lar almashdi,
Yo‘qolib-yo‘qolmay dog‘lar almashdi,
Yelkamdan tusholmay tog‘lar almashdi,
O‘zingdan o‘zgaga aytar dardim yo‘q.

O‘ylarim – kishanda, ko‘nglim – kishanda,
So‘radim, so‘rashni qilmadim kanda,
Avliyo bo‘lsa ham, bandasi – banda,
O‘zingdan o‘zgaga aytar dardim yo‘q.

Savobu gunohda beqarordirman,
Ajab, shu holimga serviqordirman,
Umidsizlik aro umidvordirman,
O‘zingdan o‘zgaga aytar dardim yo‘q!

B. Fazliddin

Qoʻlga kirita olmaganing oʻzingda mavjud boʻlganlarga nisbatan yaxshiroqdek tuyulaveradi. Inson romantikasi va telbaligi mana shundan iborat.


Reaksiyalarni yangilab qo'ydim, bosaverilar endi o'ylanmasdan😇

soul medicine dan repost
в конечном итоге, всё будет даже лучше того, о чем ты мечтал.

Qiziq gaplar bo'lyapti😅

Yashamelik ekanda😅

226 0 0 15 16

This verse🤍👇

"Indeed what is to come will be better for you than what has gone by"


Kecha qonli jang bo'ldi😅
There was a bloody battle yesterday😅

Ozgina vaqtilar bo'sa shu kanaldagi #subjective hashtagi qo'yilgan postlarni o'qib qo'yarsiz.

p.s/ hammasini shaxsiy fikrlarim, juda negativ bo'lmanggiz😁

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.