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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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TOEFL Tashkent dan repost
👏 23 - fevralda topshirilgan TOEFL ibt testi natijalari

2 natija

✅ TOEFL 111 = C2 = IELTS 8.0
✅ TOEFL 111 = C2 = IELTS 8.0

🥳👏IELTS 8.0 natija va Speaking 23

📍AQSH, KANADA, YEVROPA da universitetlarga qabul qilishadi

Sizga ham TOEFL ibt C1 sertifikati kerak bo'lsa 👉 @TOEFL_admin

GRE Tashkent dan repost
🗄 All GRE books

📚 Essential vocabulary for SAT and GRE

📚 GRE Physics test practice book

📚 Barron's essential words for the GRE

📚 GRE exam verbal workbook

📚 GRE in Physics


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📚 GRE premier 2011-2012

📚 GRE vocabulary flash review

📚 GRE complete guide 2012

📚 GRE Writing Assessment

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📚 GRE 500 math questions

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📚 GRE 4000 words

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📚 GRE vocabulary pictured

📚 GRE master wordlist

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📚 GRE unique strategies

📚 GRE words in context

📚 GRE practice tests 2018

📚 preparation for the GRE test 2017

📚 GRE mathematics test

📚 cracking the GRE 2016

📚 GRE practice tests

📚 new strategic approach

📚 preparation for the GRE test 2016

📚 conquering GRE stress Management and perfect study plan

📚 conquering GRE verbal and writing

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📚 GRE analytical writing supreme

📚 GRE official guide to general test

📚 GRE complete guide 2019-2020

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📚 GRE conquering verbal reasoning and analytical writing

📚 GRE conquering math

📚 GRE 500 math questions

📚 GRE green book

📚 GRE yellow book 2

Join the channel: @gre_tashkent1

TOEFL Tashkent dan repost
👏 23 - 24 sentyabr topshirilgan TOEFL ibt testi natijalari

2ta natija

✅ TOEFL 107 = C1 = IELTS 7.5
✅ TOEFL 106 = C1 = IELTS 7.5

📍AQSH, CANADA, EVROPA da universitetlarga qabul qilishadi

Sizga ham TOEFL ibt B2/C1 sertificat 1 hafta ichida kerak bo'lsa 👉 @TOEFL_admin

TOEFL Tashkent dan repost
👏 1-2-3 - iyulda topshirilgan TOEFL ibt testi natijalari

4 ta natija
✅ TOEFL 106 = C1 = IELTS 7.5
✅ TOEFL 95 = C1 = IELTS 7.0
✅ TOEFL 94 = C1 = IELTS 7.0
✅ TOEFL 92 = B2 = IELTS 6.5

📍AQSH, CANADA, EVROPA da universitetlarga qabul qilishadi

👉 @TOEFL_admin

TOEFL Tashkent dan repost
🏆 4-fevralda topshirilgan TOEFL ibt testi natijalari

3ta natija
✅ TOEFL 102=C1
✅ TOEFL 98=C1
✅ TOEFL 95=C1

Sertifikat va natija egasi fikrlari bilan ulashamiz

Sizga ham C1 yoki B2 daraja sertifikat kerak bo'lsa bizga murojaat qiling

👉 @TOEFL_admin

TOEFL Tashkent dan repost
🏆 18-19-20-dekabrda topshirilgan TOEFL ibt testi natijalari 1-qism

5ta natija
✅ TOEFL 100=C1
✅ TOEFL 96=C1
✅ TOEFL 85=B2
✅ TOEFL 85=B2
✅ TOEFL 84=B2

Sertifikat va natija egasi fikrlari bilan ulashamiz

Sizga ham C1 yoki B2 daraja sertifikat kerak bo'lsa bizga murojaat qiling

👉 @TOEFL_admin

TOEFL Tashkent dan repost
✅ TOEFL 108=C1

🏆 11-dekabrda topshirilgan test natijasi

Sertifikat va natija egasi fikrlari bilan ulashamiz

Sizga ham C1 yoki B2 daraja sertifikat kerak bo'lsa bizga murojaat qiling

👉 @TOEFL_admin

TOEFL Tashkent dan repost
✅ TOEFL 101=C1

Kafolatlangan C1 natijalar uchun biz bilan bog'laning

📩 @TOEFL_admin

✅ 4-dekabrda topshirilgan test natijasi

28k 0 14 9 33

TOEFL Tashkent dan repost

B2 - bakalavga, magistraturaga va daktaranturaga bemolo o'tadigan natija🥳

✅ 1 xaftada B2 natijani qolga kiriting

📩 @TOEFL_admin

TOEFL Tashkent dan repost
✅TOEFL 105

Natija egasini yana bir bor tabriklaymiz. Keyingi ishlarida omadlar tilab qolamiz.

Ajoyib natijami😁 TOEFL imtihonidagi o'zgarish bu akamizni biroz cho'chitgandi. Lekin xavotirlari o'rinsiz ekanligini bu ajoyib natijadan keyin butunlay yo'qqa chiqib ketgan. Nimaga butunlay dedim chunki aksariyati imtihon tugagan zahoti esdan chiqgan😊

TOEFL Tashkent dan repost
📑 TOEFL Tashkent bepul darslari

TOEFL Reading

TOEFL Listening

TOEFL Writing

TOEFL Speaking

TOEFL Tashkent dan repost
✅ O'zbekistondagi TOEFL qabul qiluvchi universitetlar ro'yhati

🏆 TOEFL testida biz bilan yuqori natijaga erishing


TOEFL Tashkent dan repost

Natija egasini tabriklaymiz keyingi ishlarida omadlar tilab qolamiz!!!

Kanalda qo'ldan kelgancha TOEFLni yoritishga eng kerakli ma'lumotlarni joylab borishga harakat qilyapmiz.

O'ylaymizki TOEFL topshirishni reja qilayotganlarga va TOEFL haqida umuman ma'lumotga ega bo'lmaganlarga ancha foydali bo'lyapti.

Shu o'rinda aytib o'tishim lozim TOEFL ni soxta sertifikatidan ehtiyot bo'lishingizni so'rab qolamiz. Hozirda imtihon topshirmasdan ham sertifikat olib berishni va'da qilayotganlar va odamlarni aldayotganlar talaygina.

15 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.