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Husan Isomiddinov dan repost
I don't usually make advertisements or participate in mutual ad swaps, but I had to set aside my mini-philosophy this time.

My friends started something wonderful in this holy month of faith and prayer, and I’m only happy to contribute, even if in a minute-scale.

Her Bios dan repost
Birgalikda ezgulik ulashamiz!🫂

1 kunda 2000 kishi uchun iftorlik⚡️

☁️2000 dona suv
☁️45 kg xurmo
☁️2000 dona paket

Her Bios va Sinamor kanali tomonidan qilinayotgan ehsonga siz ham qo'shiling!

Biz har bir inson ezgu ishlarga qodirligiga ishonamiz va ko'ngilli talabalarni yaxshilik qilishga chorlab qolamiz.

Saxovatpesha insonlar uchun:
💳 9860170104342382
🪪 Hakimov Sardorbek

"Har bir ehsoningiz mukofoti Allohning cheksiz rahmati va barakasi bo‘lsin!"

Boshqalar bilan ulashing va ehsonga o'z hissayizni qo'shing!

@yanafsu & @ssinamorr

Happy Ramadan Kareem, brothers and sisters🫂

Приход Китайцев в Узбекистан таким объёмом и скоростью настал Узбекистан врасплох.

Инстаграм разрывается опасениями и волнениями местных бизнесменов.

Что интересно о Китайцах это их умения адаптироваться к почти любой среде. Не считая тот факт, что они начали приходить не так давно, многие из них приуспели изучить наш рынок лучше чем мы сами, и к тому же некоторые даже нучились разговаривать на Узбекском.

Что можно сказать - пришло время забыть про "хашаматли той килишим керак" и "кора жентра олишим керак" и начать трудится.

Я всё равно чувствую что менталитет раздельности унаследлванный перед окупацией Средней Азии Российской Империей до сих пор живёт в нашем народе.

Что вы думаете на счёт этого?


378 0 2 26 14


This is arguably one of the most tangible issues of today.

If you noticed, people have become incredibly erratic. They change interests like socks.

Yesterday you saw that friend learning data science, today you see this alien watching "Learn drop shipping in 11 hours" videos on yt or worse getting TRW for 50 bucks🤧

Bottom line: instead of hopping from one cool thing to another, play, as Naval puts it, long-term games.


Glucose-free diet definitely made a huge difference for my brain. I thought it was placebo that my attention span declined unprecedentedly for the entire 5 months i've been dieting - felt like i was just trying so hard to convince myself that my attention span is actually in decline - I never submit to that, but recently, out of sheer curiosity, I decided to check out real research on this to validate my subconscious assumptions.

Turns out, lack of sugar in your blood does hamper your ability to focus, reason, and remember. Brain as the paper says is fueled by sugar, and its paucity can significantly reduce intra-brain neural connectivity. However, excess sugar is also extremely negative, something afaik tightly linked to type 2 diabetes.

So, now, I am trying to get my sugar levels to their normal amount after a nearly half-a-year break.

You can read the Harvard paper here.

Devotion, or what makes success?

Hard work? Persistence? Luck? Genetics?

Yes, these matter, yet there is one trait that makes all the difference: focus.

The ability to shun distractions and concentrate on s single goal is arguably the single most essential skill you need to succeed in any realm in life, be it academics, a passion project, or a career.

The fact is all of us are equally capable. There is no unfairness in terms of human capacity. It's just that some cannot let go of their bad habits and tendencies, while some give it all to get where they want - devote themselves completely to the task at hand.

Def one of my favorite channels. Pleasure to go back and re-read the ideas shared.

Du Rove's Channel dan repost
⭐ Happy Chinese New Year!

