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Most common expressions in movies🎦

Useful suffixes



Humphrey Bogart

Read a short story of a famous movie star who became a symbol of old Hollywood.

Humphrey Bogart was a big movie star from long time ago. He was born in New York City on December 25, 1899. Bogart grew up in a family that liked art. His dad was good at drawing, and his mom was good at making art for advertisements.

When Bogart was young, he did not plan to be an actor. He tried a lot of jobs, like working on ships and joining the U.S. Navy in a big war. But he really loved acting, so he went to Hollywood to try it.

Bogart became famous in the 1940s. He acted in big movies like "Casablanca" and "The Maltese Falcon." He played tough guys with a rough voice, but they were good guys at heart.

Humphrey Bogart
He had a really cool style. He often wore a special kind of hat called a fedora and had a cigarette in his mouth. This style became his special look. People all over the world wanted to copy his style because he looked so cool and confident.

In real life, Bogart liked sailing and was married a few times. His most famous wife was "Lauren Bacall." She was a movie star, too. They were a very famous couple.

Bogart had some problems with drinking too much, but he continued acting in movies until he got sick and died in 1957.

Fun fact : Humphrey Bogart liked playing chess a lot. He even played against the best chess player in the world once, but he did not win.

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to make up one's mind

Bu birikma o'zbek tiliga "qaror qilmoq" deb tarjima qilinadi.

I have already made up my mind for the upcoming year


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

She explained the differences in a way that is interesting and easy



to make the most of ...

Bu birikma o'zbek tiliga "imkon boricha foydalanmoq" deb tarjima qilinadi.

It is a lovely day - we must make the most of it



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