Essential words "MONEY" 💸💶
💸 1. To be in debt - qarzda bo'lmoq
I was in debt last year
💸 2. I owe you - men sendan qarzdorman
I owe you just 10$
💸 3. Get into debt - qarzga kirmoq
I got into debt last year
💸 4. Pay off one's debts - qarzlarini to'lamoq
I should pay off my debts on time
💸 5. Save up - pul yig'moq
I'm saving up for a new phone
💸 6. Expenses - xarajatlar
I should cut down on my daily expenses
💸 7. Income - daromat
Teaching is my main source of income
💸 8. Make a living - tirikchilik qilmoq
He makes a living by working as a cook.
💸 1. To be in debt - qarzda bo'lmoq
I was in debt last year
💸 2. I owe you - men sendan qarzdorman
I owe you just 10$
💸 3. Get into debt - qarzga kirmoq
I got into debt last year
💸 4. Pay off one's debts - qarzlarini to'lamoq
I should pay off my debts on time
💸 5. Save up - pul yig'moq
I'm saving up for a new phone
💸 6. Expenses - xarajatlar
I should cut down on my daily expenses
💸 7. Income - daromat
Teaching is my main source of income
💸 8. Make a living - tirikchilik qilmoq
He makes a living by working as a cook.