𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." - Pele.
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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⭕️ Phrasal verbs are a combination of a verb and a preposition or adverb that, when used together, take on a new meaning. Here are some common phrasal verbs in English:

- Act up: Behave badly or strangely.
- Ask out: Invite someone on a date.
- Back down: Withdraw a claim or demand.
- Blow up: Explode; lose one's temper.
- Break down: Stop functioning; lose control of feelings.
- Bring up: Mention or raise a subject.
- Call off: Cancel something.
- Check out: Investigate or look at something.
- Come across: Find by chance.
- Cut back: Reduce in amount.
- Drop off: Fall asleep; deliver something.
- Fill out: Complete a form.
- Get along: Have a good relationship.
- Give up: Stop trying; surrender.
- Hold on: Wait a short time.
- Keep up: Continue at the same rate.
- Look into: Investigate.
- Make up: Invent a story; reconcile.
- Pass out: Faint or lose consciousness.
- Put off: Postpone.
- Run out: Have none left.
- Set up: Arrange; trick someone.
- Take over: Assume control of something.
- Turn down: Refuse or reject.
- Work out: Exercise; find a solution.

These phrasal verbs are widely used in everyday conversation and can greatly enhance your English fluency.
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👉 @Multilevel_schooll 👈



⚡️10 beautiful  idioms for speaking

1. An early bird 🦜- erta turuvchi inson

2. A night owl 🦉 - kech uxledigan inson

3. A lone wolf 🐺 - yolg’iz bo’lishni yoki yolg’iz ishlashni yoqtiradigan inson

4. A party animal 🦓 - bazmlarni yoqtiradigan inson

5. A gold digger 🏅 - faqat puli uchun kimnidur yaxshi ko’radigan inson

6. A creature of habit - bir xil kun tartibiga ega inson. Bir xil narsani qilishni afzal ko’radigan inson

7. In deep water 💧 - juda qiyin vaziyatda bo’lmoq

8. Get to the point - maqsadga o’t! Gapni aylantirma

9. Kill two birds with one stone - bir o’q bilan, ikkita quyonni urmoq

10. A fish out of water 🐠- o’zini noqulay his qilmoq (xuddiki suvdan tashqarida turgan baliq kabi)


Shopping related vocabulary


🟥DAY 2

🛍️ Go shopping - bozorlik qilmoq

🛍️ A sales assistant - yordamchi sotuvchi

🛍️ Spend money extravagantly - pulni behuda sarflang

🛍️ A good deal - Yaxshi kelishuv

🛍️ Window shopping - sotib olmasdan shunchaki tomosha qilishlik

🛍️ On sale - skidkada, chegirmada

🛍️ For sale - sotuvda

🛍️ By cash - naqd pulda

🛍️ Shop around - aylanib narxlarni taqqoslamoq

🛍️ Get a refund - to'lovni qaytarib olmoq

🛍️ Demand a replacement - O'zgartirishni/ almashtirib berishini talab qilmoq.


🔸What - nima
What is your name? - Sizning ismingiz nima?
🔸Who - kim
Who is it? - Bu kim?
🔸When - qachon
When do you come? - Qachon kelasiz?
🔸Where - qayer
Where is it? - U qayerda?
🔸Whom - kimga, kimni
Whom did you invite? - Siz kimni taklif qildingiz?
🔸Whose - kimning
Whose book is that? - Anavi kimning kitobi?
🔸Which - qaysi
Which class is that? - Bu qaysi dars?
🔸Why - nega
Why are you late? - Nega kech qoldingiz?
🔸How - qanday
How are you? - Qalay
Think about consider
Lucky fortunate
Cheap inexpensive
At first initially
Wrong incorrect
Call off cancel
Pin down determine
Link up connect
Settler for choose
Dare challenge
Pick up collect
Deal with manage
👉 @Multilevel_schooll ✔️

Muhim jumlalar!

📍"It's great to see you"
Sizni ko'rganimdan juda xursandman

📍"I'm a huge fan"
Men ashaddiy muxlisman

📍"She pulled out a piece of paper and pencil"
U bir varaq qoģoz va qalam ol

📍"Can you do a li
ttle piece of art"
Kichik san'at asari yarata olasizmi

📍"Did a beautiful drawing."
Chiroyli rasm c

📍"Look at  it (something)
Ko'zdan kechirmoq

📍"She started walking away"
U uzoqlashishni boshladi

That'll be a million dollars"
U million dollar bo'la

📍"It took you 30 seco
nds do that"
Bu sizdan 30 soniya oldi xolos

📍"It took me 30 years
to do that
in 30 seconds"
Buni 30 soniyad
a bajarish uchun
menga 30 yil kerak bòldi.

