
Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Most random thoughts documented for the future.
Liberal trying to hold onto the traditional.
International Real Madrid hater.
Contact - @ibro_gym

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Alhamdulillah, my childhood went well. Studied in a decent school for free, study in a good uni for free.

But one thing I lacked, imo, was the sacrifice. I (almost) never made a sacrifice to reach to the point where I am now. It was mostly my parents.

My first “sacrifice” was paying money for gym (shuyam ota-onam bergan pul). Money was one of the incentives I kept going, even if I didn’t want to.

It is very hard to not take for granted something that comes without sacrifice.

That’s why I’m against the concept of giving something for fully free. Pay-what-you-can should be the default option. Sacrifice makes us appreciate the thing we’re given more. I like to bring the example of Letovo school for this argument. They have the financial aid program similar to the US colleges, where they evaluate your family income and expenses, and set the price based on that.

I think piima should implement this method for presidential schools (or all specialized schools in general). Too often have I seen students not appreciating the opportunities they have (primarily talking about myself here).

Additionally, sacrifice makes us set our priorities straight. Are we ready to sacrifice what is dear to us to get it?


This feels like something from George Orwell's books

One of the reasons I love Avatar: The Last Airbender is the symbolism inside the show.

In the final battle, Ozai (archvillain) to show his power, creates 3 fire blasts.

Ozai, with fire being his only available element, can create 3 blasts, and avatar shows how superior he is by creating 5 blasts, essentially beating Ozai in his own league. Without even going to the other elements (earth, wind, water).

The display of superiority invites Ozai towards the peaceful resolution (him giving up), but only after he refuses to surrender the fight continues - reinstating the peaceful intentions of the avatar.

Lyrics in english:

See on your path
Boys, forgotten, lost
Give them your hand to lead them
To a different tomorrow

Give them your hand to lead them
To a different tomorrow

Feel at the heart of the night (Feel at the heart of the night)
The wave of hope
Ardor of life (The wave of hope)
Path of glory

Ardor of life, of life
Path of glory, path of glory

Childish happiness
Forgotten too soon, erased
A golden light glows without end
At the very end of the road

Feel at the heart of the night (Feel at the heart of the night)
The wave of hope
Ardor of life (The wave of hope)
Path of glory

Ardor of life, of life
Path of glory, path of glory

See on your path
Boys, forgotten, lost
Give them your hand to lead them
To a different tomorrow

I beg you, if you decide to watch a movie, try “The Chorus”.

The best mix of art and human kindness. The songs from this movie (Vois sur ton chemin, La nuit) is one of the reasons I started learning french.

https://rezka.ag/films/drama/809-horisty-2004.html - better to watch in original voiceover with subtitles.

imdb 7.8
Хористы (2004)
Действие картины разворачивается в 1949 году во Франции. Главный герой фильма Клеман Матьё по призванию учитель музыки. Вот...

Btw Yandex Plus subscription is one of the most insane offers ever.

10k/month or 80k/year (yearly one I'm not sure), and you get 10% off the Taxi, kinopoisk and yandex music. Best offer out there from the price/quality perspective.

416 0 0 10 12

Yandex Music is amazing, but it has a couple of flaws.

Firstly, not all songs are there. There are workarounds - you can upload songs from your device, but it's kinda shady.

Idk how, but my plus subscription is still active, and the money is deducted from the card that got blocked and doesn't work anymore - I'm not complaining but that's also a bit weird.

But I think compared to Spotify, it nails two things perfectly - introduction of new music you like and the randomizer algorithm.

"For you" album it creates every day makes a good blend of songs that I never heard about, but are similar to the ones I like. Idk, seems like spotify does the same thing, but it tastes fake. And spotify mixes are too specialized for me - I don't want "pop mix" or "rock mix". I want Sherali Jo'rayev appear next to Mobb Deep, and Skrillex next to Chopin. But maybe that's a matter of subjectivity.

