Fozil Mamadaliev

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

Backend Developer
Central Asian University
SAT 1470
My reflections only…
@fozil_notes | @fmcoder |

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

Chingizxon boshchiligida mo’g’ullarning bir paytda ham aqlli, ham jirkanch ishlari, Qipchoqlarning nomardligi va xionati, Musulmonlar orasida fitna sabab Buxoro va Xorazm saltanatining qulashi, jasur va dinga sodiq ikki qalin do’st Jaloliddin va Temur Malikning din xizmati yo’lida shahid bo’lishi - bu tarixga qiziqmasdim. Shu ikki kitob qiziqtirib qo’ydi: Yonayotgan Buxoro va Alvido Buxoro. Hammaga tavsiya qilaman.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
A Day in a Life

Inspired by @egypturk

P.S. Note that the reality is not always like this.


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Alhamdulillah. I am so happy to share you guys that I have finally completed an 8-month Backend NodeJs Course at Najot Talim. This is the shot from the last lesson. Started with over 20 students, and only these 7 have managed to complete.

Finally, those 8 months are over. Time to find a job now. I know it's gonna be hard, especially for me who is a college student to find a remote or part-time job.

We still keep learning, growing, and achieving. Thanks to my teacher, Javohir aka, and Najot Talim.

So, one check here.


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Completed my first time ever internship at Global Move, a software company under Yoshlar Ishlar Agentligi.

Built a University Application Management System for a consulting company with experienced team. Learned new things. Realized that I am far behind in this sphere. Still gotta learn many skills.

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Rizqimiz yozilgan

Ko’pchilik IT sohasida o’qiyotganimni eshitib, “Kimdan so’rasang IT’shnik bo’laman deyaverarkanda. Hamma IT’shnik bo’laversa, ularga shuncha ish qayerdan keladi axir?!” deyishadi.

Birinchidan, IT ga bo’lgan talab hech qachon yo’qolib ketmaydi. IT sohasiga talab ko’payyapgani uchun shu sohaga bo’lgan qiziqish ham oshyapti. Talabga yarasha taklif. Xohlagan sohangizni qarang, IT sohasiga talab bor. Avtomatlashtirishga ehtiyoj bor.

Ikkinchidan, hamma “IT’shnik bo’laman” degani bilan, hamma ham zo’r IT’shnik bo’lib yetishib chiqolmaydi. Misol uchun Najot Talimda bitta guruhda 20 ta odam o’qishni boshlasa, kurs oxirida o’rtacha 6-7 kishi bitiradi xolos. Xullas, “I want to be” bilan “I am” ni katta farqi bor.

Eng asosiysi, biz o’zimiz qiziqqan sohani eng zo’r mutaxassisi bo’lishimiz kerak. Rizqimiz esa allaqachon yozilgan.


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Have to delete this part, by the way. Been 2 years)

Og’riq his qilinishi shart

Muvaffaqiyat kaliti mehnatligini bilamiz. Lekin aynan qanday ko’rinishdagi va qanday darajadagi mehnat?

Muvaffaqiyat bir narsani talab qiladi: og’riq. Nafsning og’rishi.

Bir ishni qilgingiz kelmaydi, ammo qilaverasiz.

Nega ko’p muvaffaqiyatli insonlar zalga chiqishni, shug’ullanishni tavsiya qilishadi? Chunki shug’ullanish ham shu og’riqga bir misol.

Zalga chiqsangiz, siz biror bir narsaga erishish siz o’ylaganchalik oson emasligini tushunasiz.

Maqsadga erishish uchun sizdan intizom, mehnat, og’riq talab qilinishini tushunasiz.

Og’riq, sabr, matonat va intizom.

Natijami? Shu kelishuvni qabul qilishga majbursiz: Harakat sizdan, natija esa Allohdan.


Bering - olasiz!

Har qanday ko'rinishdagi maqsadga yetishning bir yo'li - bu berish.

O’z sohangiz mutaxassisi bo’lmoqchimisiz? Shirin uyquni bering (tark eting), dangasalikni bering (intizom), o'yin-kulguga ajratilgan vaqtingizni bering.

Yaxshi qomat egasi bo'lmoqchimisiz? Energiyani bering, muskulni bering. Evaziga kattaroq muskul va ko'proq energiya qaytib keladi.

