Common Mistakes
Ushbu gapda qanday xato bor, bilasizmi?
He told that he was busy.
✅ He told me that he was busy.
✅ He said that he was busy.
Kimdir nimadir aytdi demoqchi bo'lsak, "tell" fe'lidan keyin to'ldiruvchi keladi (tell someone), "say" fe'liga shart emas.
Ushbu gapda qanday xato bor, bilasizmi?
He told that he was busy.
✅ He told me that he was busy.
✅ He said that he was busy.
Kimdir nimadir aytdi demoqchi bo'lsak, "tell" fe'lidan keyin to'ldiruvchi keladi (tell someone), "say" fe'liga shart emas.