Islamic Finance

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

Studying for Master of Islamic Banking in Malaysia
For contact: @uftod_a

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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1. What is a Problem Statement

A problem statement is a clear, concise description of an issue that your research aims to address. It establishes:

The research problem (What is the issue?)
Why it matters (Why is it important?)
What has been done so far (What do previous studies say?)
The research gap (What is missing?)
How your study will address it (What’s your contribution?)

2. Structure of a Problem Statement

A strong problem statement typically has three main parts:

(A) Background of the Problem

✔️Briefly introduce the broader topic.
✔️Provide some context about why this issue is relevant.
✔️Use statistics or real-world examples if possible.

📌 Example:
"Takaful, an Islamic alternative to conventional insurance, has gained traction worldwide. However, in Uzbekistan, its adoption remains low despite increasing awareness of Islamic finance."

(B) Existing Research and Research Gap

✔️Summarize what past studies have explored.
✔️Highlight what is missing or unclear in the literature.

📌 Example:
"Previous studies have examined factors affecting Takaful adoption, such as religiosity, trust, and affordability. However, the role of financial knowledge in influencing customer perception remains underexplored, particularly in emerging markets like Uzbekistan."

(C) Purpose of Your Study

✔️State how your research will fill the gap.
✔️Briefly mention your research focus.

📌 Example:
"This study aims to investigate how financial knowledge influences Takaful adoption in Uzbekistan, with customer perception as a mediating factor. Understanding this relationship can help policymakers and financial institutions design better awareness programs to boost participation in the Takaful sector."

3. Tips for Writing a Strong Problem Statement

✅ Keep it clear and concise (200-300 words is ideal).
✅ Use data and references from previous studies.
✅ Clearly state what is missing in the literature.
✅ Ensure your problem is specific and researchable.
✅ Link your study to real-world relevance (Why does it matter?).

Ислом молияси | Islom moliyasi dan repost
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480 ta ovoz

Ислом молияси | Islom moliyasi dan repost
Қарз берган одам қарздорни олдига бориб "бу сизга закот", деб унга пул берди. Қарздор пулни қўлига олгандан кейин эса, "энди сизни пулингиз бор, олган қарзингизни қайтаринг", деди. Қарздор қарзини қайтарди. Шу усулда зиммадаги закотни адо этиш мумкинми?
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#Summary_ №11

Predicting customers’ adoption towards family takaful scheme in Pakistan using diffusion theory of innovation

This paper examines the determinants influencing customers' decisions on adopting family Takaful by extending Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) Theory in the context of Pakistan. For primary data collection, questionnaires were distributed to 350 non-users of family Takaful schemes through convenience sampling. Out of these 350 surveys, 282 were retrieved. The research constructs in this study are awareness, religious beliefs, perceived complexity, perceived compatibility, and perceived relative advantage.

In the introduction, the researchers provide a thorough explanation of DOI – Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Theory – highlighting the five stages of the innovation-decision process, which are as follows: Knowledge, Persuasion, Decision, Implementation, and Confirmation. Based on these constructs, a total of 8 hypotheses were developed. Some examples:

H1: Awareness significantly influences the adoption of family Takaful by customers in Pakistan.
H2: Religious beliefs have a significant positive relationship with family Takaful adoption.
H6: Gender moderates the relationship between customers and family Takaful adoption.

A pilot test was conducted before the actual survey, and for this purpose, five experts were consulted. Based on their recommendations, the questionnaire was modified.

In summary, the findings revealed that four factors – awareness, compatibility, relative advantage, and religious beliefs – significantly and positively influenced the adoption of family Takaful, with religious beliefs being the most influential factor. However, complexity had no significant impact on customer decisions.





a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining a particular object or putting a particular idea into effect.
"the occupational sick pay scheme"

Similar words:
plan of action

O'zbek: 1. reja 2. dastur

What is a Pilot Test in Research

A pilot test (pilot study) is a small-scale preliminary study conducted before the main research to test the feasibility, reliability, and validity of the research instruments (e.g., questionnaires, surveys, interviews).

It helps researchers identify potential issues and refine their study design before full-scale data collection.

Why Conduct a Pilot Test?

✅ 1. To Test the Questionnaire’s Clarity

✔️Ensures that all questions are understandable and interpreted correctly by respondents.
✔️Helps identify ambiguous or confusing questions.

🔹 Example: If a financial literacy survey asks,
"Do you understand the principles of risk pooling in Takaful?"
and respondents struggle to answer, you may need to simplify or rephrase it.

✅ 2. To Identify Technical or Structural Issues

✔️Checks for issues like questionnaire length, wording problems, or inconsistent response formats.

🔹 Example: If respondents get tired before completing the survey, the questionnaire might be too long, requiring a reduction in questions.