Kanalga creative admin(ka) kerak. Ingliz tilini yaxshi biladigan albatta.
@Supernova_Leader : lich


1. Turn over a new leaf - Yangi hayot boshlash 
— With the arrival of autumn, I’ve decided to turn over a new leaf and focus on my health

2. To reap what you sow - Nima eksang, shuni o‘rasan
— As the harvest season begins, we’re reminded that we all eventually reap what we sow in life

3. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree - Meva daraxtidan uzoqqa tushmaydi
— Watching my son’s love for nature, I can see that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

4. Nip it in the bud - Muammoni ildizidan hal qilish
— As soon as I noticed the leaves turning yellow, I decided to nip the issue in the bud by watering the plants more frequently

5. To squirrel something away - Qandaydir narsani yig‘ib qo‘yish, zaxira qilish
— She’s been squirreling away money all year to take a vacation this autumn

6. Blow hot and cold - Kayfiyatni tez-tez o‘zgartirish
— The autumn weather blows hot and cold, making it hard to decide what to wear each day

7. Fall into place - O‘z yo‘liga tushish, muammosiz amalga oshish
— After months of hard work, everything finally began to fall into place just as autumn arrived


🌊 TO BE bilan ishlatiladigan iboralar

🗞to be glad — xursand bo‘lmoq
🗞to be happy — baxtli bo‘lmoq
🗞to be married — uylanmoq (turmushga chiqmoq)
🗞to be single — yolg‘iz (bo‘ydoq, beva) bo‘lmoq
🗞to be busy — band bo‘lmoq
🗞to be free — bo‘sh bo‘lmoq
🗞to be angry — jahli chiqmoq
🗞to be fond of — qiziqmoq, yaxshi ko‘rmoq
🗞to be late for — kechikmoq
🗞to be in — ichkarida bo‘lmoq
🗞to be out — tashqarida bo‘lmoq
🗞to be away — tashqarida (vatanidan) bo‘lmoq
🗞to be sorry — kechirim so‘ramoq
🗞to be on duty — navbatchi bo‘lmoq


🗣 There are many, many ways of saying thank you.

😊 A few formal examples are:

⭕️ I'd like to express my sincere gratitude for...

⭕️ I'm most grateful.

⭕️ I'm very much obliged.

😊 A bit less formal, but still not informal:

⭕️ I'd like to thank you for...

😊 Or simply:

⭕️ Thank you very much



⚜️A lot of, lots of with a noun⚜️

📌We use a lot of and lots of in informal styles.

📌Lots of is more informal than a lot of.

📌A lot of and lots of can both be used with plural countable nouns and with singular uncountable nouns for affirmatives, negatives, and questions:

✅We’ve got lots of things to do.

✅That’s a lot of money.

✅There weren’t a lot of choices.

✅Can you hurry up? I don’t have a lot of time.

✅Are there a lot of good players at your tennis club?

✅Have you eaten lots of chocolate?



1. Practise boxing - boks bilan shug'illanmoq

2. Gentle exercises - yengil mashqlar

3. Hit the gym - zalga doimiy ravishta bormoq

4. Engage in sports - sport bilan shug'illanmoq

5. On a regular basis - doimiy ravishta

6. To be in shape - sog'lom bo'lish uchun

7. Physically strong - jismonan baquvvat

8. Set an example - o'rnak bo'lmoq, namuna bo'lmoq

9. Feel the energy/vibe - haqiqiy energiya/atmasferani his qilmoq


📈A1 (beginner) so'zlarning = C2 (advanced) SYNONYMS shakli ✅

B1 Accept 🇬🇧       
C1 Embrace 🇬🇧
Qabul qilmoq 🇺🇿

B1 Achieve. 🇬🇧  
C1 Attain [formal] 🇬🇧
B2 Tackle 🇬🇧        
C1 Address 🇬🇧
Hal qilmoq 🇺
B1 Admit 🇬🇧      
C1 acknowledge 🇬🇧
Tan olmoq🇺🇿
1 Adv
ise 🇬🇧
C1 counsel🇬🇧
Maslahat bermoq 🇺🇿
A2 Agree 
C2 Consent [formal] 🇬🇧
Rozi bo'lmoq 🇺🇿
B2 Ac
quire 🇬🇧      
B2 Obtain🇬🇧
A2 Do
B2 Perform 🇬🇧
Bajarmoq 🇺🇿
B2 Ad
B2 Adjust 🇬🇧
Moslashtirmoq 🇺🇿
2 Add 🇬🇧            
A2 Include 🇬🇧


