🔺Joriy yilning 15-yanvar kuni Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetida O'zbekiston Respublikasi Ichki ishlar vazirligi akademiyasi bilan hamkorlikda 14-yanvar - "Vatan himoyachilari kuni" munosabati bilan talaba yoshlar ishtirokidagi bayram tadbiri o'tkazildi.
🤔Ushbu tadbir Mudofaa vazirligi tasarrufidagi harbiy orkestri tomonidan ijro etilgan O'zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat madhiyasi bilan boshlandi. Tadbir davomida TTPU rektori To'ychiyev Olimjon Alijonovich va tadbir mehmoni Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi IIV akademiyasi magistratura tinglovchisi, podpolkovnik Bahromov Akmal Abdulhayevich talaba yoshlarni Vatan himoyachilari kuni bilan samimiy tabrikladi va "Yoshlar o'rtasida sodir etilayotgan axborot texnologiyalari sohasidagi jinoyatlar" mavzusida huquqbuzarliklar profilaktikasiga oid ma’lumotlar bilan bo'lishdi. Shuningdek, tadbir so'ngida TTPU talabalari tomonidan musiqiy chiqishlar tadbirga bayramona ruh bagʻishladi.
Tadbir №71201 harbiy qism "Qo'l jangi" jamoasidan ajoyib jamoaviy chiqish bilan nihoyasiga yetdi.
🔺On January 15, 2025, a festive event was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent in collaboration with the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dedicated to January 14 - "Defender of the Motherland Day".
🤔This event began with the State Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan performed by the military orchestra under the Ministry of Defense. During the event, the rector of TTPU, Olimjon Tuychiev and the guest of the event, Akmal Abdulhayevich Bahromov, a master's student at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and lieutenant colonel, warmly congratulated the students on "Defender of the Motherland Day" and delivered speeches on the topic "Crimes in the field of information technologies committed among youth". Additionally, musical performances by TTPU students added a festive atmosphere to the event.
The event concluded with an impressive team performance by the №71201 military unit's "Hand-to-Hand Combat" team.
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🤔Ushbu tadbir Mudofaa vazirligi tasarrufidagi harbiy orkestri tomonidan ijro etilgan O'zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat madhiyasi bilan boshlandi. Tadbir davomida TTPU rektori To'ychiyev Olimjon Alijonovich va tadbir mehmoni Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi IIV akademiyasi magistratura tinglovchisi, podpolkovnik Bahromov Akmal Abdulhayevich talaba yoshlarni Vatan himoyachilari kuni bilan samimiy tabrikladi va "Yoshlar o'rtasida sodir etilayotgan axborot texnologiyalari sohasidagi jinoyatlar" mavzusida huquqbuzarliklar profilaktikasiga oid ma’lumotlar bilan bo'lishdi. Shuningdek, tadbir so'ngida TTPU talabalari tomonidan musiqiy chiqishlar tadbirga bayramona ruh bagʻishladi.
Tadbir №71201 harbiy qism "Qo'l jangi" jamoasidan ajoyib jamoaviy chiqish bilan nihoyasiga yetdi.
🔺On January 15, 2025, a festive event was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent in collaboration with the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dedicated to January 14 - "Defender of the Motherland Day".
🤔This event began with the State Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan performed by the military orchestra under the Ministry of Defense. During the event, the rector of TTPU, Olimjon Tuychiev and the guest of the event, Akmal Abdulhayevich Bahromov, a master's student at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and lieutenant colonel, warmly congratulated the students on "Defender of the Motherland Day" and delivered speeches on the topic "Crimes in the field of information technologies committed among youth". Additionally, musical performances by TTPU students added a festive atmosphere to the event.
The event concluded with an impressive team performance by the №71201 military unit's "Hand-to-Hand Combat" team.
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