2️⃣ I separated his two arms from his body, I separated his wrists from his bones, I separated his legs from his body, I separated his knees from his thighs, I separated his ankles from his knees, and I separated his fingers from his ankles. Umar cried and said: The rest of the world is short, and the saint in it is despicable. His rich is poor. And the young are old. The living will die. Let not the coming of the world make you proud, knowing that it will soon return, for he who is deceived by it is the truly proud deceived. Where are its inhabitants who built its cities, who drew water from the rivers and drank from it, who watered the trees? They stayed there for a while. They were deceived by their health. They committed sins believing in their strength. What made the soil their bodies, the sand their corpses, the worm their bones? I am the house of worms, says the grave. Don't you ask them about their wealth? Don't you ask the poor about their poverty? Ask about their tongues, their eyes, their beautiful skin, their beautiful faces, their soft bodies. What did the worms do to them? Umar bin Abdulaziz continues: For them, isn't day and night equal? Are they not among the darkness that fills them with deeds? They left the gardens. He went from wide to narrow. Their heirs distributed their goods and yards. There are many graves among them. It is blessed with deliciousness. You are the tomorrow owner of the grave. What has the world deceived you with? Do you know whether you will stay tomorrow or not? Where are your magnificent yard, your ripe fruits? Where is the softness of your clothes, the fragrance of your smell? Where are your winter and summer clothes? Are you unaware of what happened to those before you? Don't you know that when the drunkenness of death comes, they are tormented by thirst and heat? Oh, the person who closes the eyes of the corpse when it dies, washes it, carries it on his shoulders after reading the funeral, carries it to the grave and returns back. Haven't you thought about putting yourself on this soil? How can you not be ashamed of God by leaving this cemetery and coming back to commit a sin? Umar bin Abdulaziz said that I will leave the world tomorrow, in what condition will the angel of death find me? That is, what will I be on when I die? On merit, on sin? What message will I receive from my Lord, from my Lord's message? Umar bin Abdulaziz stopped when he got to this point. He cried loudly. Umar bin Abdulaziz died before the end of this week. As if he sensed his death, he left you and us with a wonderful speedy advice. Allah knows