✅ 3. To Assess Reliability & Validity

✔️Reliability: Ensures that responses remain consistent if tested multiple times.
✔️Validity: Confirms that questions measure what they are supposed to measure.

🔹 Example: If your questionnaire aims to measure Takaful awareness, but respondents misinterpret awareness-related questions, validity is compromised.

✅ 4. To Test Sampling & Data Collection Methods

✔️Helps determine whether the sampling method is effective.
✔️Checks if respondents are willing to participate and complete the survey.

🔹 Example: If you planned to collect data online, but many respondents don’t respond, you may need an offline alternative.

✅ 5. To Refine Statistical Analysis

✔️Helps test if your chosen statistical methods (e.g., SEM, t-test) are suitable.
✔️Ensures the dataset is not too small or too large for meaningful analysis.

🔹 Example: If a t-test requires equal-sized groups, but your pilot data shows unequal group sizes, you may need to adjust your sampling.

How to Conduct a Pilot Test?

Step 1: Select a Small Sample Size

✔️Typically 10-30 respondents from your target population.
✔️The sample should be similar to the final study’s participants.

🔹 Example: If your main study targets Takaful customers in Malaysia, your pilot study should include 10-30 customers from the same demographic.

Step 2: Distribute the Questionnaire

✔️Use the same method planned for the main study (e.g., online surveys, face-to-face interviews).
✔️Ask respondents to provide feedback on unclear or difficult questions.

Step 3: Analyze Responses

✔️Look for inconsistent or missing answers.
✔️Check for statistical reliability (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha for internal consistency).

🔹 Example: If a Likert scale question on financial knowledge gets inconsistent responses, you may need to reword or remove it.

Step 4: Revise & Improve

✔️Modify unclear questions based on feedback.
✔️Adjust sampling or data collection methods if needed.
✔️Ensure all variables can be measured effectively.


A pilot test is essential for improving the accuracy and efficiency of the research. It ensures that the survey is clear, reliable, and valid, preventing major issues in the final study.




alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.
"he smoothed his hair and adjusted his tie"

Similar words:

#Summary_ №10

Perception and Adoption of Islamic Insurance in Malaysia: An Empirical Study

(Lukman Olorogun Ayinde and Abdelghani Echchabi)

This research examines the achievements of the Takaful industry by assessing customer satisfaction and perception of Takaful services in Malaysia. The study is based on Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Model, focusing on five key variables: uncertainty, awareness, compatibility, social influence, and relative advantage. Among these, the primary focus is awareness and compatibility, leading to the hypotheses that customer awareness positively impacts the adoption of Islamic insurance in Malaysia, and compatibility has a positive impact on the adoption of Islamic Insurance in Malaysia.

For data collection, questionnaires were randomly distributed to individual customers across both major and smaller cities in Malaysia. A total of 200 surveys were distributed, with 168 valid responses, resulting in an 84% response rate. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and t-tests.

The findings indicate that most respondents have sufficient awareness of Takaful services and a high willingness to shift to Islamic insurance. Additionally, customers perceive Takaful as compatible with their religious and financial values as well as their lifestyles.

Interestingly, after thorough analysis, only awareness and compatibility were found to significantly influence Takaful adoption in Malaysia. The other three variables—social influence, relative advantage, and uncertainty—had no significant impact on customer decisions. These findings align with previous research, reinforcing the idea that Malaysian customers are willing to adopt Takaful.




based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
"they provided considerable empirical evidence to support their argument"

Similar words:


A construct in research

A construct is a theoretical concept, theme, or idea based on empirical observations. It's a variable that's usually not directly measurable.
Example: Psychologists develop and research constructs to understand individual and group differences. Some common constructs include: Self-esteem.

A research construct is an abstraction that researchers use to represent a phenomenon that's not directly observable. Examples of research constructs include self-esteem, motivation, and job satisfaction. A research construct differs from a research variable in that it is not directly measurable.

Key Differences Between SEM and t-test

What is a t-test

2️⃣. t-test (Student’s t-test)

A t-test is a statistical test used to compare the means of two groups to determine if the difference is statistically significant.

Types of t-tests

1. Independent Samples t-test
Compares means between two different groups.
Example: Comparing Takaful adoption rates between financially literate and non-literate individuals.

2. Paired Samples t-test (Dependent t-test)
Compares means from the same group before and after an intervention.
Example: Measuring customer perception of Takaful before and after an awareness campaign.

3. One-Sample t-test
Compares the sample mean against a known population mean.
Example: Checking if the average financial literacy score in your study differs from the national average.

How Does a t-test Work?

✔️It calculates the t-statistic based on the difference in means and the variability in data.
✔️The p-value determines statistical significance (if p < 0.05, the difference is significant).