On the topic of randomizing algorithm, I think Yandex Music keeps the good balance between the old songs that you listened to a lot and the recent songs. Idk how, but it's so much better than Spotify. Yandex often catches me with something I didn't know I wanted. But yandex too sometimes drops a couple of songs I'm bored of back to back, so I thought about my perfect randomizing algorithm.

I think I'd assign each song a value. The higher the value, the higher is the probability of it being played next. Here are the criteria I would consider:

- How many times I've listened to this song (more times -> higher value, because I love this song)

- When I listened to this song the last time (the more recent the last played date, the lower is value. listening to the song I haven't listened to in a while is fun)

- At what point have I skipped the song the last time (if I listen to the song until the end, means I like it more and would like to hear it again)

- Randomizing factor to prevent the case of several songs being stuck in a loop.

What other criteria would you consider?

The french adding 2x more letters to the language just to make 50% of them silent

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

I was always for the division of labour.

Before the beginning of the week when I filled out the days of the month in dnevnik, I would follow these steps:

1. Write the decimal number of the day of the month (10th of December I would write 1) for all the days of that month.
2. Write down the ones (10th I write 0).

This way filling out the calendar takes less time. In some sense, I gained specialization in writing down the decimals.

Or when doing the exercises from English, every sentence in the exercise began with "I will". So I first wrote down all the "I"s, then all the "will"s, then would easily finish the exercise. I don't know why but it felt rewarding - like when you eat around the best part of the cake and devour it at the end.

What concepts of economics have you encountered directly in your life?

529 0 1 15 12

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Vladimir Vapnik.

Studied at School no. 18 (Close to New Uzbekistan University), in 90s moved to US, worked in Bell Labs. Co-invented the support vector machines. It could be compared to a compass in our world, or to a transistor - basically made it infinitely(not much of an exaggeration) easier to create algorithms to classify data.

You can read more about Vapnik here: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Vapnik

What I wanted to say: if a guy from Uzbekistan (a jewish btw) can revolutionize the world, why can't you?

Amal dan repost
📢 Assalomu alaykum, azizlar! 🤲✨

Ramazon – mehr-oqibat va saxovat oyi. Shu munosabat bilan Amal xayriya jamoasi o‘zining ilk xayriya loyihasini amalga oshirishni rejalashtiryapmiz! Ushbu tashabbus doirasida biz muhtoj oilalarga asosiy oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini yetkazib berishni maqsad qilganmiz.

Bu ezgu ishga siz ham o‘z hissangizni qo‘shishingiz mumkin!

📩 Moliyaviy yordam uchun bank kartasi:
💳 5614 6822 1109 5205 (JAVAHIR MAMADALIYEV)

Xayriya qilmoqchi bo'lgan mahsulotlarimiz haqida ma'lumotlar bilan ushbu havola orqali tanishish imkoniyati mavjud!



It's very important to not slip into antisemitism from antizionism, and this video provides an excellent alternative view on the matter, giving several good arguments on why the views on Jews (and the customs of Jews) are like this today.

But also consider that due to american censorship, which is even more heavy in the current period, the video conveniently evades the atrocities committed by the state of Israel.

The insurmountable evidence suggests the total discrimination of Arabs (especially Palestinians) in Israel. Perplexity.ai gives a good introduction to the topic. This is just a single side to the 100+ year old history between Arabs in that region and Israelis.

Don't let the blind anger dictate your thoughts (even though it may be extremely difficult). Listen to the both sides, and only after that come to a conclusion.

Btw, why no one blames the fans of RM for being glory hunters?

The biggest, the most notorious, the most soulless team that sucks in all the best players from all around the world and makes money off of their fans. And their fans comfortably support the team that can only win UCLs

550 0 0 13 21

Unlike Arsenal/Manutd/Tottenham, our next season is truly gonna be the one

I think there is a connection between Für Elise and Pushkin’s К***.

Both talk about love that has once drowned the author, and then how the muse has left the author’s life, and then how they came back (or memories about them)

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.