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Assalomu alaykum everyone! This is a project my friend Akhmadali started a few days ago. Let’s make your Ramadan productive and learn from him! You can realy on these materials and sources, otherwise, I would not have shared. So enjoy your learning process ☺️

Good day, everyone!

My friend, as well as my colleague, has just started a "Ramadan Challenge" in his channel, where he shares REAL EXAM PASSAGES and REAL EXAM LISTENING PARTS along with sample answers for writing and speaking.

He also wants to share video walkthroughs for reading passages, so you should not miss out (his reading score is 9.0 🚀🚀)!

Feel free to join⬇️

It is a totally free and really good chance to learn smth so don't miss it☺️☺️☺️

IELTS ZONE 9.0 dan repost

🕯 Ramazon oyi nafaqat yeb-ichish va gunohlardan tiyilish, shu bilan birga «ilm» olish oyi hamdir.

9️⃣ IELTS ZONE jamoasi eng kuchli instruktorlari bilan birgalikda, IELTS kandidatlari uchun 1 oylik «Ramazon Challenge» tashkillashtirmoqda.

📈 Challenge davomidagi darslar CELTA va IELTS 8.5 - 9.0 ballga ega o'qituvchilarimiz tomonidan o'tiladi.

✔️ Challenge’da qatnashish mutlaqo bepul! Faqatgina, ushbu postni do'stlaringiz bilan ulashsangiz kifoya.

🔖 Challengeda qatnashish uchun ushbu havolaga bosing

🎙 Darslar saharlikdan so'ng, IELTS ZONE telegram kanalida soat 06:00 da bo'lib o'tadi.

📱 @ieltszone_uz

IELTS ZONE 9.0 dan repost
🌙 Muqaddas Ramazon oyining taqvimi

☪️ Barcha oylar ichidagi eng ulug' va fayz-barokatlisi bo'lgan Ramazon bilan barchani tabriklaymiz.

✨ Ushbu oyda qilgan har bir amalingiz hamda olgan har qanday ilm sizga manfaatli bo'lsin. ✨

📃 Taqvimni o'zingiz uchun saqlab qo'ying, yaqinlaringiz bilan ulashing. Zero, ular ham saharlik va iftorlik vaqtlaridan ogoh bo'lishsin 😇


Don't miss your opportunity and seize your chance 😇😇

📢 Exciting Opportunity!

I am looking for a passionate and dedicated assistant!

🔹 Requirements:

✔ IELTS score of 6.5 or higher
✔ Strong commitment to teaching and learning
✔️Being able to work even on Sundays
✔ Teaching-major students
✔️Boys would be given priority if they are passionate enough

✅ What You’ll Gain:

🔸 Competitive salary
🔸 Work alongside the best educators at IELTS ZONE
🔸 Free IELTS preparation courses (for Band 8+)
🔸 Exclusive access to observe my lessons and learn advanced teaching methods
🔸 And many more!

📩 Interested? Contact me at: @Rukhsora2205

Although there are lots of spelling and grammar mistakes in this letter, this letter, which was written by one of my students, is a real heart-touching masterpiece for me. 🫠🫠🫠

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Avoid social media, games, gossips - they drain your energy without you even realizing it ⚡️

Protect your focus, invest your time wisely and put your energy into things that help you grow.

Where your attention goes, your life follows!


Life is easy. Just people try to make it more challenging without understanding each other. So, the best solution would be explaining wisely and listening to quitely

P.S. It's not related to my life, but it could be useful for u😉

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
If you can answer to the questions, it means you know english better than Americans 😂😂😂

- I am an independent girl. Do I have a problem? I solve them myself, my parents don't even know about it. Am I crying? ok i'm ready for all of them and i'll wipe them myself.
Am I in a difficult situation and need someone to talk to? I talk to myself. I analyze situations and make decisions myself‌‌.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Most of Students asked me to recommend vocabulary book and here are some of them which could be effective to enrich your vocabulary

No pain, no gain. It is you who is responsible for your life and takes actions but noone else. For that reason, pls wake up and carry on your journey without paying attention to any distractors. It is your life, your time and seize your opportunities 🍀

When I am having a lesson with my students, I tend to call my students with their names even though it is their first trial lesson. Probably, after reading these words, I came to conclusion that I am using the right approach to build my small country 🍀

No man is your friend and no man is your enemy, but every man is your teacher.

Hech kim do'sting emas va hech kim sening dushmaning ham emas, ammo har bir inson sen uchun ustozdir I have found my fav movie "Merlin" in English version. Despite watching it several times so far, I never get bored watching it again. So if you are interested in it, via this given link, you can enjoy your time 😇😇😇😇
Have a productive day to all of you 🍀🍀🍀

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
This is my favourite elementary group. Now we will continue pre-intermediate level journey with them😊☺️

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.