Saydullo Olimov | Reading 9.0

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

SAT 1490 (720/770)
IELTS 8.0 (L:8 R:9 S:8)
MULTILEVEL 69 ( Lis & Read both 75/75 )
1/4 KNU 👨🏻‍🎓
For Individual lessons

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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- hands down, the one and only place to study SAT at is Supernova LC


SAT | Supernova LC dan repost
Ongoing SAT courses at Supernova LC

🎯 SAT Math (New):
◾️Time: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
◾️Days: Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday

🎯 SAT English (New):
◾️Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
◾️Days: Monday - Wednesday - Friday

🎯 SAT English Advanced:
◾️Time: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
◾️Days: Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday

🎯 SAT Math Advanced:
◾️Time: 11:00 PM - 12:30 PM
◾️Days: Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday

📞 To Join:


Does Game of Thrones worth a watch?

For a while it is on my feed, feels kind of catching!



Goood Fact: Chat GPT knows about me 😄

Bad fact: Chat GPT knows about me 🥶


250 0 0 10 16

🩵🩵🩵🩵endi muammo emas 📢

Mana oʻsha hamma izlayotgan kanal ✅

Shogirdlari 15 kunda readingini 5,5 dan 6,5-7 gacha ko'taripti 🤫

Har juma kuni free lesson oʻtib beriladi ✅

Kanalga reading bo'yicha ajoyib texnikalar tashlab boriladi ✅

Kanal silkasi : ➡️

Reading | Masters 📚


Written Hard, Written Harsh

You can see the way west see the governers of Uzbekistan by their style of narration.

apparatchik: a new word I learnt reading it


Navoiyni, buyuk Boburni bachavozlikda ayblashdi, kimlardir ishondi, yana kimlar yoqa tishladi

Necha yillik tariximizni xohlagan usulidan o'rgatishdi, tarjima qilishdi.

Shayboniyxonni dushman qilishdi yaqin yaqingacha; ta'sirini, tarixini ko'rsatishmadi

Johnny Harrisni yaqin muhlisi edim, to'g'rirog'i unga raddiya shaklidagi video chiqquncha

Ko'rdim, xatoyimni tushundim; unga fact checkingsiz ishonganimni angladim

Biz bir source lik bo'p qolganmiz, ishonchimiz bir manba'dan olingan.

Tekshirmayabmiz, ishonchlimi u, kim aytdi, qaydan keldi! Ko'r ko'rona ergashyabmiz!

Qurultoy ni 10 Dan ortiq podcastini ko'rdim! Yetarlicha, men o'rgangan va menga o'rgatishgan narsalarda nomutanosiblikni bildim.

Hich qachon bir source Dan olgan ma'lumotni shunchaki qabul qilmang.

Boshqa perspectivelarni ham ko'ring.


Muallim Said dan repost
Writing Masterclass

Advantages and Disadvantages Essay
Unlock the secret to a 1.0 band boost

🗓 Day: Saturday
Time: 20:00

Muallim Said (IELTS 8.5 | W 7.5)

Life is full of pain, especially a successful one.

When you want the sword of success,

You get both edges of the blade.

You make sacrifices,

You face failures,

You see your loved people leaving you,

You leave your comfort zone,

Only to achieve what you have pursued.



May this agreement works best for our brothers and sisters in G'azza

May they live a long and beautiful life!

a truly exciting message


Zafarbekovna dan repost
Bismillah ✨
Yaxshi niyat ila kitobxonlar jamoasini tashkillashtiryapmiz.
Guruh kimlar uchun ?
- qizlarga;
- o'z ustida ishlovchi;
- kitob o'qiydigan ;
- fikrlashni yana-da rivojlantirishni xohlaydiganlar .
Alloh manfaatli qilsin🤍

Nima gapdagi domlani podcast tini

Yaxshilab bor diqqatim bilan 2 Marta ko'rdim

U podcastmasda!

Podcast bu teng saviyali odamlarning mulohazasi va suhbati. U yerdegi 2 ta boshlovchi da bo'sa domla aytayotgan mavzulardagi saviya minusda.

Yangi podcast chiqibdi u ham domla bilan faqat ikkita umuman boshqa hostlar.

Prosta bomba.

U yerda faqat domla gapirmayabdi ham counterargument olyabdi ham boshlovchilar possible boshqa anglelarni ham ko'rsatyabdi

Poscastning saviyasi ancha kuchli chunki Massadan Aziz estetdan ham podcast oladiganlar o'tirmayabdida kamera qarshisida.

Ikkinchi podcast linkini qoldiraman shu yerda.

Bu podcast ni 1.5 marta ko'rdim nasib qilsa boshqa sonlarini ham ko'rmoqchiman!


- teaching, as a profession, might be underrated but about excitement you get from seing your students getting good scores, nothing can match it, and that’s why it is loved


#ieltsresult #squadupper


Exceptionally hard working and determined medical student yet has never excused her university education in my course.

We studied Intermediate and
the beginning of the Upper Intermediate courses until I left the center!

Alhamdulillah, she has gotten her result! I believe with little to no effort she can definitely get way higher result!

May Allah make it beneficial for her following studies!



His way of explaining is so mind blowingly soothing

I tried to convert him into islam arguing he is like trees and flowers that have their souls in their unique way not like humans and animals do, but uniqu

At last, he agreed and I renamed it to Umar (that’s my lovely name), so now whenever I call him Umar he responds!

Isnt it beautiful!



sevgi qorinni boqmeydi

degan gapni eshitmaslik uchun ham hozir qattiqroq ishla

o'zingga ravo ko'rmagan kelajakni sen uchun kimdir ko'rishni xohlashini kutma

Stay Hard, Pray, Hustle


732 0 3 12 24


At your 12: hooray, it’s New Year
At your 16: New Year?! thats Great
At your 20: New Year, this fast, Godd!




Konsta doesn't not sing; he speaks to hearts, right into your soul!

>> We’re thrilled to officially launch the Youth Academic Forum, the ultimate platform for young innovators and change-makers

Are you a future innovator passionate about academic research, cutting-edge ideas, and driving impactful change? Then this forum is made for YOU!

At the Youth Academic Forum, you’ll:
✅ Showcase your groundbreaking research.
✅ Gain mentorship from top academics.
✅ Participate in panel discussions and networking sessions.
✅ Join a global community of future leaders.

Key Details:
🗓 Registration Deadline: December 31, 2024
🏭 Summit Dates: May 5-8, 2025
📌 Location: Bangkok, Thailand

🌐 The website is live! Register today at:

Join us for the Youth Academic Forum 2025 and make your mark!

Guys please vote for Abduvali aka

He is for real the G math teacher in Andijan

Thank you all!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.