Ambiguous β Open to more than one interpretation.
Archaic β Very old or outdated.
Conundrum β A confusing or difficult problem.
Discernible β Able to be perceived or recognized.
Impervious β Unable to be affected.
Intricate β Very complicated or detailed.
Malevolent β Having or showing a desire to harm others.
Meticulous β Showing great attention to detail.
Pragmatic β Dealing with things sensibly and realistically.
Tenacious β Holding firmly to a position or belief.
Archaic β Very old or outdated.
Conundrum β A confusing or difficult problem.
Discernible β Able to be perceived or recognized.
Impervious β Unable to be affected.
Intricate β Very complicated or detailed.
Malevolent β Having or showing a desire to harm others.
Meticulous β Showing great attention to detail.
Pragmatic β Dealing with things sensibly and realistically.
Tenacious β Holding firmly to a position or belief.