Ravshan's Blog 🌙

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Bloglar

Someone who is trying to be better.
IELTS 6.5 [L&R 7]
A Student of Najot Talim 👨‍💻
Murojat: @Ravshanbek_Ilhamov

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

AI | DigiTech dan repost
🧠 Yangi texnologik inqilob: Cortical Labs startapi haqiqiy inson neyronlarida ishlaydigan birinchi CL1 kompyuterini namoyish etdi.

Kashfiyot haqida qisqacha:
– Tizim inson ildiz hujayralaridan olingan tirik neyronlar asosida ishlaydi;
– Ular o’zi o'rganishga qodir;
– Neyronlar yordamida tizim an’anaviy LLM'larga qaraganda tezroq o’rganadi va kamroq energiya sarflaydi;
– Bunday kompyuterlar dorilarni yaratish va kasalliklarni o‘rganishni ancha tezlashtiradi;
– Texnologiya LLM tuzilishini yaxshiroq o’rganishga yordam beradi, robotlar yaqin kelajakda aqlliroq bo’lishi mumkin;
– Sotuvlar shu yildan boshlanadi, narxi bir kompyuter uchun atigi 35 ming dollar (bunday kompyuter uchun bu juda arzon).

Olimlar tom ma’noda inson miyasiga ega robotlarni yaratishmoqchi.

📟 DigiTech

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Boplashibdi 😁

🌙 Mohi Ramazon barchamizga muborak bo'lsin!

Mirzo Ulug'bek tumanidan kvartira kerak kimni tanishi yoki o'zida bor bo'lsa aloqaga chiqishingizni so'rab qolaman!

INLINE - LIVE dan repost
🌙 Ramazon taqvimi - 2025

Manba: O'zbekiston musulmonlar idorasi

@Inlineuz - futbol biz bilan birga

Mutolaa saytini Frontend cloneini kim qila oladi ?

Albatta kerak bo`ladi !

Tip 4
Provide Options, Don’t Make Lame Excuses
Before you approach anyone to tell them why something can’t
be done, is late, or is broken, stop and listen to yourself. Talk to
the rubber duck on your monitor, or the cat. Does your excuse
sound reasonable, or stupid? How’s it going to sound to your
Run through the conversation in your mind. What is the other
person likely to say? Will they ask, “Have you tried this…” or
“Didn’t you consider that?” How will you respond? Before you
go and tell them the bad news, is there anything else you can
try? Sometimes, you just know what they are going to say, so
save them the trouble.
Instead of excuses, provide options. Don’t say it can’t be done;
explain what can be done to salvage the situation. Does code
have to be deleted? Tell them so, and explain the value of
refactoring (see Topic 40, Refactoring).
Do you need to spend time prototyping to determine the best
way to proceed (see Topic 13, Prototypes and Post-it Notes)? Do
you need to introduce better testing (see Topic 41, Test to Code,
and Ruthless and Continuous Testing) or automation to prevent
it from happening again?
Perhaps you need additional resources to complete this task. Ormaybe you need to spend more time with the users? Or maybe
it’s just you: do you need to learn some technique or technology
in greater depth? Would a book or a course help? Don’t be
afraid to ask, or to admit that you need help.
Try to flush out the lame excuses before voicing them aloud. If
you must, tell your cat first. After all, if little Tiddles is going to
take the blame….

The Pragmatic Programmer kitobidan olindi

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Onam ni pishirgan pishiriqlari o'xshamay qolsa 😁

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
This one also good 👍😁

Ko`rib chiqing albatta keraklisini topasiz. (Dasturchilar uchun)

Unaqamasde jgarlar :)

Hozirdan tasklaringiz ni boshqarish va bajarish,kun tartibingizni to`g`rilab olish ga xarakat qiling. Bu skill laringiz ishga kirganingizda juda kerak bo`larkan. O`zim guvox ;)

Hudi olish uchun ERP da tanga to'pladim va oldim, endi shu hudi men ga mos kelishi uchun vazn to'plasam bo'ldi 😁

Vohid Karimov | Hello world dan repost
Deep work uchun men eshitadigan focus musiqalar to'plami:
1. Lofi hip hop: YouTube & Spotify
2. Concentration Playlist: YouTube
3. Guardians of the Galaxy: YouTube
4. Paul Kalkbrenner: YouTube & Spotify
5. Brain FM: YouTube
6. Flavour Trip: YouTube
7. Peaceful Piano: Spotify

Comment section'dan:
8. Clubbed to Death: YouTube
9. Limitless Productivity: YouTube
10. Social Network: YouTube

Sizda aniq maqsad va unga yetishish uchun qadamlar bo'lsa bo'lgani, quloqqa quloqchinni taqib jarayondan zavq oling 🎧🚀

P.s. Comment section'da o'zingizni favorite musiqangizni yozib keting, menga yoqsa listga qo'shib qo'yaman.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.