。.✿ 𝔉𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔷𝔢𝔯𝔬 𝔱𝔬 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔬 ✿.。

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

𝐈𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐳 𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐪𝐢𝐥 𝐪𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐳 𝐭𝐞𝐳 𝐯𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

Связанные каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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📋 Ways To say "I don't know"

☑️Kanalimizga obuna bo'ling👇

🟢 Vocabulary notes:

🔰 arm-chair - kreslo
🔰 bedding - to’shak anjomlari
🔰 bed-sidetable - karavot yonida turadigan stolcha
🔰 bed-spread - choyshab
🔰 blanket - odeyal, kampal
🔰 blanket-cover - choyshab
🔰 book-case - kitob javoni
🔰 book-shelf - kitob tokchasi
🔰 broom - supurgi
🔰 carpet - gilam
🔰 central-heating - markaziy isitish
🔰 chest of drawers - komod, past javon
🔰 china - chinni
🔰 to consist of - ... tashkil topmoq, (...dan iborat bolmoq)
🔰 construction - qurilish
🔰 cot, crib - bolalar karavati
🔰 creadle - beshik
🔰 cupboard - bufet, javon
🔰 desk - yozuv stoli
🔰 dinner-table - ovqatlanish stoli
🔰 dish - tarelka, idish, ovqat, taom
🔰 door-mat - oyoq artgich, poyandoz
🔰 door-step - ostona
🔰 double-bed - qo’sh karavot
🔰 drawer - tortma stol, shkaf
🔰 dressing table - kiyinish stoli 25
🔰 duster - latta (chang artish uchun)
🔰 dwelling house - turar joy
🔰 electricity - elektr quvvati
🔰 entrance - kirish
🔰 entrance-hall - vestibyul
🔰 floor-lamp - torsher
🔰 fork - vilka
🔰 furniture - mebel, jihoz
🔰 to furnish - jihozlamoq
🔰 furnished - jihozlangan
🔰 gas-stove - gaz plitasi
🔰 glass - stakan, ryumka
🔰 ground-floor - birinchi qavat
🔰 hedge - to’siq, panjara
🔰 housing construction - qurilish
🔰 to improve - yaxshilanmoq, tuzatmoq
🔰 inconvenient - noqulay, nobop, ongaysiz
🔰 kettle - chovgum (choy qaynatadigan idish)
🔰 kitchen-table - oshxona stoli
🔰 lamp-shade - abajur (lampa qalpogi)
🔰 lavatory - hojatxona
🔰 living-conditions - yashash sharoitlari
🔰 living-room - mehmonxona
🔰 looking-glass - kozgu, oyna
🔰 to make one's bed - karavotni tartibga keltirmoq
🔰 to move to a new house - yangi uyga kochib otmoq
🔰 mustard-pot - gorchisadon
🔰 napkin - salfetka, qogoz sochiq
🔰 neighbour - qoshni
🔰 neighbourhood - qoshnichilik
🔰 to overlook - ... ga qaragan bolmoq
🔰 pail - chelak
🔰 bucket - chelak
🔰 pan - kastryulka
🔰 to paper the walls - devorga oboy (gul qogoz) yopishtirmoq
🔰 papered walls - oboy yopishtirilgan devorlar
🔰 parquet-flooring - parket pol
🔰 pepper-box - murchdon
🔰 piece of furniture - mebel, jihoz
🔰 pillow - yostiq
🔰 pillow-case - yostiq jildi
🔰 plate - tarelka
🔰 porcelain - chinni
🔰 pot - qozon
🔰 quilt - ko’rpa
🔰 radio-set - radiopriyomnik
🔰 refrigerator - xolodilnik (sovutgich), muzlatgich
🔰 rolling pin - uqlogi, juva
🔰 running water - vodoprovod
🔰 roof - tom
🔰 chemney - tutun chiqadigan truba
🔰 staircase - narvon (zina poya)
🔰 blind - parda, darparda
🔰 to pull down the blinds - pardalarni tushirmoq
🔰 curtain - parda
🔰 to draw the curtain - pardani tushirmoq
🔰 bedroom - yotoqxona
🔰 nursery - bolalar xonasi
🔰 kitchen - oshxona (ovqat tayyorlaydigan xona)
🔰 bath-room - vannaxona 27
🔰 water-closet - hojatxona
🔰 washing-machine - kir yuvadigan mashina
🔰 sewing-machine - tikuv mashinasi
🔰 vacuum cleaner - chang yutgich
🔰 set of furniture - garnitur (bir turda bulgan narsalar yig’indisi
🔰 to have a house-warming party - uy toyi o’tkazmoq
🔰 shutters - deraza eshigi
🔰 store-room - ombor, omborcha
🔰 dresser - idish-tovoqlar shkafi
🔰 utensils - oshxona anjomlari
🔰 mincer (mincing machine) - gosht qiyma qiladigan asbob
🔰 refuse-chute - axlat tashlaydigan quvur
🔰 court (yard) - hovli
🔰 shed (born) - ogilxona (mol saqlaydigan joy)
🔰 bungalow - bir qavatli dala hovli
🔰 electric bulb - elektr lampasi
🔰 pendant lamp - osma chiroq
🔰 chandelier - qandil, chilchiroq

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On November 15, 2022, the population of planet Earth officially surpassed 8 billion people.


