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✅phrasal verbs with " Have "

💎 Have a good time - yaxshi vaqt o'tkazmoq
💎 Have a rest - dam olmoq
💎 Have a break - tanaffus qilmoq
💎 Have a cold - shamollamoq
💎 Have 3 meals a day - kuniga 3 mahal ovqatlanmoq
💎 Have a headache - boshi ogrimoq
💎 Have a toothache - tishi ogrimoq
💎 Have a backache - beli ogrimoq
💎 Have a stomachache - oshqozoni ogrimoq
💎 Have a sore throat - tomogi ogrimoq
💎 Have a flu - gripp bolmoq
💎 Have a cough - yotalmoq
💎 Have a sneeze - aksirmoq
💎 Have one's English - Ingliz tili bilan shug'ullanmoq
💎 Have a smoke - chekmoq
💎 Have a tea - choy ichmoq
💎 Have a dictation - diktant yozmoq
💎 Have lunch - tushlik qilmoq
💎 Have dinner - kechki ovqatni yemoq
💎 Have a meal - ovqatlanmoq
💎 Have a swim - suzmoq
💎 Have a walk - piyoda yurmoq
💎 Have a party - ziyofat qilmoq
💎 Have a chat - yozishmoq
💎 Have a good time - yaxshi vaqt o’tkazmoq

🔰Today's Idiom

🔸Hard nut to crack

🗣Meaning: a problem that is very difficult to solve or a person who is very difficult to understand


I've been dating Jenny for over a year, and I still think she's a hard nut to crack!

Figuring out the best way to modernize our product without alienating existing customers is definitely a hard nut to crack.

The spy we captured is a hard nut; he hasn't said a thing since we began the interrogation.

⚠️brain-teaser=a difficult problem
⚠️sought after job=a job lots of people want
⚠️exalted role=highly praised position
⚠️platonic relationship=just friendly
⚠️wipe out=to remove
⚠️by dint of=because of
⚠️abrogate=to cancel
⚠️surmise=to guess
⚠️palpable = very obvious
⚠️entangle with=involved in /with
⚠️effervescend=full of energy

Qadrli obunachilar,

Karantin talablari kuchaytirilganligi uchun, biz ONLINE darslarni tashkil qildik.Barcha qiziquvchilarni mamnuniyat bilan ONLINE KURSLARimizga taklif qilamiz.💻🖥

Hozirda quyidagi guruhlarga qabul bo’lmoqda:

✅ Elementary
✅ Pre-intermediate
✅ Intermediate
✅ IELTS Upper

Darslar Telegram 📱💻orqali 4 kishilik guruhlarda olib boriladi. Nomzodlar avvaliga darajalarini aniqlash uchun daraja testlarini topshirishlari kerak.

Shoshiling! Joylar soni cheklangan!🏃‍♀️🏃


В связи с ограничительными мерами, анонсированными правительством Республики Узбекистан с 10 июля 2020 года по предотвращению распространения COVID-19, тесты запланированные на 18 и 19 так же 25 и 26 июля 2020 года будут перенесены на ближайшие даты.

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Учитывая большое количество звонков, могут возникнуть перебои и сложности со связью.
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Ways of walking 🚶‍♂️🕺

CREEP He could hear someone creeping around downstairs.
LIMP One player limped off the field with a twisted ankle.
PACE I found him in the corridor nervously pacing up and down.
PAD She spent the morning padding about the house in her slippers.
PLOD They wearily plodded home through the rain.
SHUFFLE The queue gradually shuffled forward.
STAGGER They staggered out of the pub, completely drunk.
STOMP She stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her.
STROLL Families were strolling around the park.
TIPTOE They tiptoed upstairs so they wouldn’t wake the baby.
TRUDGE We trudged up the hill.

Are you good at managing your time?

Actually I'd say I'm not too good! I don't really have a system in place to organize things. I know some people have an electronic organizer or use some device to plan what they are doing but I don't do that. But I always make sure I am on time for appointments and things like that, and I meet deadlines and get things done.

How do you manage your time?

As I said, I don't have any specific system in place to manage my time. For example, if I am at work and I have a lot of cases, I just go through them each day and decide which I need to tackle first. At work we do have an online diary which I guess I use, so in that sense I do manage my time to an extent.

