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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Til o'rganish jarayonida so'z boyligi muhim o'rinda turadi, chunki har bir mavzuda erkin fikr bildira olish uchun turli mavzularda bemalol fikr bayon eta olishingiz lozim

✅ Ingliz tilini o'rganadigan talabalar uchun mavzularga ajratilgan so'zlarni osongina topish va yodlash uchun quyidagi telegram kanalini tavsiya qilamiz:

How to describe being sick in english🤕

To come down with something💊
[early stages of sickness]

Gravelly voice💊
[to speak with a rough]

Something is going around💊
[sickness that is spreading among people you know]

To fight off💊
[to allow you immune systems to battle an illness]

[signs that someone is sick]

Sore throat💊
[pain in the throat]

A tickle in your throat💊
[an uncomfortable feeling in your throat]

Hard to swallow💊
[difficulty in the throat when drinking]

[to excel air from the lungs ]

Runny noise💊
[a noise that drips snot]

[pain in the head]

[to go to the bathroom frequently]


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Ideas for IELTS topics.doc

IDEAS for IELTS topics🎁


Channel: @cambridgeIELTSbooks

⭐Idiom time

Big task on your hands

🇬🇧 Meaning : Having something important to finish.

🇺🇿 Ma'nosi : Yakunlash uchun biror muhim narsa bo'lishi.

🧐 Example :

🇬🇧 -Huhh😔 This new project is quite difficult to complete.

- You're right. Redesigning the entire company website with a new AI integration and a personalized user experience within the next quarter? That's a big task on our hands.

🇺🇿 -Uff
😔 Bu yangi loyihani yakunlash biroz qiyin.

-To'gri aytdingiz. Keyingi chorakda yangi AI integratsiyasi va shaxsiy foydalanuvchi tajribasi bilan butun kompaniya veb-saytini qayta loyihalash? Bu bizning qo'limizda katta vazifa.

♡ ㅤ    ❍ㅤ      ⎙ㅤ     ⌲
ˡᶦᵏᵉ   ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ  ˢᵃᵛᵉ   ˢʰᵃʳᵉ
❤️ Sharing is caring 💕

✅Channel: @IELTS_8

IELTS Writing Task Types | @IELTS_8

Task 1
📈 Line graph
📊 Bar chart
📀 Pie chart
🗒 Table
🗺 Map
🏗 Process

Task 2:
💭 Opinion Essay
♻️ Discussion Essay
🔰 Problem-Solution Essay
🔗 Advantage-Disadvantage Essay
🆎 Two-question Essay

Beyond Plagiarism 😎

25.2k 0 170 19 82

26k 0 95 14 49

📈Task 1: Adverbial Vocabulary ⚜️

In task 1, it's extremely important to be able to describe the data accurately; you must know which adverbs to use to depict the changing trends.

Strong Adverbs
✅•••••••••••• Dramatically
✅••••••••••• Sharply
✅•••••••••• Enormously
✅••••••••• Steeply
✅•••••••• Substantially
✅••••••• Considerably
✅•••••• Significantly
✅••••• Rapidly
✅•••• Moderately
✅••• Gradually
✅•• Slightly
✅• Minimally

We never copy but we get copied😎
#vocabulary 🔗 @IELTS_8 ©

25.8k 1 232 15 122

Everyday Idiom 🔋 | @IELTS_8

in the neck 🧣
e or something that is annoying and difficult to deal with]

- Johnson was pain in the neck, everyone was glad that he left our office for good.

- These calculus exercises are pain in the neck, it is not about difficulty but they are tedious.


34k 0 56 22 93

🎨 Advanced Grammar | @IELTS_8

smb/smth do something 📐
somebody/something do smth]
- Should you need any help, you can call us anytime

- Should you pay via credit card, send us the cheque, please.

- Should anyone break the internal rules of the University, they are bound to be expelled.

#grammar 🔗 @IELTS_8 👈

teaching_ielts @Eugene_ielts.pdf
❤️ Sharing is caring

🔗 @IELTS_8 🔗

35.6k 0 362 14 65


33.8k 0 104 29 97

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Share with such friends 😂😂


39.8k 1 300 23 299

IELTS Academic band 8 vocabulary 📌📌📌

1.objective — maqsad

/əbˈdʒek.tɪv/ noun [ C ]
something which you plan to do or achieve

Her main/prime objective now is simply to stay in power.
Endi uning asosiy maqsadi shunchaki hokimiyatda qolish.

2. mission — vazifa, ish

/ˈmɪʃ. ə n/ noun JOB
[ C ] an important job, especially a military one, that someone is sent somewhere to do

Your mission is to isolate the enemy by destroying all the bridges across the river.
Sizning vazifangiz daryo bo'ylab barcha ko'priklarni yo'q qilish orqali dushmanni izolyatsiya qilishdir.

3.significant — muhim, sezilarli

/sɪgˈnɪf.ɪ.kənt/ adjective IMPORTANT important or noticeable

There has been a significant increase in the number of women students in recent years.
So‘nggi yillarda talaba ayollar soni sezilarli darajada oshdi.

4. dispense — tarqatmoq

/dɪˈspen t s/ verb [ T ]
to give out things, especially products, services or amounts of money, to people

There is a vending machine on the platform that dispenses snacks.
Platformada gazaklarni tarqatadigan savdo avtomati mavjud.

@IELTS_8 🔗

Essay Writing Phrases

47k 0 850 34 171

42.9k 1 129 47 161

Synonyms of "Cold" 🥶

❄bitterly cold


54.6k 1 386 11 208


46.1k 0 126 75 807
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.