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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

8.0 holder
Full-time instructor at Everest [Navoiy 2]

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri


Went to bed - 00:07
Woke up - 06:16

Showed up at work - 14:17

P.S: don't have a morning group today

#tip #task1

When you write an introduction in Task1, KEEP IT SIMPLE.

The pie charts show changes in the proportion of water consumed in five various sectors in Sydney in 1997 and 2007.

Alright, I didn't expect so many people to write an intro. 🫤

So, lemme show mine


We do not need the chart. Let's see how you paraphrase the task.⬆️

#tip #task1

Write one-digit numbers as words since it is more academic.

In 2000, Italy emitted five tons of carbon dioxide.


9:10 at work

The first lesson kicks off at 9:30 for your info.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish


Went to sleep - 11: 54 p.m
Woke up - 6:42

P.S: Not bad for the first day.

Habits to pursue for at least 10 days to come:

1. Go to bed before 12 a.m and get up before 6 a.m
2. Read 25 pages
3. Show up at work 15 minutes in advance
4. Ozodbek's writing challenge


How many times do you forget to say "Bismillah'' a day?

Another life-changing habit to have❤️

A piala of tea dan repost
Reading mastermind.pdf

Shu yil yozda haqiqiy imtihonda tushgan readinglar to'plami.

Cambridgedan zerikkanlar uchun yap-yangi 10 ta FULL reading.

Imtihonda qayta tushish ehtimoli katta bo'lganligi sababli ba'zi kanallarda 20$dan sotilyapti. Siz esa ushbu yuqori sifatdagi kitobni be'malol ishlatishingiz mumkin⚡️


O'quvchilarim juda ko'p non-Cambridge material so'rashadi.
Ustozlarga ham darslarda yoki mock examlar olishga kerak bo'ladi.

Xullas, bitta chotkiy collection tashiman. Dyo'stim Temur tomonidan compile qilingan.

But first, leave 50 '🔥's

Meanwhile, Trump🫠

P.S. Bratni juda hurmat qilaman.


This is insane. The craze for building skyscrapers is just destroying our planet. So, how does this happen?

This all boils down to concrete, the second most used construction material after water. But the catch is that concrete is not a high-carbon product per se. In fact, it is cement - the main component of concrete - which takes a heavy toll on the issue discussed. Watch this video to better understand how cement "manages to" have such a negative impact on the environment.


You get what you repeat.

© Atomic Habits


Red book❌
Endangered list✅

Here, it is used as a metaphor, though.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.