📖Dars #41 Must va have to modal fe'llarining qo'llanishi (II qism)
4️⃣ must modal fe'li majburiyatni bildirish uchun faqat hozirgi zamonda qoʻllaniladi.
🔸She must see the doctor today.
✳️ Boshqa zamonlarda esa have to modal fe'lining tuslangan shakllari qoʻllashimiz zarur.
▫️Past simple tense- Ega+had to+V1
▫️Present perfect simple tense - Ega+have/has had to+V1
▫️Past perfect simple tense - Ega+had had to+V1
▫️Future simple tense - Ega+ will have to+V1
▫️Present continuous tense - Ega+am/is/are having to+V1
✳️ Misollar:
🔸She had to see the doctor yesterday. (U doctor bilan koʻrishishga majbur boʻldi/toʻg'ri keldi)
🔸She will have to see the doctor tomorrow.
🔸She has had to see the doctor for a few times in the past three weeks.
🔸She had had to see the doctor before she had an operation.
🔸She is having to do a lot of work these days.
5️⃣ have to modal fe'li boshqa modal fe'llardan keyin ham qoʻllanila oladi. Masalan: may/might modal fe'llaridan keyin.
🔸She may have to see the doctor.
6️⃣ Boʻlishsiz shaklda qoʻllanilganda mustn't+V1 va don't/doesn't have to +V1 hozirgi zamonda bir-biridan umuman farq qiladi.
⚠️mustn't+V1 qurilmasi -maslik shart degan ma'noni, ya'ni taqiqni bildiradi.
🔸You mustn't walk on the grass. (Maysa ustida yurish mumkin emas/taqiqlangan)
🔸You mustn't shout in the library.
⚠️mustn't+V1 shakli faqat hozirgi zamonda taqiqni bildirgani sababli oʻtgan zamonda taqiqni bildirish uchun turli xil boshqa fe'llardan foydalaniladi. Masalan:
🔸You weren't allowed to enter the building. (allow fe'li)
🔸It was forbidden for you to enter the building. (forbid fe'li)
✅ don't/doesn't have to +V1 qurilmasi 'shart emas, qilmasa ham boʻladi 'degan ma'nolarni, ya'ni biror ish-harakat qilish majburiy emasligini anglatadi.
🔸It's Sunday tomorrow. I don't have to get up early. (Ertaga yakshanba. Men erta turishim shart emas.)
🔸You don't have to shout. I can hear you well.
✅ Oʻtgan zamonda have to modal fe'li boʻlishsiz gaplarda didn't have to shaklini oladi va 'shart emas edi qilmasa ham boʻlardi ' degan ma'nolarni anglatadi.
🔸I didn't have to get up early, it was Sunday. (Erta turishim shart emas edi, yakshanba kuni edi.)
🔸I managed to do a lot of work yesterday because I didn't have to cook.
7️⃣ must modal soʻzi ba'zan kuchli maslahat berish (strong recommendation) ma'nosida ham qoʻllaniladi.
🔸She is a very nice person. You must meet her.
✳️ have to modal fe'li oʻrniga hozirgi zamonda have/has got to shaklida ham qoʻllaniladi. Bunday qurilmani og'zaki nutqda koʻp uchratamiz va odatda bir martalik ish-harakatlar uchun qoʻllaniladi.
🔸I have got to take a taxi today. There is no bus and I am going to be late.
❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2025 #newlessons
🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe2P5bFTJKJKkwvyA
4️⃣ must modal fe'li majburiyatni bildirish uchun faqat hozirgi zamonda qoʻllaniladi.
🔸She must see the doctor today.
✳️ Boshqa zamonlarda esa have to modal fe'lining tuslangan shakllari qoʻllashimiz zarur.
▫️Past simple tense- Ega+had to+V1
▫️Present perfect simple tense - Ega+have/has had to+V1
▫️Past perfect simple tense - Ega+had had to+V1
▫️Future simple tense - Ega+ will have to+V1
▫️Present continuous tense - Ega+am/is/are having to+V1
✳️ Misollar:
🔸She had to see the doctor yesterday. (U doctor bilan koʻrishishga majbur boʻldi/toʻg'ri keldi)
🔸She will have to see the doctor tomorrow.
🔸She has had to see the doctor for a few times in the past three weeks.
🔸She had had to see the doctor before she had an operation.
🔸She is having to do a lot of work these days.
5️⃣ have to modal fe'li boshqa modal fe'llardan keyin ham qoʻllanila oladi. Masalan: may/might modal fe'llaridan keyin.
🔸She may have to see the doctor.
6️⃣ Boʻlishsiz shaklda qoʻllanilganda mustn't+V1 va don't/doesn't have to +V1 hozirgi zamonda bir-biridan umuman farq qiladi.
⚠️mustn't+V1 qurilmasi -maslik shart degan ma'noni, ya'ni taqiqni bildiradi.
🔸You mustn't walk on the grass. (Maysa ustida yurish mumkin emas/taqiqlangan)
🔸You mustn't shout in the library.
⚠️mustn't+V1 shakli faqat hozirgi zamonda taqiqni bildirgani sababli oʻtgan zamonda taqiqni bildirish uchun turli xil boshqa fe'llardan foydalaniladi. Masalan:
🔸You weren't allowed to enter the building. (allow fe'li)
🔸It was forbidden for you to enter the building. (forbid fe'li)
✅ don't/doesn't have to +V1 qurilmasi 'shart emas, qilmasa ham boʻladi 'degan ma'nolarni, ya'ni biror ish-harakat qilish majburiy emasligini anglatadi.
🔸It's Sunday tomorrow. I don't have to get up early. (Ertaga yakshanba. Men erta turishim shart emas.)
🔸You don't have to shout. I can hear you well.
✅ Oʻtgan zamonda have to modal fe'li boʻlishsiz gaplarda didn't have to shaklini oladi va 'shart emas edi qilmasa ham boʻlardi ' degan ma'nolarni anglatadi.
🔸I didn't have to get up early, it was Sunday. (Erta turishim shart emas edi, yakshanba kuni edi.)
🔸I managed to do a lot of work yesterday because I didn't have to cook.
7️⃣ must modal soʻzi ba'zan kuchli maslahat berish (strong recommendation) ma'nosida ham qoʻllaniladi.
🔸She is a very nice person. You must meet her.
✳️ have to modal fe'li oʻrniga hozirgi zamonda have/has got to shaklida ham qoʻllaniladi. Bunday qurilmani og'zaki nutqda koʻp uchratamiz va odatda bir martalik ish-harakatlar uchun qoʻllaniladi.
🔸I have got to take a taxi today. There is no bus and I am going to be late.
❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2025 #newlessons
🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFe2P5bFTJKJKkwvyA