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Everyone uses everything for his/her own needs😂😁

Muhimi o'yin emotsiyalarga to'la bo'ldi🔥

Yutayotgan joyda😭😭😭


Bitta konvert topib oldim ustida ism familiyam yozilgan biron bir olimpiadada yutgan ekanmanda deb xursand bo'lib ochsam ichida BEGINNERni tugatganligi uchun deb yozib qo'yishdi
P.s 2019-yildan ekan😐
Qayerdan ham karantin kelgan balkim hozir IELTS 8 bilan o'tirarmidim😫

As someone said: "It is easy to go to MIT/Harvard but it is hard to get into their programs"

O'zbekiston 2 : 1 Thailand

Botir Ziyatov dan repost
🕹 East Games kompaniyasi Raqamli Texnologiyalar Vazirligi ko‘magida East Games Start loyihasini ishga tushirmoqda. Agar siz o'yin yoki 3D modellarni yaratishga qiziqsangiz unda:

🔶 Fotorealistik 3D oʻyin modellarini yaratish;
🔶 Sohada koʻp yillik tajribaga ega boʻlgan professionallar bilan muloqot qilish va tajriba orttirish;
🔶 Yirik IT-kompaniyaning ofisiga tashrif buyurish va shu kabi boshqa imkoniyatlarga ega bo‘lasiz.

Loyiha yakunida ishtirokchilar professional portfolio yaratish va East Games studiyasi bilan hamkorlik qilish imkoniyatini qo‘lga kiritadilar.

ℹ️ Muhim tafsilotlar:

Loyihada ishtirok etish bepul.
Qabul jarayoni tanlov asosida amalga oshiriladi.
Onlayn tarzda ishtirok etish ham mumkin.
Loyiha 10-fevraldan boshlanadi. Loyiha muddati 4 oy

Ko'proq ma’lumot olishni xohlaysizmi? Onlayn master-klassda qatnashing va barcha savollaringizga East Games studiyasi yetakchi 3D-rassomi Vadim Serebryakovdan javob oling.

Master-klass rus tilida bo‘lib o‘tadi.

nimagaplar desanglar Shu O'zbekistonga Advancement Placement examlari kelibti ehhh 1 yil oldin kelmasmidi shu imtihon🥲

Gilmore Girl | English 🇬🇧 dan repost
Let it be here as well:

I want to see France in autumn, Japan in spring. Canada in winter. Georgia in summer, New York at night. The first snow in Seoul. the northern Lights in Iceland. football in England. Bali at dawn. The starry sky in New Zealand. all of Asia and Europe! The entire world!🙏

Library of my grandfather
Full of old economic and finance related books
Used to play there in my childhood

DSATuz | Preparing for the SAT dan repost

Class of 24 🙅🏻‍♂️
Earthy action 🙅🏻‍♂️
Harvard=Cambridge 🙅🏻‍♂️

Do not trust 🗣️

Odamlar Harvard va Cambridgening Magistraturasiga maktabni bitirib kirishyapti😂
Biz haliyam yuribmiz ekan bakalavrda o'qiymiz deb😅😂

Madina's Universe dan repost
The International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) fifth IRENA Youth Forum!
The New Generation of Decision Makers will convene in April 2024 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates at the margins of the fourteenth session of the IRENA Assembly (15-18 April 2024).
The 2024 IRENA Youth Forum will strengthen youth networks and connect them with global thought leaders, government representatives, and IRENA experts. Upon selection, full sponsorship, including travel and accommodations, will be provided for up to 35 participants.

Eligibility: 16 - 35 years

Deadline: 31 January, 2024

For more information: here


University application=exploring yourself

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Ꭲhᴇ Ꮪᴛᴀᴛiᴏn dan repost
High School Opportunities

- Yale Young Global Scholars program
Yale International Relations Leadership Institute
- RSI(research science institute) Summer Program - 6 week summer research program at MIT
- Lumiere Research Program/Pioneer Research
- NASA International Space apps Challenge - you can sign up now
- Climate Science Oly
mpiad 2024
- "
Veritas AI" - AI program
for high school students founded and run by Harvard Graduates. September 3rd is deadline for the Fall Cohort
- Atlas Fellowship - currently closed
- Uber Global Hackathon
- Climate Science Olympiad’s team - you can join their team as a volunteer.
- - platform where peer to peer education happens. Your teachings will be con
sidered as voluntary hours and can be directly sent, as a portfolio, to selected universities like MIT.
SP - (not running now)
- Young Investor’s Competition - now closed
- University Prep Program by NYUAD (each summer only)
- Non-Trivial: An 8-week online fellowship for young people aged 14-20 to start
an impactful research, policy, or entrepreneurial project. $30,000 in funding.

Just sharing

AI kirmagan hech qanday soha qolmadi menimcha

Naxalov | AI Blog 🔥 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Shu yili aniq AI yordamida olingan blokbaster kino ko‘ramiz

video: runwayml
Images: midjourney v6
voice: elevenlabsio


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