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Dars qilib charchagan vaqt qo'shiq eshitishga nima yetsin🎧🎵
Ayniqsa ingliz tilida bo'lsa yana ham foydali‼️👇

🎵Listen 1 minute about: Fast Food🍔

Do you like fast food? Lots of people complain about it but I think a lot of it’s quite tasty – as long as you go to one of the international chains like McDonalds or Kentucky. I think in today’s world, it’s difficult to avoid eating in fast food restaurants. They are so convenient and seem to be everywhere. Of course they’re not the same as real restaurants. I wonder if they are restaurants. There aren’t any waiters. Anyway, the most important thing to remember about fast food is that it isn’t so healthy. People who eat it every day develop health problems. I don’t understand why schools serve fast food during lunch time. Schools should encourage students to eat healthily. If you have time, look at a website on slow food.

👉 @minute1_english 🎙

2yildan beri katta katta English kanallar ko'tardim. Va juda ko'p o'quvchilar mani mehnatim orqali ingliz tilini yanada chuqurroq o'rganishdi.

Bugun esa birinchi marta shaxsiy blog ochishga qaror qildim 😊

Bunga ham qo'shilasizlar degan Umiddaman.

Oddiy bir kitobxon yigitman😊

Listen 1 min about: Jokes 🤡

I love jokes. I could listen to people telling jokes all day. I laugh at even the silliest of jokes. In fact, I love silly jokes. I still laugh at the jokes I laughed at when I was a child. I’m not so good at telling jokes. I have just a few of my favourite ones that I tell. They’re pretty funny. I think telling jokes is a real skill. You need confidence, timing and you need to know when to deliver the punch line. Some of my jokes don’t work with people from other countries. They don’t get them. It’s also interesting to see how American and British jokes are different. I listen to American comedians but can’t see what’s funny. I also love practical jokes. Playing jokes on other people is very funny – as long as they see the funny side.

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🎙 @minute1_english👈

🎵Listen 1 minute about: "Time" 🕔

There never seems to be enough time to do things. I always seem to run out of time. I really wish there were more hours in the day. Then I could slow down and relax, and get everything done. Time is a fun thing. Sometimes it flies – usually when you’re having fun. Other times it drags and goes painfully slowly. Sometimes I look at the clock and I think it’s going backwards. I think it’s very important to spend my time wisely. It’s too important to waste. For me, time is very precious at the weekends. I can spend some quality time with my family and friends. I always have a good time at the weekend. I like the expression time is money. It kind of shows how valuable time is. Oh well. That’s that. Time for me to go now.

➡️ @minute1_english 🎙

🎵Listen 1 minute about: Winter ☃️

Winter is my favourite season. I love everything about it. I like the cold weather, which always makes the sky seem so blue. I also like being able to see my breath in the cold air. In summer, it's difficult to keep cool outside, but in winter, it's easy to keep warm. I really like hiking in winter. The cold really makes you feel alive. It's also great getting home to a nice warm room. Winter also has the best holidays. I love getting together with my family and then celebrating the New Year. Winter is a really good time to go on vacation because the sights are usually empty. If you go anywhere in Europe in winter, you can be sure of getting a hotel room and you never have to wait to get into a museum.

👉 @minute1_english 🎙

🎧 Listen 1 minute about: "Bad habits"

📝Transcript: What are your bad habits? I think everyone has bad habits. Not everyone agrees on what bad habits are. Some smokers don’t think smoking is a bad habit. Young people don’t think listening to loud music on the train is a bad habit. In Japan, slurping your noodles is a sign that you enjoy your food, but making a noise while eating in England is not good. Have you ever tried to break your bad habits? I have quit smoking and have stopped leaving things laying around the house. I wish other people would stop their bad habits. I get annoyed when people are late for meetings or talk loudly on their phones in public. I also think many motorists need to think about their driving habits. Perhaps I should point out their bad habits.