Following the success of the Chinese startup DeepSeek, many are surprised at how quickly China has caught up with the US in AI. However, China’s progress in algorithmic efficiency hasn't come out of nothing. Chinese students have long outperformed others in math and programming at international olympiads 🏆

When it comes to producing outstanding performers in math and science, China's secondary education system is superior to that of the West. It fosters fierce competition among students, a principle borrowed from the highly efficient Soviet model 🎖

In contrast, most Western schools discourage competition, prohibiting public announcements of students' grades and rankings. The rationale is understandable — to protect students from pressure or ridicule. However, such measures also predictably demotivate the best students. Victory and defeat are two sides of the same coin. Eliminate the losers — and you eliminate the winners ☯️

For many students, motivation to excel in high school comes from treating it as a competitive game, striving to rank first against strong opponents. Removing transparency in student performance can make school feel meaningless for ambitious teenagers. It’s not surprising that many gifted kids now find competitive gaming more exciting than academics — at least in video games, they can see how each player ranks 😵

Telling all students they are champions, regardless of performance, may seem kind — until you consider how quickly reality will shatter this illusion after graduation. Reality, unlike well-meaning school policies, does have public grades and rankings — whether in sports, business, science, or technology. AI benchmarks that demonstrate DeepSeek's superiority are one of such public rankings. And more are coming. Unless the US secondary education system undergoes radical reform, China’s growing dominance in technology seems inevitable 🇨🇳

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
'If we have that 8am-to-9pm spirit, then we should all go and do something else.'

Teaching is actually incredibly hard, especially if you are not a natural.

My younger brother, who hates math, forgot the long division algorithm (which ig we cover in primary school), and I completely lost my head trying to explain it to him the other day. +kids at that age ask so many questions that it sends your head spinning.

Kudos to every teacher out there. I feel you all!🤧🤝

675 0 0 18 22

It's all in your head.

You are as incapable, unhappy, uncreative, unsuccessful, unintelligent as you convince yourself to be.

Your sufferings are 99% perceived. Most of the pain you tell yourself you experience is merely the pigment of your beliefs and imagination.

It's you who can create the life you want, and you who can just be so stubborn to force it not to happen.

Imagine the perfect life possible. If you could, that already means it's possible to bring about. The only thing that remains is making it a reality.

By the way, these are some of my best pics from Korea 🇰🇷🌉

Although taking pictures isn't exactly my forte, here are three brightest memories.

1. Haeundae Beach in Busan

2. Squid Game stairs(?) in Seoul

3. Incheon Bridge - 21 kilometers of cable-stayed concrete connecting mainland Incheon and Yeongjong Island (Incheon Airport).

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Some of you know, last September I went to a Korean university - partly to experience a different culture, partly to study something relevant to computer science in a more developed country than Uzbekistan.

Although I loved the culture, country, and people, I wasn't so positive about the university. With its unchallenging environment, subpar education, non-diverse student body, hilly campus, and a lack of Korean training classes for AI majors, it seemed incongruent with the stunning coastal metropolitan cityscape of Busan.

Reflecting on my first semester there, I am now considering to switch my university to some place decent. However, while in previous years I was single-minded about my preference to go to an American college, now, after seeing what Asia has to offer, I am more or else convinced that Korea is even better.

With its beautiful nature, incredibly nice people, peaceful environment, and well-developed, continuously growing tech industry, Korea feels second to none when it comes to choosing a country to make your career or maybe even live in.

There are a number of great institutions in Seoul alone that I am considering to apply to as soon as their application opens: Korea University, Yonsei, SKKU, SNU, and Hanyang. Besides, there are a couple of unis I applied via Common App as a safety that I am pretty sure are going to be greedy with financial aid.

To wrap up, I still believe that college is more about fun and networking than building skills and learning - you can do the latter without going to college. But for now, I will be honing my writing, reading more, learning more, coding more, and (hopefully) posting more.

687 0 5 23 16

By Azim dan repost
time to show the true power of Islam (extensively)

661 0 3 11 14

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

It was lovely! @karimsblog was absolutely demolished.

@pfr_sam thanks! 900+ hrs in CSGO is pretty astonishing I have to say.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.