Listen a minute about: Fear
What are you afraid of? I’m not really afraid of anything. When I was a child I was afraid of the dark. I used to hear strange noises at night when I was in bed. I couldn’t move. I was frozen with fear until it got light outside. I’m no longer afraid of the dark, thankfully. I also used to fear speaking in public. My face would go red and I’d get very hot. I overcame this fear because I had to make many speeches at school. The more I did this, the more my public speaking fear disappeared. People are afraid of many strange things. Did you know there is a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth? There is even a medical name for it. I don’t think fear is a bad thing. It probably stops us from doing really dangerous things.
IELTSdan 8 yoki CEFRdan C1ni reactionsni bosgan odam aniq olyapti😁😁
🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻
What are you afraid of? I’m not really afraid of anything. When I was a child I was afraid of the dark. I used to hear strange noises at night when I was in bed. I couldn’t move. I was frozen with fear until it got light outside. I’m no longer afraid of the dark, thankfully. I also used to fear speaking in public. My face would go red and I’d get very hot. I overcame this fear because I had to make many speeches at school. The more I did this, the more my public speaking fear disappeared. People are afraid of many strange things. Did you know there is a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth? There is even a medical name for it. I don’t think fear is a bad thing. It probably stops us from doing really dangerous things.
IELTSdan 8 yoki CEFRdan C1ni reactionsni bosgan odam aniq olyapti😁😁
🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