Saydullo Olimov | Reading 9.0

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

SAT 1490 (720/770)
IELTS 8.0 (L:8 R:9 S:8)
MULTILEVEL 69 ( Lis & Read both 75/75 )
1/4 KNU 👨🏻‍🎓
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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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- definitely join ( from this link 😁)

Siz uchun Speaking qiyinroq section ekanligini bilaman! Shu sababli siz uchun maxsus YECHIM tayyorladim!

30 kun ichida Speaking balingizni 1-1.5 bandga oshirishni xohlaysizmi?
Va eng muhimi – mutlaqo BEPUL!


🚀 30 kun – Intensive Speaking Practice
🚀 30 kun – Speaking Mock Tests
🚀 30 kun – Eng so‘nggi IELTS Speaking mavzulari
🚀 30 kun – Har bir mavzuga oid muhim Vocabulary
🚀 30 kun – Band 8.0-9.0 darajasidagi namunaviy javoblar

Tajriba va natijalar kafolati!

Ramazon oyi – bilim olish uchun eng yaxshi fursat!

🔹 Speaking darajangizni NINER ustozlar yordamida keyingi bosqichga olib chiqing!
🔹 Shuncha bilimni BEPUL qo‘lga kiritish imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang!

Marafonga hoziroq qo‘shiling! 🚀


i am telling you guys Ghazali is the real G

he mastered the philosophy, took everybody down just to say philosophers are stupid

literally the great people tried to belittle him and his work but never even managed to revive Aristotelian view in Islam again

he told Al Farabi and Ibn Sina to shut all the way up and never to open again


- i will be soo good in Ramadan and blame Shaytan for for all my sins after Ramadan

That’s a tactic brother


- there is so much beauty in this day with Jumah in the afternoon and Taroweh in the evening and suhoor with the next day

Ramadan is behind the door, and I am so eager to open

Happy Ramadan Kareem



last time, I asked for a partner, and nobody showed up!

I ended up getting 8

And this time, again I want to ask! Please, nobody show up, I wanna get 9 😁


355 0 1 13 22


As I love diving deep into politics, I try to pore different perspectives, for it gives me a better sense of what i am learning!

Harris, not just because his narrative is so catching, is my favourite, yet sometimes is denounced harshly for fabrication, in this way.

As soon as any of his videos uploaded, I take my time to watch and enjoy it!

If you like politics, especially geopolitics, you need to give a watch! Dont take everything he says seriously, though!

Who is you favourite You Tuber?



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Price: 50,000 UZS

To get your speaking assessed by a Speaking expert, feel free to contact me via @usminded


- by all means Bivol deserved it!

I am a big fan of Beterbiev, yet I love fair fight with so much respect and style

Bivole has shown there is a lot to learn from Soviet style yet!

Congratulations champ!


- a good read; give a shot!

“The brain is dependent on sugar as its main fuel,” says Vera Novak, MD, PhD

I was strongly convinced by the fact that sugar, except for its taste, is all about negativity!

I would see people doing challenges trying deprive themselves of sugar in order to imorove cognitive skills, to which i could never dedicate myself

Subconciously, I would know my brain can not process without this so called “ white - parasite”. I would feel guilty about my diet, for most people around my usually submit to sugar free
diet, always telling me about the sideeffect of it, to which I was not less worried.

Whenever I needed to focus I would buy either a soda or a fizzy drink, after which I could easily do my tasks with a strong focus

Eventually, having read this article below, I do know, however, the effect of overconsumption, I am now not worried by my drinking or eating habits.

This Harvard paper explaining my argument



Normal people: He helps other

Victorian Writers : He interests himself deeply in the employement of others


I hate the word acceptance in english

Or simply the saying that goes accept me as i am or leave

I don't know if that only happens to my thinking

Why not change! Why no try to fit in for the person you cherish, adore, respect

Why not get rid of bad habits or why not take up some preferable ones to strengthen your ties

Why not try to be as flexible as water: to be sympathetic at bad times, fun at good ones, encouraging when down or be happy when good!

Why stay in your circle expect to be fitted but not try to fit in

Why so much people are blinded by the word acceptance, thinking and waiting for others accept you even if it hurts them for their entire life

So much strange it seems to me


philosophy was always dangerous

at times, the long hours of read seems to be dragging me to the down

To the down of limitless darkness

A limitless darkness that has only You and You inside

It is like a game that makes you ponder and talk to yourself

A state where you question yourself, hate yourself

An insatiable desire never to satisfy with yourself

I hate philosophy; i hate it beacuse it is too hypocritical

Those, all of them: practicers, readers, teachers. All be lying telling how it gives a peace to mind, yet never tp achieve it themselves or warn how it triggers the fire inside

I have plenty of reason to hate it yet no strength to leave it


- do we have any advanced english course availabe for people with decent english in Uzbekistan?

If i already have 7+ and want to upgrade it to 8+, who would you recommend to study with?

I have seen a lot of online courses with attendees from diiferent levels, so content seems boring to me!



it feels bad to realize that you haven't even started the book after 100 pages of long and difficult read

Frankly, Muqaddimah is so hard to read with complex structures and word choices; moreover, complicated to fathom.
with every page, i face a pile of words I am not even sure to come cross again, yet do not feel right about overlooking them.

- Do I recommend?
- I think domla has done it enough


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
- me finally understanding GOT memes after just a season!



GOT is so unpredictable! Why would they feature this guy on the profile picture if they just get him killed in the 9th episode.

I was already thinking him a main character! I will not forgive GOT for killing him!

P.S. I don't recommend watching it if you are below 18, girl, or not comfortable with bloodshed.

Ayollar va qora tanilar o’rtasida juda katta o’xshashlik mavjud

Bu ham independent ya’ni mustaqil ko’rinishga intilish!

Gabrile Shanel (aka Coco Chanel) bu narsani yaxshi tushungani uchun tor shimda ot minishni mustaqillik ramziga aylantirdi va bu narsa juda tezda ommalashdi!

Ya’ni uning shim va shlyapalari!

Sotuv bilimini yaxshi bilgan savdogarlar esa qora tanlilarga faqat taniqli brendi taklfi qiladi sababi, yuzlab yillik iztirob doim ularning o’z mustaqilligini ko’z ko’z qilish xohishini keltiradi!

Yoki sigaret chiqadi! Qandey sotishni bilmaganlar yana ayollarni mustaqilligidan foydalanadi va chekkan ayol mustaqil ayol deb ko’rsatadi!

Va achinarlisi, bu ham o’xshadi! Shunday gaplar borki xatto ayollarga gul o’rniga sigaret berish boshlandi.

Demak biror narsani amalga oshirmoqchi bo’lsang shunchaki uni ayollar uchun mustaqillik ramzi deyish kifoya bo’ladi!


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.