Tashkent kindergarten abuse scandal: Cover-up attempt causes public outcry, owner linked to government official
Following the incident involving the private kindergarten Tanzilandia in Tashkent, the Senate sent a request to the Minister of Preschool and School Education for an explanation, while the ministry stated that the situation is being investigated. However, parents fear that the case is being covered up.
📹👉 https://kun.uz/en/49316741
➡️ Kun.uz official channel
Following the incident involving the private kindergarten Tanzilandia in Tashkent, the Senate sent a request to the Minister of Preschool and School Education for an explanation, while the ministry stated that the situation is being investigated. However, parents fear that the case is being covered up.
📹👉 https://kun.uz/en/49316741
➡️ Kun.uz official channel