6k 0 118 1 37

🌹Insonlarni tasvirlashda ishlatiladigan

• Chatty - vaysaqi
• Cheerful – quvnoq, sho’x
Communicative – kirishuvchan
• C
reative – ijodkor
Determined – irodali, qat’iyatli
Diligent - tirishqoq
Discreet – o’ylab ish qiladigan
Dynamic – g’ayratli
Easy-going - kirishuvchan
Faithful - sodiq
Fearless – qo’rqmas
Forceful - talabchan
Frank – ochiq, oshkora




1⃣Octagon ~ sakkizburchak
2⃣Hexagon ~ olti burchak
3⃣Circle ~ doira, aylana
4⃣Triangle ~ uchburchak
5⃣Square ~ kvadrat
6⃣Cylinder ~ silindr
7⃣Sphere ~ sfera
8⃣Cube ~ kub
9⃣Cone ~ konus
🔟Pyramid ~ piramida


Qisqartmalarni o'rganishni davom ettiramiz 👇
●ASAP👉 As soon as possible

●SBY👉 Somebody

●B4👉 Before

●BTW👉 By the way

●FYI👉 For your information

●L8R👉 Later

●LOL👉 Laughing out loud

●IMU👉 I miss you

●TBF👉 To be fair

●NP👉 No problem

●LMK👉 Let me know

Agar foydali bo'lsa, do'stlarimizga ham ulashamiz 😊



• Doʻstlar bilan gaplashishda kerak boʻladigan achchiqqina iboralar🖤

✓ Keep your tongue - tilingni tiy
✓ Take it or leave it - yoki ha yoki yo'q
✓ Don't pull my leg - quloqqa tepma
✓ By way of addition - qo'shimcha qilib aytganda
✓ In a nut shell - lo‘nda qilib aytganda
✓ How come - bu qanday bo'ldi
✓ Take it easy - e'tibor berma
✓ Don't screw around - kalaka qilma
✓ Bless you - sog' bo'ling
✓ Got it? - tushunarlimi?
✓ It's piece of cake - oson ish-ku
✓ Mind your own business - o'zingni ishingni qil
✓ Go jump in the river - toshingni ter
✓ Go easy  (calm down) - o'zingni bos
✓ I'll have your hide - po'stingni shilaman
✓ Scoundrel - yaramas


4.3k 0 105 2 15

✅ So'zlarni yod oling!

☑️ Plunder (v) - Talamoq

☑️ Whimper (v) - Zorlanib yig'lamoq

☑️ Dismay (n) - Qo'rquv, vahima

☑️ Poise (n) - Og'irlik

☑️ Ration (n) - Ulush, qism

☑️ Shoulder (n) - Yelka

☑️ Postpone (v) - Keyinga qoldirmoq

☑️ Uppermost (adj) - Eng muhim, eng kerak

☑️ Tenant (n) - Ijarachi

☑️ Predict (v) - Oldindan aytmoq


Five daily praying times in our religion with their Uzbek translations:✅

🌆 Fajr - Бомдод намози

🏞 Dhuhr - Пешин намози

🌁 Asr - Аср намози

🌇 Maghrib - Шом намози

🌃 Isha - Хуфтон намози


20 workout-related words with their Uzbek translations:✅

1. Exercise - Mashq
2. Fitness - Fitnes
3. Strength - Kuch
4. Endurance - Chidamlilik
5. Muscle - Mushak
6. Cardio - Kardio
7. Flexibility - Moslashuvchanlik
8. Workout - Mashq qilish
9. Training - Mashg'ulot
10. Repetition - Takrorlash
11. Set - Dastur (yoki Set)
12. Stretching - Cho'zish
13. Warm-up - Qizdirish
14. Cool-down - Sovutish
15. Recovery - Tiklanish
16. Push-up - Qol ko'tarish
17. Squat - O'tirish
18. Dumbbell - Gantel
19. Treadmill - Yuganlik (yoki yugurish yo'lakchasi)
20. Weightlifting - Og'irlik ko'tarish

Bu so'zlar fitnes va mashqlar qilishga aloqador bo'lgan so'zlar❗

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.