✅ Tibbiy matnlarda eng kõp uchraydigan 10ta tibbiy fraza:
🔻Bring on – nimadirga sabab bõlmoq yoki qandaydir holatga olib kelmoq
— Example: Certain triggers can bring on a seizure.
🔻Deal with – chora kõrmoq,hal qilmoq
— Example: Patients need to know how to deal with their seizures effectively.
🔻Carry out – bajarmoq, amalga oshirmoq
— Example: Doctors carry out tests like EEGs to diagnose epilepsy.
🔻Set off – boshlamoq
— Example: Bright flashing lights can set off seizures in some individuals.
🔻Come down with – kasallikni rivojlanishi
— Example: Someone may come down with epilepsy after a severe head injury.
🔻Follow up – õrganib chiqmoq
— Example: Patients should follow up with their healthcare provider regularly.
🔻Stick to – amal qilmoq, rioya qilmoq
— Example: It is important to stick to your prescribed medication regimen.
🔻Cut down on – nimadirni miqdorini kamaytirish
— Example: Patients are advised to cut down on alcohol consumption.
🔻Go through – Nimadirni boshidan õtkazishdagi qiyinchilik
— Example: Many people go through lifestyle changes when living with epilepsy.
🔻Turn out – natijasi keyin ma'lum bõlmoq
— Example: With proper treatment, it often turns out that epilepsy can be managed effectively.
🔻Bring on – nimadirga sabab bõlmoq yoki qandaydir holatga olib kelmoq
— Example: Certain triggers can bring on a seizure.
🔻Deal with – chora kõrmoq,hal qilmoq
— Example: Patients need to know how to deal with their seizures effectively.
🔻Carry out – bajarmoq, amalga oshirmoq
— Example: Doctors carry out tests like EEGs to diagnose epilepsy.
🔻Set off – boshlamoq
— Example: Bright flashing lights can set off seizures in some individuals.
🔻Come down with – kasallikni rivojlanishi
— Example: Someone may come down with epilepsy after a severe head injury.
🔻Follow up – õrganib chiqmoq
— Example: Patients should follow up with their healthcare provider regularly.
🔻Stick to – amal qilmoq, rioya qilmoq
— Example: It is important to stick to your prescribed medication regimen.
🔻Cut down on – nimadirni miqdorini kamaytirish
— Example: Patients are advised to cut down on alcohol consumption.
🔻Go through – Nimadirni boshidan õtkazishdagi qiyinchilik
— Example: Many people go through lifestyle changes when living with epilepsy.
🔻Turn out – natijasi keyin ma'lum bõlmoq
— Example: With proper treatment, it often turns out that epilepsy can be managed effectively.