Muhammaddiyor | Personal blog

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

This is a place where curiosity meets creativity on the crossroads of life.
Muhammaddiyor Sotvoldiyev:
- IELTS: 8.0
- SAT: 1420 (630,790)
- Major: Economics
- Striving to be more than his stats
- FerPS'24
Team #FerPS ✊💪

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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ben yeni YTB öğrencisiyim. İkamet web sitem ikametimin onaylandığını söylüyor ve bana pdf belgesi verdi. Ancak doğum günüm yanlış. Ay ve gün değiştirilmiş. 4 Mart yerine 3 Nisan yazılmış.

bana bu konuda yardımcı olabilir misin?

IT community of Uzbekistan #Fergana with School 21

Yomg'ir yog'sa soyabonlarni ochib qo'yisharkan:)

Yana bitta savol: Hamma qo'shiqlar sevdim, kuydimmi yoki haydovchilar faqat shunaqa qo'shiqlar eshitadimi? 👀

Oxirgi Marta o'zbekcha qo'shiqni yo'lovchi mashinaga chiqqanimda eshitgan ekanman:)

Bir joyga boraman desang 5-6 ta mashina 2 tadan yo'lovchilarni olib olgan bo'ladi. Shuni navbat qilib olishganida o'zlarini ham, yo'lovchilarni ham vaqtini tejagan bo'lardi:)

Volunteering here tomorrow, looks like a good chance if you r interested in IT

Come if you are interested:)

School 21 Uzbekistan dan repost
School 21 bilan BEPUL IT mutaxassisi bo‘lish imkoniyatini qo‘ldan chiqarmang! 🔥

29 avgust kuni soat 09:00 dan 12:00 gacha va 13:00 dan 16:00 gacha Farg‘ona shahrida School 21 ga maxsus qabul bo‘lib o‘tadi.

❗️Ishtirok etish uchun pasport yoki ID karta bilan kelish lozim.

School 21 raqamli texnologiyalar maktabi – har bir ta’lim oluvchiga teng imkoniyatlarni taqdim etishni o‘z oldiga maqsad qilgan ijtimoiy loyihadir. 18 yoshdan oshgan barcha xohlovchilar bu yerda IT mutaxassisligi bo‘yicha bepul ta’lim olishlari mumkin.

Boshqa hududlardan kelgan talabalar uchun Samarqandda yotoqxona mavjud bo‘lib, bir oylik narxi atiga 100 000 so‘mni tashkil etadi.

📍Manzil: Farg‘ona shahri, Al-Farg‘oniy, 48. Latviyaning Axborot tizimlari menejmenti oliy maktabining (ISMA) Farg‘ona shahridagi filiali

📲 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish havola orqali

#Maktabga_kirish #Как_поступить

👇Biz haqimizda ko‘proq ma’lumotga ega bo‘ling👇
🔹Telegram 🔹Instagram 🔹Facebook

And here is reason number 2

I had short calls with students from schools I was applying, and how many people on linkedin are ready to help is soo coool

And here is why you need to have active Linkedin profile

if you had to eat food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Hozir shular nima deyayotganini o'zi biladimi?

If you are into entrepreneurship, this reality TV-show is a must watch

Shark Tank is a popular American reality television series that provides aspiring entrepreneurs with an opportunity to pitch their business ideas to a panel of experienced investors, known as "sharks." These sharks are successful business moguls who have built their own empires.  

How It Works:

Pitch: Entrepreneurs present their products or services to the sharks in a short presentation.

Negotiation: If the sharks are interested, they engage in negotiations with the entrepreneurs to determine the terms of an investment.

Deal or No Deal: The sharks may offer a deal, providing funding in exchange for equity in the business. If the entrepreneur doesn't agree to the terms, they may leave empty-handed.



Recently had "vipsnoy" with my old classmates from public school, and it hit me—how often I'm reduced to a checklist of achievements:

- IELTS 8.0
- Local University Admit without exam
- Presidential school guy
- Going to turkey

Mostly among the friend circles I am part of, and enjoy, these are absolutely nothing. So, we can literally have deep/genuine conversations, make jokes and have fun. It is usually because we enjoy each other's company, not because someone has done something incredible. I do admit(say smth in comment s if u r reading) I love talking to "cool" people, mostly admission guys. But it is not because they did something, it is the impact that thing had on them that I am interested.

During the event, It felt like i was super star or something. I wish they knew i am not as cool as they think think I am. These achievements don’t capture who I really am or what I value most.

Because honestly, I’m just me —a little messy, a little unsure,trying to figure it out, and I’d rather be known for that than for a bunch of titles that only scratch the surface.

Some companies seem to have become part of our lives. Imagine you ,all of a sudden, without warning lose your telegram and/or gmail forever?

Imagine the consequences?

Me when I have so much to do, but wifi is not working:)

Damn, how does everyone know I am going to turkey? 😭😅

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Literally three legends from Quva met:

We were planning to have meetup with @bornleader_community Ibrohimjon aka before he finally leaves to study in Korea, Inha university. Btw, you should check his channel, literally the best uzbek writer I personally know. We were talking in English, and ig we were too loud, ahaha. Then, guess what? @its_asiyasworld , one of the speakers for the tedx event we hosted at school, approached. Totally had no idea she was from Quva.

And genuine nerdy conversation was there about our shared successful failure in admission,life as international student, projects and more.

It was very fun experience. What was even memorable was the fact that My bike stopped operating smoothly in the middle of road. ( sepi uzilib ketdi, do not know how to say in english). It was dark already since I was already not in main road. So much fun for the day, huh? ahhaa

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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