✔️Oxus universitetida talabalarimiz uchun O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining PF-73 sonli farmonida belgilangan vazifalarning ijrosini ta'minlash maqsadida "Ta'lim muassasalarida yoshlar orasida psixofaol moddalarning noqonuniy aylanmasiga qarshi kurashish ishlarini tashkil etish mexanizmlari" mavzusiga bag'ishlangan seminar tashkil qilindi.
Seminar davomida mavzuga oid ko'plab ma'lumotlar talabalarga yetkazildi.
✔️At Oxus University, a seminar titled "Mechanisms for Organizing Efforts to Combat the Illegal Circulation of Psychoactive Substances Among Youth in Educational Institutions" was held to ensure the implementation of the tasks outlined in the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-73 for our students.
During the seminar, students were provided with extensive information on the topic.
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Seminar davomida mavzuga oid ko'plab ma'lumotlar talabalarga yetkazildi.
✔️At Oxus University, a seminar titled "Mechanisms for Organizing Efforts to Combat the Illegal Circulation of Psychoactive Substances Among Youth in Educational Institutions" was held to ensure the implementation of the tasks outlined in the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-73 for our students.
During the seminar, students were provided with extensive information on the topic.
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