Boy bo'lmochimisiz? Pulingizni bering. Ehson qiling. Investitsiya kiriting.

Xohlagan narsangizni ziyoda qilish uchun siz o'sha narsani bering. Bering - ko’proq olasiz!


Tanlov o’zingda

Qo’shiq eshitasan, hissiyotlarga berilasan, quvnaysan. Lekin ich-ichingdan siqilasan. Qalbing taskin topmaydi.

Qur’on eshitasan, qo’shiqdek maroqli emasdek tuyuladi. Lekin qalbing halovat topadi.

Ertalab bomdod vaqti juda ham shirin uyqu bosadi. Mazza qilib uxlaysan. Keyinchalik uyg’onganingda esa, qalbing siqiladi. Afsuslanasan.

Ertasiga o’zingni majburlab uyg’onasan. Shirin uyquni qo’yib, Robbingga yuzlanasan. Qalbing va ruhing halovat topadi.

Ba’zida ehson qilging keladi. Lekin puling kamayishidan qo’rqasan. Pulingni berib qo’yging kelmaydi. Lekin Robbingning va’dasini eslab, niyyatingni o’zgartirasan va ehson qilasan. Nafsing og’riydi, ammo ruhing poklanadi.

Ruhing xohlagan ishni qilsang, nafsing og’riydi. Nafsing xohlagan ishni qilsang, ruhing og’riydi. Sen uchun qaysi biri muhimroq? Tanlov o’zingda.


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Sometimes you have to give up on some of your dreams to achieve a bigger one.

I couldn’t go abroad to study last year. I had decent scores, I tried but couldn’t make it. I retook SAT and bettered my activities. “This time” was my inspiration. I applied again to top colleges in USA and Korea in early cycle. But it got worse and worse. I got 10 rejections out of 10 applications.

Maybe it wasn’t my “nasib” to go abroad this year. And I accepted it. You may say, “You should never give up, you should keep trying.” Yes, I tried. But I can’t keep trying and trying only to study abroad. It was never my purpose to go and study in America. Qatar was my favorite place to study bachelors, but again - it wasn’t my “nasib”. My purpose is to become the best in my field and to become rich. I already lost one year. And I don’t want to lose another.

Instead, I am studying in one of the best universities in Uzbekistan. I am selling stuff online on Uzum Market, and it is going well, alhamdulillah. I am learning Backend Development at Najot Ta’lim. I can say I’m improving myself. Maybe this is better for me. Everybody has different paths.

So, yeah. I’m hustling)



Started with TikTok, these short clips are destroying so many young generation. We’re being controlled just by algorithms. There is exactly one reason why they are making their platforms totally free - to keep you busy, to keep you weak and depressed. How do you think these social media apps make money? By ads, of course. So, in order to make ads reach as many users as possible, they have to keep their users busy using their apps. This is exactly why they created short clips. Every time you watch a new short video, it knows you better and shows you videos that suit your interest. As the saying goes, if the product is free, then you are the product.

Also, did you know that the country that created TikTok banned their own product? Yes, China doesn’t allow their citizens to use TikTok because they know exactly how these short videos make them weak. Instead, they created similar app that only shows clips related to only education. Nothing else.

Isn’t it time to stop this bad habit? Isn’t it time to reduce our screen time? Isn’t it time to never let them control us?

P.S: I also watch shorts sometimes. And I’m trying to stop it forever. So, these are also notes for myself.


You see innocent children crying because they find their parents under the rumbles. You see them even dying. You see your brothers and sisters bleeding and they did nothing wrong. You feel a sense of guilt because you can’t do anything to help them. You wish you could defend them, help them.

But you’re not realizing that you’re actually helping Israelis. You’re buying the products of the companies that support Israel. You’re even making excuses that your mere penny can’t do any harm. You’re making excuses that those companies donate only a mere percent of their money for Israel. You’re helping the killers.

Would you spend a mere 0.1% of your money to kill your family? Aren’t all Muslims considered brothers and sisters?

Coca-Cola is not a beverage. It’s a blood of Palestinians. And you’re drinking it.


