IELTS with Soniya

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

You can find:
🔰 model answers (8+)
🔰 useful tips on speaking
🔰 daily mock exams (free)
Contact admin: @SM_course_admin
Overall: 8.0 | Writing: 7 | Speaking: 8

Связанные каналы  |  Похожие каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

Any questions?

Shanba yakshanba?


551 0 0 10 14


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

liv + in

I live in an apartment

sing in unison

Pronunciation challenge: ⭐️

Keep it up

Picked it up

Hold on

A cup of coffee

Figure it out

Sort it out

Take off

828 0 10 50 19

Suprasegmental pronunciation feature

7 🚀 8

Assalomu aleykuuuumm


Bu kursda siz oladigan narsalar:⬇️

Speaking book 📕
⏺ Topic vocabulary
⏺ Advanced Grammar structures
⏺ Ideas
⏺ Band 8 model answers for all topics ( in the process)

Pronunciation book 📕
⏺ Problematic individual sounds
⏺ Commonly mispronounced words
⏺ Native-like pronunciation features

Homework checking 🆕
⏺ Your homework will be checked by band 7.5 and 8 instructors
⏺ Constructive feedback (for intermediate students)
⏺ Sentences from grammatical point 🆕
⏺ Audios for pronunciation 🆕

Full speaking mock exams
⏺ You will participate in a full speaking mock exam EVERY OTHER DAY
⏺ Corrective feedback on your spontaneous speaking performance (for advanced students)

12 Live speaking lessons 🎙
Three days a week

Bonus channels
For listening

Non Cambridge materials

Bonus books
⏺ For active students

Kurs narxi (1 oy uchun)
PREMIUM Intermediate and advanced:  250,000 sums
STANDARTIntermediate and advanced:  150,000 sums

Premium va Standard tarifida atiga ikkita farq bor. Premium tarifda ustozlar bilan individual speaking practice bo’ladi. Standard tarifida esa shu bo’lmaydi.

Nasib 11- Sentabr kuni bu kursga START beramiz.

To’lov uchun Karta:
9860 0201 4234 4769
Name: Xodjaniyazova Soniya

Kursga yozilish uchun, Admin:  @SM_course_admin

Reactionlardan ayamay ayamay bosib tursangiz, yana har kuni tashlab beraman shunaqa materiallardan ✅

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.