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📚 Amerikada o'qish
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Eng so'nggi maslahatlar, resurslar va imkoniyatlar bilan yangilanishni unutmang!

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EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Mashinalar tayyor! ✅
Biz ham tayyormiz! 😁

😍Yaqin kunlarda shov-shuvli voqeaning eng kulminatsion qismiga guvoh bo'lasiz!

🫵🏻Siz 4 - Tracker egasini topib turing, tez kunda qaytamiz! ⚡️

❗️P.S. Faqat birinchisi emas balki barcha IELTS overall 9.0 qayd etgan ustozlariga avtomobil sovg'a qiladigan yana qaysi o'quv markazini bilasiz? O'zi bormi shunaqasi?! ;) Izohlarda yozib qoldiring!

Batafsil: @everestofficial

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YouTube 📍Manzillar

3.8k 0 10 18 37

EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Everestda 3-Overall 9.0🎉

🏔"Everest Alisher Navoiy 2" manzilimizda faoliyat yuritadigan Sardorbek Rakhmonberdiev shaxsiy natijasini eng yuqori ball - Overall 9.0 ga olib chiqdi!

🎧 Listening - 9.0
📚 Reading - 9.0
📃 Writing - 8.0
🎙 Speaking - 9.0

📨 Personal messages: @SardorbekRakhmonberdiev
📌 Channel: @ieltswiths

Bunday yutuqlar Everest o'quv markazi uchun yangilik emas! Albatta bilim va maqsadning kesishgan joyida ana shunday ajoyib natijalar yaratiladi.

⭐️Sardorbek Rakhmonberdievning muvaffaqiyati o'quv markazimizning ta'lim sifati va ustozlarimizning mehnatsevarligi ifodasidir.

🫵🏻Siz ham o'z orzularingizga intilib, yuqori natijalarga erishishni xohlaysizmi?
🏔Everestda buning uddasidan chiqishingiz yanada oson!


🏔 Instagram | YouTube | Manzillar

EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Everestda 2-Overall 9.0💣

🏔"Everest Xalqlar Do'stligi" manzilimizda faoliyat yuritadigan Sirojiddin Malikov shaxsiy natijasini eng yuqori ball - Overall 9.0 ga olib chiqdi!

🎧 Listening - 9.0
📚Reading - 9.0
📃Writing - 8.5
🎙Speaking - 8.5

️O'quv markazimiz doimo NATIJA uchun ishlaydi! Ustozlarimiz Everestda ta'lim sifati yuqori bo'lishi uchun o'z ustilarida ishlashni aslo kanda qilishmaydi! Buning isbotini so'ngi oydagi natijalarda ko'rishingiz mumkin!

✨Yangi tarix sahifalari ochilmoqda! Voqealar rivojini kuzatib boring.
🎯Sizni maqsadlaringizga erishishda yordam bera oladigan aniq manzil qayerda ekaniga o'zingiz amin bo'ling!


🏔 Instagram | YouTube | Manzillar

4.7k 0 38 20 105


✅ One-month intensive writing course
✅12 live lessons
✅All task 1 graphs and task 2 question types are covered
✅Band 8.0 + samples
✅Live lessons (Zoom or Telegram+ Recorded video is provided for future use)

Duration: 09.09 – 04.10 (12 lessons)
The price:
500,000 UZS (teacher feedback: Sirojiddin Malikov)

200,000 UZS (AI feedback)

for 5 task 1 reports and 6 task 2 essays!

You ca
n choose the one that suits you the best and contact @Uzbek34 to secure your spot!

I have a graduation group with strong emphasis on writing and speaking on odd days at 14:30. If your level is 6.0+, you can join it!

@Uzbek34 contact profile

Ertadan darslarga start beraman!

Pre Ielts
Ielts Introduction
Ielts Graduation

Guruhlar boladi kelib gaplashib guruhlarga qoshilsez boladi!

Everest Drujba filiali

Reception nomerlari:


Hamma tabriklaganlaga kotta raxmat 😊😊😊

4.6k 0 0 13 125

Malikov Writes dan repost

You missed the live lesson on Task 2?

It is not too late to join cuz I am going to teach how to write a task 1 report in the next live lesson)

Are there any people who have recently taken CD IELTS? If yes, can you share task 2 question you got in the comments section?

I have written a band 9.0 (self-assessment) report on this table) Go check it out here

Ive decide to use this test in the mock test for my students tmrw) along with the reading past paper😅

Todays listening part one

7.1k 0 12 10 18

Malikov Writes dan repost
In the past, people lived in one place for a long time, but now they live in many different places.
What are the reasons?
Is this a positive or negative development?

Back in the day, people used to live in one house and city without ever changing the roof over their heads, but this has become a thing of the past, with some people moving to other cities, countries, or at least a new house. The driving factors behind this trend include the need to relocate due to new employment and the availability of affordable and comfortable rental properties. Despite the negatives associated with changing one's place of living, I believe that the practice is generally beneficial due to the significant advantages it offers.

Examining the reasons, people have started getting job offers from employers from different locations, such as other cities or countries. This means they need to relocate to reduce transportation costs and avoid the hassle of commuting miles to and from work. Also, renting an apartment has become a more available option than in the past. Now, people no longer struggle to find a place to live as they can rent at least a one-bedroom apartment located a short distance from their workplace at an affordable price.

It is worth noting that resettling in a new house creates some inconveniences and discomfort. Changing the house often means adapting to new environments, cultures, and people, all of which cause some levels of stress and anxiety. Also, it is possible that people may find themselves in locations where they face many challenges. For example, some people who migrate to developed countries, such as London or New York, tend to complain about how expensive it is to live and how they are barely making ends meet.

However, I am of the opinion that relocating to another place brings more benefits. If people are dissatisfied with their current location, they always have a chance to find another place that meets their preferences, such as better weather conditions, a lower cost of living, and improved housing conditions. For instance, people who are transitioning to Bali, Indonesia say that they have found a place with pleasant weather and lower costs of living by trying out all the countries. Moreover, there is an opportunity to meet new people, build new relationships, and widen their social network. This comes in handy in today's societies where social connections play an important role in achieving career goals and maintaining mental health.

In conclusion, it is true that people have begun changing their places of living more often. Despite its negative aspects, I contend that people can reap many benefits by residing in different houses, cities, or countries throughout their lives. These include but are not limited to cheap housing, novel experiences, a better climate, and a higher standard of living.

400+ words

Describe an interesting place you went with your friend.

All right, a couple of months ago a friend of mine called me and asked me if I wanted to go to a restaurant and I said yes because I didn't have anything to do at that moment in time. So, when we arrived, I realized that this particular restaurant was not a typical restaurant. Instead of beautiful paintings and elegant decor which you might expect from a restaurant, this restaurant was you know filled with a lot of books. book shelves lined the walls from ceiling to floor, creating a library like atmosphere. I was quite surprised by this approach to the business, and we sat down and ordered our food, but something unusual happened at that moment in time: our food took a lot longer than we thought to arrive. And then I got a little bit impatient and I just wanted to complain to the manager just before my friend told me that this restaurant had done it intentionally because they wanted to allow visitors or diners some free time and allow them to read or at least flick through the books that they had provided. I was amazed by this fact because I had never seen such a restaurant because most restaurants want to turn tables fast in order to make a lot of money, but what this restaurant wanted to do was to create an atmosphere in which people feel relaxed and read some books. So, this was the time when I went to an interesting place, yeah.

Describe the news you heard about someone you know well

I have posted a sample report on this on my writing channel

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.