🔺Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti tyutori N.Ikromov tomonidan "Milliy qadriyatlar haftaligi" doirasida Arxitektura va Dizayn yo‘nalishi talabalari uchun atoqli kulol-usta, O‘zbekiston xalq rassomi, tadqiqotchi-olim Muhitdin Rahimov tarixiy uy muzeyiga ekskursiya uyushtirildi.
Ekskursiya davomida talabalar Muhitdin Rahimovning hayoti va ijodiy faoliyati, qolaversa, muzeyda joylashgan qadimgi kulolchilik san'atini qayta tiklash bo‘yicha tadqiqot loyihalari, arxeologik sopol material namunalari, me’moriy kulolchilikning an'anaviy bezak usullari, zaruriy xom ashyolardan foydalangan holda yaltiroq jilo berib ishlangan kompozitsiyalar bilan yaqindan tanishishdi.
🔺As part of the "National Values Week", an excursion to the historic house-museum of the renowned ceramic master, People's Artist of Uzbekistan and researcher Muhitdin Rahimov was organized for students of the Architecture and Design program by N.Ikromov, a tutor at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.
During the excursion, students had the opportunity to learn about Muhitdin Rahimov's life and creative work, as well as explore the museum's exhibits, which included research projects on the restoration of ancient ceramic art, samples of archaeological ceramic materials, traditional decorative techniques in architectural ceramics, and compositions made with glossy finishes using essential raw materials.
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🔺Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti tyutori N.Ikromov tomonidan "Milliy qadriyatlar haftaligi" doirasida Arxitektura va Dizayn yo‘nalishi talabalari uchun atoqli kulol-usta, O‘zbekiston xalq rassomi, tadqiqotchi-olim Muhitdin Rahimov tarixiy uy muzeyiga ekskursiya uyushtirildi.
Ekskursiya davomida talabalar Muhitdin Rahimovning hayoti va ijodiy faoliyati, qolaversa, muzeyda joylashgan qadimgi kulolchilik san'atini qayta tiklash bo‘yicha tadqiqot loyihalari, arxeologik sopol material namunalari, me’moriy kulolchilikning an'anaviy bezak usullari, zaruriy xom ashyolardan foydalangan holda yaltiroq jilo berib ishlangan kompozitsiyalar bilan yaqindan tanishishdi.
🔺As part of the "National Values Week", an excursion to the historic house-museum of the renowned ceramic master, People's Artist of Uzbekistan and researcher Muhitdin Rahimov was organized for students of the Architecture and Design program by N.Ikromov, a tutor at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.
During the excursion, students had the opportunity to learn about Muhitdin Rahimov's life and creative work, as well as explore the museum's exhibits, which included research projects on the restoration of ancient ceramic art, samples of archaeological ceramic materials, traditional decorative techniques in architectural ceramics, and compositions made with glossy finishes using essential raw materials.
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