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)❓

1️⃣. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

What is SEM?

Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is an advanced statistical technique used to test relationships between multiple variables simultaneously. It combines elements of:

✔️Factor analysis (to measure unobservable concepts like perception or attitude),
✔️Regression analysis (to test cause-and-effect relationships),
✔️Path analysis (to visualize relationships between variables).

Key Components of SEM

1. Latent Variables (Unobserved Variables)

✔️These are theoretical concepts that cannot be directly measured (e.g., "Customer Perception").
✔️They are inferred from multiple observed variables (indicators).

2. Observed Variables (Indicators)

✔️These are directly measured variables (e.g., survey questions on customer perception).

3. Measurement Model

✔️This part of SEM examines how well observed variables represent latent variables (like in Factor Analysis).

4. Structural Model

✔️This examines the relationships between latent variables (like in Regression Analysis).

SEM helps test:

✔️Whether financial knowledge significantly influences Takaful adoption.
✔️Whether customer perception mediates this relationship.

Why Use SEM?

✅ Tests multiple relationships at once.
✅ Identifies direct and indirect effects (mediation analysis).
✅ Accounts for measurement errors.




(of a quality or state) existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden or concealed.
"they have a huge reserve of latent talent"

Similar words:



The ability to test the intervention on a small scale in the organization, and to be able to reverse course (undo implementation) if warranted.

What is another word for trialability?
Trial, test, examination, scrutiny, experiment


align with

to be the same or similar, or to agree with each other; to make two things do this: align with
The post was deleted because it did not align with the values of this website.

Diffusion of Innovations Theory❓

Everett Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Theory
explains how new ideas, products, or technologies spread within a society or social system over time. The model identifies key elements that influence adoption and categorizes people into five adopter groups.

1️⃣. The Four Main Elements of Diffusion

According to Rogers (1962), the spread of an innovation depends on four key factors:

1. The Innovation – The new idea, product, or practice being introduced.
2. Communication Channels – How information about the innovation is shared (e.g., media, word of mouth, social media).
3. Time – The rate at which the innovation is adopted.
4. Social System – The community or group in which the innovation spreads.

2️⃣. The Five Stages of the Innovation-Decision Process

People go through five stages before adopting an innovation:

1. Knowledge – The individual learns about the innovation.
Example: A person hears about Takaful insurance for the first time through a social media post.

2. Persuasion – The person develops an attitude (positive or negative) toward the innovation.
Example: After reading success stories about Takaful, the person becomes interested.

3. Decision – The person chooses whether to adopt or reject the innovation.
Example: After consulting friends and financial advisors, the person decides to sign up for Takaful.

4. Implementation – The person starts using the innovation.
Example: The individual subscribes to a Family Takaful plan and begin making monthly contributions.

5. Confirmation – The individual reflects on the decision and may continue or abandon the innovation.
Example: The person experiences the benefits of Takaful (e.g., receiving coverage for medical expenses) and recommends it to others.

3️⃣. The Five Categories of Adopters

Rogers identified five groups based on how quickly they adopt an innovation:

1. Innovators (2.5%) – Risk-takers who try new things first.
Example: A fintech startup introduces digital Takaful products, and early technology enthusiasts subscribe immediately.

2. Early Adopters (13.5%) – Opinion leaders who influence others.
Example: A well-known Islamic scholar endorses Takaful, encouraging many followers to join.

3. Early Majority (34%) – Thoughtful adopters who wait for proven benefits.
Example: Once digital Takaful gains positive reviews, more people sign up.

4. Late Majority (34%) – Skeptical individuals who adopt due to peer pressure or necessity.
Example: Some people only join Takaful after realizing they need financial protection for their families.

5. Laggards (16%) – Traditionalists who resist change and adopt last.
Example: Some individuals stick to conventional insurance and only switch to Takaful when it becomes mainstream.

4️⃣. Factors Affecting the Rate of Adoption

Five characteristics influence how quickly an innovation spreads:

1. Relative Advantage – How much better the innovation is compared to existing options.
Example: Takaful is marketed as a more ethical alternative to conventional insurance.

2. Compatibility – How well it fits with cultural values and needs.
Example: Takaful aligns with Islamic principles, making it appealing to Muslim customers.

3. Complexity – How easy it is to understand and use.
Example: Digital platforms make Takaful easier to access, increasing adoption.

4. Trialability – Whether it can be tested before full commitment.
Example: Some companies offer short-term Takaful plans to attract new users.

5. Observability – How visible its benefits are to others.
Example: If people see friends benefiting from Takaful, they are more likely to join.


Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation model helps explain how and why people adopt new products like Takaful. By understanding these factors, marketers and policymakers can develop better strategies to promote innovations effectively.



declare one's public approval or support of.
"the report was endorsed by the college"

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.