When is it most important for you to manage your time?

I think it is probably when you are at work. When out of work, it's not really going to affect things too much, or at least only yourself, if you are late to meet friends or for an appointment, or if you are getting things done in your house. But at work, it will cause problems if you don't manage your time effectively because you could miss deadlines or miss appointments. You could lose your job. So at work is when it is most important to manage your time

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Uzbek girl
Speaking band 8

😊Laugh = to express pleasure, happiness, etc. with a sound

🤣Die laughing = to laugh ostensibly

😂Guffaw = to laugh loudly

☺️Chuckle = to laugh in a soft,
quiet manner

😜Giggle = to laugh in a silly, often high-pitched way

😁Grin = to smile broadly

😆Be in stitches = to laugh uncontrollably

🙂Smile = to put on a facial expression that involves an upturning of the corners of the mouth

😛Smirk = to smile in an offensive, self-satisfied way

😅Titter = to giggle or laugh in a somewhat hesitant or nervous way

🙃Roll in the aisles =
to convulse with laughter

🤣Roar with laughter =
to laugh making a loud, deep, continuing sound

😊Chuckle = to laugh quietly, especially because you are thinking about or reading something funny

😈Snigger = to laugh quietly in an unkind or unpleasant way, when someone is hurt or embarrassed

Listening 1 with Answers.pdf
⚡️Time to do IELTS Listening Practice!!!
📌1️⃣ IELTS Listening with Answers
📌⬇️ Tracks are given below

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🎞Learn English with Songs

❗️10 Great Songs For English Fluency & How to Learn with Music

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
IELTS Liz 👩‍🏫: Speaking Part 1
Theme: My favourite ....

✅Common topics and how to answer them

Different ways of saying 'It's EASY'

🥝 It's easy
🍍 It's easily done
🍉 It's as simple as ABC
🍈 It requires no effort
🍌 It's a cinch
🍐 It's a breeze
🍏 It's a doddle (uk)
🍓 It's easy as pie
🍒 Anyone can do it
🍊 It's easy-peasy (US)
🍋 It's piss-easy (UK)
🍑 It's a piece of cake
🍇 It's like taking candy from a baby

Beyond Plagiarism 😎🤘

15 English slang words

You absolutely have to know these slangs in 2020 in order to understand TikTokers, YouTubers, and other cool people 👩‍🎤🧑‍🎤👨‍🎤 on this planet. These terms are used in American, British and Australian English.

1. Lit - exciting, really enjoyable (zo’r, dahshat ijobiy ma’noda)

2. GOAT. It is an acronym of Greatest Of All Time. (Har qandayidan ham zo’r. "Greatest of all time" birikmasining qisqartmasi.)

3. Snatched - when someone is wearing something that is very fashionable or has a look that looks really good (juda zamonaviy yoki juda yaxshi kiyinib olgan odam)

4. On fleek - perfectly done (juda zo’r bo’lgan/qilingan)

5. Salty - y upset or angry over something (nimadandir jahli chiqqan yoki xafa odam)

6. Fit - the shortened version of the word "outfit" (in the US only) (“outfit” ya’ni kiyimlar so’zining qisqa shakli)

7. Dead - so funny or ridiculously good that you laugh a lot (qotib-qotib kulmoq)

8. Fire - really cool and amazing (zo’r, dahshat ijobiy ma’noda)

9. Low -key - quiet, modest, not very assertive (kamtar, oddiygina)

10. High-key - it is the opposite of low-key. (low-key so’zining teskarisi)

11. Shady - very sneaky, suspicious (shubhali)

12. Savage - a shocking event or a careless attitude. (hayratlanarli vodea yoki e’tiborsiz munosabat)

13. Shook - when someone is shook, it means they are shocked or incredibly surprised. (hayratda, shokda)

14. Slay - to do really well or succeed at something. (juda zo’r bajarmoq, muvaffaqqiyatli bajarmoq yoki ko’rinishi zo’r, masalan, “you slay” – ko’rinishingiz zo’r.)

15. Stan - an overzealous and obsessive fan, and a verb meaning to be that kind of fan. (ashaddiy muxlis, fanat)

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The Truth about IELTS Writing Scoring with Jay!

#video #IELTS

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