Postlar filtri

qiziq bir narsa. ko‘zimizning sklerasi (oq qismi) suyakdek qattiq to‘qimadan iborat bo‘lsa-da, uning usti har doim tuzli suv — ya’ni natriy xlorid (sho‘r ko‘z yoshi) bilan qoplangan. yig‘lagan paytingizda buni his qilgan bo‘lsangiz kerak (buni yoshlikda his qilganlar qanchamiz?)) ) — sho‘r suv. nega oddiy suv emas? agar ko‘zimizni qoplab turgan yosh chuchuk suv bo‘lsa, u 0°C da muzlab qolgan bo‘lar edi. sho‘r suv esa muzlash haroratini pasaytiradi, shuning uchun ham ko‘z yoshimiz ozgina tuzli bo‘ladi

144 0 4 18 25

194 0 0 11 20


262 0 1 10 21

Чапани футбол dan repost

419 0 3 11 27

ko'lmak dan repost
When you feel the daraja of your friends🔥🔥🔥

I have been doing detox fast for 2 weeks. It seems a good thing not to get cheap dopamine. I was too addicted to scrolling on instagram, it was over scrolling.

After this action, I started to feel less dopamine in a day. So, I began to search this dopamine from other 1 or 2 useful stuff. However, now my addiction to PES is getting worse(

I strongly recommend it to you if scrolling is happening with you as well.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Alga FC - updated version 💀

I think that God gives you people that you need to learn smth. Then after the mission is completed, they may leave you maybe (leaving is not like not seeing each other again in the lifetime).

I feel like Everything is connected, like the string theory is kind of true even in our life. That’s why we live in the sababiyat dunya.

Mojaristondan yangiliklar. 3-dunyo mamlakatlari (xususan, Markaziy Osiyo) uchun 25 yoshdan kichiklarga yo’q bo’lgan 15% lik soliq joriy etildi. Ya’ni, endi bizda ham soliq bor agar ishlasangiz

Kuningiz xayrli o’tsin :)

423 0 0 21 16

Van Dijk Abdukodir Khusanov 👀

Idk, but I don’t believe in this

593 0 1 19 16

Van Dijk x Busquets

605 0 0 17 17

you know, the new year holiday is like meaningless, imo. bcz nothing won’t change. it is not magical thing you know. your problems won’t be changed. it is just a new day. maybe you can get the motivation and do something. but it doesn’t work at all. you can’t do it unless yourself, your personality and mindset change.

if you want holiday, look, we have a holiday once a week. let’s celebrate this one. let’s make it special. let’s invite somebody, make a delicious dinner and make a conversation. so, everything is up to us. it is your life, it is your decision. you just need to determine your priorities and goals.

maybe it should be kinda day to analyze ourself

too much words, btw ✌️

1 am
Home-made halal burgers 🍔😊

646 0 0 10 20

Language-Intersection. FR
(c) me


this semester finished today. In the beginning of the semester, I thought that I would fail and I would take one extra year due to my academic side. But Alhamdulillah, I was able to do academic comeback with my friend Alkeldi. I am really happy and I am done. Btw, 1.5 oy kanikul 😉

600 0 0 39 14

The best Professor

610 0 0 20 19

Average engineering class chat

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.