🎵 Listen 1 minute about "Books"

📝Transcript: Don’t you think books are the best thing in the world? I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t reading a book. I still have memories of being in my school library when I was about five years old. I have been a bit of a bookworm since then. You’ll usually see me with my head buried in a book. I love all kinds of books. Novels are great for getting to know other worlds and cultures. A good book is one where you never want the story to end. I also like autobiographies because I think it’s interesting to read about people’s lives. Encyclopedias are cool too – you can learn everything about everything in these. I still prefer books to the Internet. Books need to be in your hand and made of paper.


🎧Listen 1 minute about: Money 💵

“Money makes the world go round.” I wonder if this famous English expression is very true. If you have money, the world goes round very gently and you are happy. If you don’t have money, the world might not go round so smoothly. They also say that “money is the root of all evil”. I think this is so true. Money makes people kill and steal. Greed means there are things in the world like blackmail, corruption, slave labour and a lot more terrible things. Another common saying in English is “money can’t buy happiness”. I’m not so sure about this one. I know if I had loads of money I’d be pretty happy. I think if all the world’s money was shared out, the world would go round more happily, and there would be less evil and more happiness

👉 @minute1_english🎙️

🎵Listen 1 minute about: Snow ❄️

I love snow. I always get really excited when it snows. I live in a country where it doesn’t snow a lot. Some winters, it doesn’t snow at all. So when it does snow, I’m really happy. The more snow, the better. When I was a kid I used to pray for snow in the winter. That’s because the school bus didn’t come so we couldn’t go to school. Now I’m older, I still want it to snow a lot. I love the way it changes the landscape. There’s nothing in the world more beautiful than looking at fields, trees, mountains, and houses covered with snow. I have to go for a walk in the snow. It’s great fun. Of course I have to make and throw snowballs, perhaps have a snowball fight. And I have to make a snowman with my kids.

👉@minute1_english 🎙

🎧Listen 1 minute about: Love ❤️

Love makes the world go round, not money. I agree with the centuries-old quote that says, ‘Love conquers all’. It’s true when you think about it. So much has been written about love. It must be one of the most written and talked about topics ever. How many songs and poems are there about love? Millions. Billions, perhaps. Love is everywhere. You can’t pass a single day without hearing someone say ‘love’. It is one of the most beautiful words in any language. Your heart can melt when someone says, ‘I love you’. It’s also very important to tell people you love them. You should do it every day. There are many different kinds of love and they are all important. Except perhaps when you love pizza or burgers. That’s not healthy.

👉 @minute1_english🎤

🎧Listen 1 minute about: Mothers 🧕

Mothers are the people dearest to us. We all have a special relationship with our mother. We are naturally bonded to our mother. We spend nine months growing inside her and she is the person who looks after us when we are babies. Our mother does everything for us. She feeds us, cleans us, wipes away our tears, treats our cuts and bruises, supports us and loves us. And all of this never stops. Mothers still do motherly things even when we are old and she is really old. It is very sad to hear that someone’s mother has died. I remember this happening to some children in my class at school. I can’t imagine how children grow up without a mother. I hope my mother lives forever. She deserves to.

👉 @minute1_english 🎙

🎧Listen 1 minute about: Harry Potter 🎩

Harry Potter is a boy wizard who has taken over the world. He is everywhere. No one had heard of Harry Potter before 1997. That’s when J.K. Rowling published her first book. She’s the creator of Harry Potter. The first novel was called ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone’ and it became an amazing success. Everyone was talking about it and Harry became an overnight phenomenon. Six more Harry Potter books followed and they all became best sellers. People went crazy over every new book. My friends waited overnight outside a bookstore to make sure they got their copy of the latest book. My friends are 40 years old! Harry Potter is now a global industry, with movies and merchandise of all kinds. It’s amazing how big he is.