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Wish you a blessed and pleasant Jummah. May this valuable day bring satisfaction in your heart and fill your life with the endowments of Allah!

🎥Prominent Movies📽 dan repost
🌙 Kириб келган "Қурбон Ҳайити” куни муборак бўлсин.

🕌 Яқинларимизни биринчи бўлиб табриклаймиз❗️ 👇


🎥Prominent Movies📽 dan repost
Assalomu aleykum aziz dindoshlar Qurbon hayiti muborak bo'lsin barchqngizga. Honadoningizdan qut-baraka. Ilmingiz ziyoda bo'lsin va ishlaringizni rivojini bersin. Niyyatingizga yeting.

Hurmat bilan Prominent Movies kanali adminstratsiyasi va o'z nomimdan sizlarni tabriklayman.

Shelbiylar oilasi - PEAKY BLINDERS
Marvel kinolari - WONDERFUL MARVEL

Qachonlardir kanalim katta edi😔

Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear 🤓

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I have a best friend ever in my life named Ashutosh. He is someone special in my life who helps me in my every difficulty. He is someone who showed me right path. He always has time for me even in his busy schedule. He is my neighbour that’s why we become together even after school time. We go together at picnic whenever we get vacation from school. We enjoy our festival holidays together and with each other’s family. We go to see Ramlila fair in the Ramlila ground together and enjoy a lot. We always take part in every extracurricular activities of the school. We love to play cricket and carom at home. He is more than a mentor for me because he always gives me right decisions whenever I become in difficulty.

He is so special for me in my life; I never do anything without him. He always become in a good mood and never compromise with wrong ways. He always does right things and motivates every one of us in the classroom to do the same. He always has smiling face even in his difficult times and never let his difficulties to come on his face. He is a good counsellor and loves to explain anything. He cares for his parents, grandparents and other family members. He obeys them always and other old people of the society. I met him first time when I was in the fifth grade and now we are in 8th standard in the same section.

He is very tall and looks different from my other classmates. Once I was very upset because of money problem. I could not buy all necessary books in the class 6. He asked me, what happened and I told him my story. He said that, for this small problem you are so worry and not happy for some days. He laughed and told me that don’t worry we can share all books in the school as well as at home. You don’t need to buy even any single book for whole year. After that he made me laugh through his jokes and stories. I never forget that moment he helped me and always become ready to help him too. He is so practical and never mixes the personal and professional life. He helps me always whenever I get difficulties in solving my Maths homework. Our likes and dislikes never match however we are best friends.

🌐Kanalimizga obuna bo'ling

☑️IQ = Intelligence Quotient

☑️ID = Identification

☑️CD = Compact Disc
☑️DVD = Digital Video-Disc / Digital Versatile Disc

☑️PhD = Doctor of philosophy
☑️ISO = International Organization for Standardization
☑️ICU = Intensive Care Unit
☑️AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

☑️ISBN = International Standard Book Number

☑️OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

☑️IRNA = Islamic Republic News Agency

☑️ISNA = Iranian Student News Agency
☑️TOEFL = Test of English as a Foreign Language
☑️IELTS = International English Language Testing System
☑️UNESCO = United Nations Educational Scientific and CulturalOrganization

☑️UNICEF = United Nations Children’s Fund / United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

☑️PIN = Personal Identification Number
☑️SIM card =Subscriber Identification Module

= age, sex, location
= Private Message

= Personal Computer

☑️etc. = et cetera

= versus

= exempli gratia

= id est

= ante meridiem

= post meridiem
= Anno Domini

= Before Christ

= British Broadcasting Corporation

= Cable News Network

= Central Intelligence Agency

= Global Positioning System

= Federal Bureau of Investigation

= liquid crystal display

= Multimedia Messaging Service
= National Aeronautics and Space Administration

= National Basketball Association

= Very Important Person

= Portable Document Format

Maximiser Speaking.pdf
#speaking #Maximiser #IELTS SPEAKING #part3

Maximiser Speaking☘

📓100 Absolutely Essential Topics(A-Z)

Btw I'm using this book myself currently and I would say that it gives you a bomb IDEAS😍 for Speaking Part 3 questions

p.s : from IELTSmates

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