5 THINGS I LEARNED IN 2023 (my notes)

1. The most difficult battle is the battle between you and your ego.

2. Sometimes you need to sacrifice what you love in order to achieve something bigger.

3. Never ever set your expectations high. NEVER. Because the higher you set your expectations, the harder you may fall.

4. The worst thing that could ever happen to a person is losing the ability of self-reflection.

5. Growth is when you feel stupid after reading your old notes.


My 2024 resolutions

- Expand my business (Uzum > Amazon > Shopify)

- Dopamine detox (no soft drinks, no shorts/reels etc.)

- Read/Listen at least 25 books

- Learn Development skills

- Start-ups

- Make at least $40,000 in profit

- Start coding internships/jobs

- Buy Real World course

- Gain +10 kg of weight (by hitting gym)

- Content creation on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram


What is your biggest goal for 2024?

You have 2024

The day we welcomed 2023 with new challenges, resolutions, and goals is now gone. This year might have gone really well in some people, but also very awful in others. Life goes on regardless. It keeps challenging us, throwing stones on our ways. Yet we try to keep overcoming them.

For me, this year was full of adventures and improvement. Traveled and enjoyed in many places with friends. Improved my fitness level. Addicted to a pain that never seems to go away. Read some great books that keep pulling me towards themselves over and over again.

However, compared to my resolutions for the year, it was awful. I didn't certainly waste it, but it could be a lot better. I could read more books. I could get much higher scores, learn coding, and reach a good level in IT. I could do a lot better. But it has already passed. It's over now. A new adventure is waiting us. We have to be ready to accept what we're not and face our fears.

If you didn't do a good job this year, you have 2024. Just make a solid plan. Set new challenges. Face them. They only make you stronger. Improve your fitness level. Get into a good shape. Build your own business. It's never too late. It's never too early, either. The earlier, the better. Don't be pessimist. Be an optimist. Embrace everything positively. Learn from your failures. Educate yourself. Learn new skills. Don't be an arrogant slave.

Let's make 2024 a year that when it ends, we farewell it with pride and joy.


Have you ever wondered how giant companies, like Facebook, Starbucks, and Coca-Cola, became so successful? And you want to know the hidden and disturbing truth about them? I found an eye-opening YouTube channel that tells you everything:

Just watch its 'movies', and thank me later)

Is college education worth it? Not only in Uzbekistan, but even in America?

In short, if you're not majoring in medicine, law, or engineering, you don't need a college. People are learning business from their broke professors. Like, what do you learn? Formulas? Calculus? Outdated charts? And you sucessfully get a "degree" for wasting your 4 years?

Diploma is also another topic. Nearly all jobs nowadays don't require diploma. They require experience and projects. If your future job doesn't require deep learning, like three majors I mentioned, you're asked for experience/projects, not a piece of paper. If you want to learn something, you can find everything on the internet for free, or for a mere money.

How about TOP universities, like Harvard or Stanford? Alright, here is the thing: these universities are on the top not because they produce geniuses. They don't. They accept ready students. They accept students that are already genius. And they support them for 4 years. So, colleges are basically not for learning. There is one benefit, though - which is networking. You surely find like-minded friends for projects and startups in a college. But you can also find the same geniuses outside in those four years.

If your ultimate goal is to be an expert in your field, university is important. But if you want to get rich, you never need it. Never. But there is another thing - family. If your parents want you to study in a college and you want to make them proud, university is a must, I believe.

Note: these are just my opinions. If you find some points to disagree, that's fine. Everybody has a different worldview)


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Why am I not posting anything lately?

I used to post things that are related to standardized test preparations and college applications. Everybody is doing it these days. It became like a cliche. For tests, it is always like "focus on general English, work on your weaknesses and be consistent" and for the applications, it is mostly "don't tell, show; show who you are as a person" and this and that. It seems like I am forgetting why I opened this blog. I opened it to share my reflections and thoughts. The goal of opening blog should be this, after all: to share your insights with your followers, to influence them in a good way.

From now on, I will never post things that can be easily found on the internet. I'll start sharing my insights and reflections. I might post rarely, but I will make valuable posts. So, if you are someone who is expecting posts that are only related to IELTS or college application stuff from this channel, you can leave. It is a blog, not a "IELTS/CA with X", right?

What do I have in mind? I am busy with self-improvement - learning skills, working on my physique etc. I might share some of my reflections with you guys. I am back)


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.