Deep Thoughts Infinity | Blog🧳

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🌓For progressing life and developing new habits...
Wait... I am thinking...):🕯️
Authority : @lazizxon_ziyadullayev

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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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This phenomenon is known in psychology as "Illusory Goal Progress" or "Social Reality." Research suggests that when a person shares their goal with others, their brain receives a signal as if they have already made progress. As a result, their internal motivation decreases, and they become less likely to take action.

This idea was first introduced by the German psychologist Kurt Lewin in 1933 and later confirmed by modern researchers like Peter Gollwitzer. In his 2009 study, Gollwitzer found that when people announce their goals to others, their minds feel as if they are already closer to achieving them, which leads to reduced effort.

For this reason, many experts recommend keeping goals to yourself or sharing them with very few people if you truly want to stay motivated and take action. Instead of talking about your plans, focus on executing them and showing results.

Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Todayʼs men: I am fired from my job. I am in depression
Befor 2000 years:☠

Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

Instead of thinking how to give answer, think about why they give the question to you. If you find its purpose, you understand how to answer

Maksim Gorki

Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Day before an exam
Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

ARTICLES 365 📰 | Muratovich dan repost
In English we say: Can I be a child again?

But in poetry we say: Take me back to when laughter was endless, and my dreams were bigger than my fears.


Be happy, when you are on somebody's case from back side, cause is that you are ahead

Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

It's like the next episode of a video game.

Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

Barchani YaN larni muvaffaqiyatli topshirganingiz bilan tabriklayman👏👏👏

🔊2024-2025 o'quv yili 2-semestri darslari 3-fevraldan boshlanadi.

Barchangizni o'z vaqtida darslarga kelishingizni so'rayman.

⚡️Qayta topshirish testlari muddati aniq bo'lishi bilan xabar beramiz.

I don't care please don't bother me in our fight.... Or be together, or don't block the way i will continue alone

Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

Be the change you want to see in the world

Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

But there are people, in some difficult times, you want to see them next to you...


Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

When you are in a concern, saying it to anyone is unprofitable. If they are your friend, they will be sad little bit and if they are opposite of this, you will make them merely happy

Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

There's nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts📲

Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

The seats are empty. The theater is dark. Why do you keep acting?

Charles Bukowski

Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

If you want to know someone's provision (money) how to find, look at where they spend

Abu Hanifa

Deep thoughts infinity | Blog💼

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.