Jakhongir Sagdullaev

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

Every coder has their journey. This is mine.
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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Goodreads is a social network for book lovers. It is owned by Amazon. Here you can get book recommendations, read or write a book review, rate a book and many more things. It basically deals with book enthusiasts. Just like Facebook, you can make an account for free, add friends etc. If you’re a book lover then you’re going to love it.

I've fallen woefully behind on my reading so plan to use Goodreads as motivation to get my back on track


What is a 1X Engineer?

You might have already heard of a 10x engineer. Probably too often, actually. If there's such a thing as a 10x engineer, surely there must be a 1x engineer, too?



I hope everyone is doing well. I decide to delete all my blogs for now.

stay connected, take care of yourself :)

Azim Pulat dan repost
Facebook'dan Offer Oldim 🎉

Manba: azimjon.com/blog/facebookdan-offer-oldim

​​Lombardi time

Vince Lombardi, the football coach was famous for what they called Lombardi time. Lombardi time was defined as “fifteen minutes before the scheduled time”. If the bus was scheduled to leave at 9:00 a.m, all the players were trained to be there at 8:45 a.m. If you weren’t there, the bus would leave without you.

Start practicing Lombardi time in every area of your life. Make a decision not just to be on time, but to be ten to fifteen minutes early for every appointment.

​​The perfect moment never comes.

In recent days, I came across with another experience that I wanted to apply to a big tech company. I prepared a lot for the interview, but waited for the perfect moment.

There were two options:
1) get an offer
2) internship

At that moment I was confident that at least I could get an internship. The recruiter invited me twice for an interview, but I canceled because I wanted to prepare and get an offer, not an intern.

At the end of the day, when I was ready and wanted to apply, the position I wanted to apply was closed. Now I need to wait about 4-5 months.

So, based on this experience, I want to advise you:
• Never let recruiters wait long.
• The perfect time never comes, if there is a chance, try with this knowledge.

10x Engineer dan repost
Как переехать в США через EPAM и получить грин карту

- Поработать в любом офисе EPAM 12+ месяцев.
- Запросить релокацию в США. Найти проект и пройти собеседование.
- Получить L1 визу.
- Через год после релокации запросить EPAM начать процесс грин карты. Не путайте с лотереей, это другой процесс с высокими шансами на получение. Подробнее в статье.
- Дождаться от 1 до 5 лет до получения гринки и вуаля!
- Весь путь займёт от 3,5 до 7,5 лет.
- Эта статья применима к большинству аутсорс компаний.

Читать подробную инструкцию на Хабре



​​Do I need math for programming?

- Yes, you need it. But if you're not good at math right now, that shouldn't stop you from starting to learn programming.

Start learning and the time will come when you will know when you need math.

A great resource for learning math: uz.khanacademy.org/math

​​Nodirbek started a new telegram channel for preparation on technical interviews.

Link: https://lnkd.in/gdDyy9h


• Network a lot
• Find your circle of people to grow with
• Stay curious, expand your knowledge

Do you think a doctor or medical student can be a coder?

Yes. There is a job called "Medical Software Engineer" that deals with data, management, advanced medical application development or software development for all hospital procedures. AI services are also becoming popular these days.

You can also work in research areas such as Bioinformatics, Biomedical Engineering and Computational Medicine.

Imagine if college taught you technologies currently used in industries, assigned you real life problems and forced you to build projects, instead of mugging up old outdated topics and write exams. 💭

Okaay stop imagining, that's never gonna happen.

Start learning on you own.


​​Today I heard that my friend Umar got a job at one of the big companies called EPAM. I was happy for him because he was always trying to achieve something big. Here’s a photo of our first LinkedIn chat. A year ago we also started learning from almost zero, but the main thing is trying! Be patient and never stop trying!

Congratulations Umar muhandis)

Why can't I focus while coding?

You don’t have enough passion maybe. Don’t force yourself into something you don’t like. Specially programming. In programming we stuck with one bug for days, months! If you don’t have enough passion, don’t come to this. It's good that now many people want to learn programming, but be prepared for difficulties, because this area also has its drawbacks.

How many hours per day should I spend learning programming?

My answer: It depends on!

It depends on your energy,
It depends on your situation,
It depends on your goals ...

What's really important is to work hard right now when you have the time and energy!

Ramazon hayiti barchaga muborak bo’lsin! 🌙😊

Osmondagi Bolalar loyihasi uchun jamoamiz bilan tayyorlagan botimiz, kirib tekshirib ko’rasizlar 😊


Deyarli har kuni 🙃

0. Biror error duch kelib qoldi
1. Debugging bosqichi
2. Yechim topilmadi
3. Imposter sindromi boshlanadi
4. Kasb tanlash bo'yicha savollar
5. Hayotiy savollar
6. Eh, kodda xato yozibman
7. Ishladi!
8. Men yaxshi dasturchiman
9. Men hamma narsani qila olaman

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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