Postlar filtri

Agar eng yaqin do'stim bilan urishayotganimizni ko'rsangiz, aralashmang

O’zi shunday gaplashamiz.

With each passing minute, you are one minute closer to your death

Venice 📍

Leave my channel before delete your account



Support yourself first ❤️

Kmi kmi ortog‘i😗🤣

Weird shit dan repost
I keep checking my phone like I'm important to someone 🙂

Dad is smiling:
It is time to asking money

Lock screen 🥲

I'm who I wasn't

Bzi (bonny and me) ieltsimiz haqida qisqacha:
-reading uzivizi usulda
-listening yarmini sen ql yarmini men
-speaking yashasin google tog‘omiz
-writing same speaking😁

But when 😭

you feel? dan repost
Bulutlar: osmonga qaytgum albat, sen faqat kut.

quick replies from a wrong person is headache

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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