1️⃣ Ali Raziyallahu Anhu says: The world is moving backwards, and the Hereafter is moving forward. They both have children. Be among the children of the Hereafter. Be not of the children of the world. Today there is action, there is no calculation. Tomorrow there will be a calculation, there will be no action. In other words, to put it simply, a person's life goes backwards. His life is declining. If a person is given a life of 70 years or 60 years, each day that passes by is shortening his life by one day. His life is going backwards. Every passing day brings the Muslim man closer to death. And the end is looking ahead. Ali Raziyallahu Anhu says that he has children of both the world and the Hereafter. Who are the children of the world? Those who live as if they do not leave the world. The children of the hereafter are those who see the world as the seedbed of the hereafter. Suppose a man is given a plot of land for a year, from spring to late fall, and he tries to get as much as possible out of it. Because the land must be returned to the owner in the fall. Next year, whether the earth will touch him or not, he will care about this thing. Today is an opportunity to act. No billing yet. But when the reckoning starts tomorrow, there will be no chance to act. Imam Qurtubi gives such advice in his tazkir: O proud one, think about death, about its drunkenness, heaviness and bitterness. Is there a better promise than death? Death is right. Of course, one day it will happen to a person. Isn't death enough to frighten the heart, make the eyes cry, separate from the community, take away the pleasures, and destroy the hopes? There is no need for advice after death. Son of man, have you ever thought about the day when you will fall? Move out of your space into a tight space. Have you thought that your friend, companion, family will leave you, that you will be separated from your siblings? Have you ever thought about them taking you out of your soft bed and throwing dirt on you? I swear by Allah, the one who accumulates the wealth of the world, the one who raises the buildings, that what you have received from your wealth is only a shroud. Abu Dardo Raziyallahu Anhu says: Three people made me cry, three people made me laugh. Kuldirgani says: There are so many dreams of the world that death chases after them. Death is chasing him, he is still walking with the world. He says I want to laugh after seeing this. The second person who makes me laugh is the one who is oblivious but not oblivious. That is, he forgot death, but death did not forget him. He is stalking her for a long time. When the time comes, he will take it without fail. The third person who made me laugh is the one who laughed with his mouth full, God does not know whether he is pleased or displeased with him. But he is having fun and laughing. I want to laugh when I see these three people. Now he says what made me cry: He says that Muhammad Alayhissalam has passed away. If we think that Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم has passed away, no calamity in the world is a calamity. As the poets say: Rasulullah has died, what other calamity is there! What made me cry is that Rasulullah is dead. The second thing that made me cry was the fear of death drunkenness. Is drunkenness and intoxication enough for someone like Rasulullah to die? May God have mercy on those who are now in the paint. Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Verily, death is caused by drunkenness and intoxication." The third thing that makes me cry is that there is a day when secrets will be revealed. The day I wake up without knowing whether I will go to heaven or hell - standing in front of the Most Merciful makes me cry. Umar bin Abdulaziz's advice about death was as follows. He attended a funeral. They put the body. He went to one end of the cemetery and sat alone. People gathered in front of the caliph. Umar began to advise them: The grave advised me. O Umar, don't you ask me what I did to your loved ones? I burned their shrouds, dismembered their bodies, drank their blood, and ate their flesh.