👉 @minute1_english 🎤

🎵Listen 1 minute about: Fast Food🍔

Do you like fast food? Lots of people complain about it but I think a lot of it’s quite tasty – as long as you go to one of the international chains like McDonalds or Kentucky. I think in today’s world, it’s difficult to avoid eating in fast food restaurants. They are so convenient and seem to be everywhere. Of course they’re not the same as real restaurants. I wonder if they are restaurants. There aren’t any waiters. Anyway, the most important thing to remember about fast food is that it isn’t so healthy. People who eat it every day develop health problems. I don’t understand why schools serve fast food during lunch time. Schools should encourage students to eat healthily. If you have time, look at a website on slow food.

👉 @minute1_english 🎙

🎧Listen 1 minute about: English🇬🇧

I’m a bit shy when I have to speak in English. I’m a little worried about making mistakes. I also still lack confidence. Many of my friends don’t worry about mistakes. They just talk and talk. They always get their message across, even if their grammar is wrong. I think this is the best thing to do. My teacher always says it’s best to learn by doing. If I don’t try to speak English, I’ll never be able to use it when I need it. One thing I started doing recently was talking to myself. I have short conversations with myself. I think it works. I also make short stories about people and say them aloud. I do this in my room, of course. People would think I’m crazy if I did it in class or on the train.

👉@minute1_english 🎙

🎧Listen 1 minute about: Education 🎓

Education is one of the most important things in our lives. Don’t you agree? It can make the difference between success and failure. An education can bring us knowledge and make us rich. In rich countries, people are lucky to have good schools. Children start learning from a very young age. They can further their education and go to higher education or university. In Japan, there are even private schools for babies to learn English. It’s a shame that in many rich countries, many children don’t want to learn. Perhaps schools need to find better ways to teach so children want to learn. It’s sad that in many parts of the world, children want to learn but can’t. Make sure you never stop learning. Education is the key to a better future.

👉@minute1_english 🎙

🎧Listen 1 minute about: "clothes "

📝Transcript: I have too many clothes. I have many clothes I’ve only worn once. Sometimes I even find something at the back of a drawer that I never even wore. I bought it, put it away, and then forgot about it. I’m sure I don’t need so many clothes. I don’t think anyone really needs 11 pairs of jeans and 32 sweaters. I won’t tell you how many pairs of shoes I’ve got. That’s way too embarrassing. The simple truth is I love clothes and I love shopping. Maybe I have a problem. I’m sure I’d be a lot richer if I didn’t buy so many clothes. I like brands, so the clothes I buy are quite expensive. One day I’m going to have a big clearout. I’ll take all the clothes I no longer wear and give them to charity


🎵Listen 1 minute about: "Coffee ☕️"

📝Transcript: Scientists and doctors can’t make their minds up about coffee. One study says it’s really bad for us and the next report says it’s good for us. I’ve even read that 10 cups a day is good for our brain. I like a cup of coffee at certain times of the day. I must have a coffee first thing in the morning. I can’t survive without my morning coffee. I have another cup or two when I get to work. And that’s it. I never drink coffee after lunchtime. If I do, I can’t sleep at night. The only time I drink coffee in the evening is if I go to a nice restaurant. Coffee seems a lot more complicated these days. When I was younger it was just coffee. Now it’s latte, frappucino and all kinds of other strange words.


🎧Listen 1 minute about: "Chocolate 🍫"

📝Transcript: Anyone who does not absolutely love chocolate is mad. I don’t think I know anyone who dislikes it. Some of my friends say they hate white chocolate or dark chocolate, but then they like some other kind. I think chocolate is one of the best inventions ever. It is also one of life’s true pleasures. There’s nothing better than having your whole mouth full of chocolate and letting it melt. I love pushing the chocolate up against the roof of my mouth and then moving it all around. Yum. I eat chocolate every day. I know it’s bad for our teeth and makes us fat, but I don’t care. I prefer to think about the health benefits of chocolate. I’ve read many articles that say chocolate is good for us.


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