English grammar easy

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Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost
🇷🇺Новые слова.
🇬🇧New words.
🇺🇿Yangi so'zlar.
•┈•┈•┈• ❁✿❁ •┈•┈•┈•

🇷🇺довольны Вместе
🇬🇧happy Together






🇺🇿Yordam bermoq/yordam berish

🇬🇧To buy/ buy
🇺🇿Sotib olmoq/sotib olish

🇬🇧To come/

🇬🇧To meet/
🇬🇧Kutib olmoq/kutib olish
•┈•┈•┈• ❁✿❁ •┈•┈•┈•
✅Internetni o'chiring
✅Ularni yod oling

Bu so'zlarni yod  olish uchun atigi
⏰10-15 daqiqa ketadi.

♻️ Kun davomida bu so'zlarni takrorlang.


Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost
🚩 So'zlashuv ko'p ishlatiladigan eng kerakli iboralar

🔗 I am afraid you are wrong – Afsuski siz adashyapsiz

🔗 I didn't catch the last word – Oxirgi gapingizni (so’z) tushunmadim

🔗 If I am not mistaken – Adashmasam

🔗 In other words. – Boshqa so’zlar bilan

🔗 In short. – Xullas (qisqasi)

🔗 It doesn't matter – muhim emas (farqi yo’q)

🔗 It is a good idea – Bu yaxshi fikr

🔗 It is new to me – Bu men uchun yangilik

🔗 Let us hope for the best – Keling, yaxshi niyat qilaylik.

🔗 On the one hand . – Bir tomondan…

🔗 On the other hand . – Boshqa tomondan

A'zo bo'lishni unutmang 👇


Phrasal Verbs

1. Cut off - kesmoq, uzmoq (phone, electric)
2. Fall down - qoqilib yiqilib tushmoq

3. Fall out (with) - do'stlikni to'xtatmoq
4. Fill in - to'ldirmoq (hujjat, qog'oz)

5. Fill up - butunlay to'ldirmoq (idishni suvga va h.k.)
6. Find out - xabar topmoq

7. Get away with - jazodan qochmoq
8. Get in (to) - mashinaga minmoq

9. Get out (of) - mashinadan, binodan, xonadan chiqmoq
10. Get on (to) - avtobus, poyezdga chiqmoq

11. Get off - avtobus, poyezdan tushmoq
12. Get on - yaxshi chiqishib ketmoq boshqalar bilan

13. Get over - sog'aymoq
14. Get up - o'rnidan turmoq

15. Give away - berib yuborish (tekinga)
16. Give back - qaytarib olmoq (bergan narsani)

17. Give up - odatini tashlamoq
18. Join in - Qatnashmoq, ishtirok

19. Send off - O’yinchini o’yindan
20. Eat out - Ovqatlanish (restoranda)


Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost
📚 10 top collocations with 'LIKE'

🖇 Sleep like a log - Chuqur va qattiq uyquga ketmoq

🖇 Sell like hotcakes - Tez va yaxshi darajada biror narsa sotmoq

🖇 Like a fish out of water - Batamom begona bo'lgan joyda bo'lish

🖇 Feel like a million - Juda baxtli his qilmoq

🖇 Like a bump on a log - Atrofidagi narsalarga foydali yoki kerakli deb qaramaslik

🖇 Read someone like a book - So'ramasdan biror kim nima haqida o'ylayotganini o'qiy bilish

🖇 Watch someone like a Hawk - Kimnidir ehtiyotkorlik bilan kuzatish, ayniqsa xato qilishini kutgan holda

🖇 Know someone or something like the back of one’s hand - Biror kimni yoki narsani har tomondan to'laqonli bilish

🖇 Fit like a glove - Juda mos/to'g'ri keladi

🖇 Eat like a bird - Juda kam miqdorda nimadir yeyish

🤔Can you make your own sentence in the comments section👇


Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost

🇬🇧You can thank your lucky stars nobody saw you.
🇷🇺Благодарите небо, что вас никто не видел.
🇺🇿Omadingiz keldi, sizni hech kim ko'rmadi.

🇬🇧It is to no purpose.
🇷🇺Напрасно это.
🇺🇿Befoyda bu ish.

🇬🇧Better luck next time!
🇷🇺Ничего, в следующий раз повезет!
🇺🇿Keyingi safar omad kelib qolar!

🇬🇧It was all in vain.
🇷🇺Все было напрасно.
🇺🇿Hammasi bekor bo'ldi. Hammasi besamar bo'ldi.

🇬🇧Bad luck.
🇷🇺Не везет!

🇬🇧Rotten luck!
🇷🇺Ужасно не везет!
🇺🇿Umuman omad kulmayapti!

⚜ Yod oling va do'stlaringiz bilan suhbatlarda foydalaning!


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish


I really love this song ,and you?🧐🫣


Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost
✅Describing similarities✅

☀️Likewise- singari, ...dek
☀️Correspondingly- Mos ravishda
☀️Equally- birdek
☀️Not only… but also- nafaqat bu, balki.....
☀️In the same way- huddi shu asnoda
☀️Similarly- shu bilan birga

✅Showing cause and effect✅

☀️Consequently- Natijada
☀️As a result- Natijasida
☀️Thus- Shu sababli
☀️Hence - shundan so'ng
☀️Since- sababli
☀️Because- chunki
☀️Therefore- shuning uchun
☀️Accordingly- muvofiq ravishda
☀️This suggests that- Bu shuni ko'rsatadiki
☀️For this reason- shu sababli ham

✅Comparing and contrasting✅

☀️Alternatively- muqobil sifatida
☀️However- shunday bo'lsa ham
☀️On the other hand- boshqa taraflama
☀️Instead- o'rniga
☀️On the contrary- taqqoslaganda
☀️Despite/in spite of- ...ga qaramasdan
☀️While (not whilst!)- esa
☀️Even so- shunga qaramasdan
☀️Nevertheless- shunga qaramay
☀️Nonetheless- shunday bo'lsa ham
☀️Admittedly-tan olish kerakki


Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost
👩‍🏫Assalomu alaykum.Ko'pchilik so'rayotvan online gramatika kursimga yana start bermoqchiman.

❗️Shu kanalni ancha yillardan beri yuritib kelaman.Ismim Sevinch.Jahon tillari universiteti 4- kurs talabasiman.

1- guruh.Gramatika 0 dan
2- guruh. Gramatika va IELTS

Narx. 400.000 150 ming

❗️Birinchi yozilgan 5 kishi uchun 100 ming so'm.Faqat shu patok uchun narxlarini pasaytirdim.Ulgurib qolila.

Batafsil ma'lumot uchun.

Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost
🇷🇺Новые слова.
🇬🇧New words.
🇺🇿Yangi so'zlar.
•┈•┈•┈• ❁✿❁•┈•┈•┈•





•┈•┈•┈• ❁✿❁•┈•┈•┈•
✅Internetni o'chiring
✅Ularni yod oling

Bu so'zlarni yod  olish uchun atigi
⏰10-15 daqiqa ketadi.

♻️ Kun davomida bu so'zlarni takrorlang.


Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost
🇷🇺Новые слова.
🇬🇧New words.
🇺🇿Yangi so'zlar.
•┈•┈•┈• ❁✿❁•┈•┈•┈•

🇷🇺День. Днём
🇺🇿Kun. Kunduzi


🇷🇺Вечер. Вечером


🇺🇿Ruhiy holat
•┈•┈•┈• ❁✿❁•┈•┈•┈•
✅Internetni o'chiring
✅Ularni yod oling

Bu so'zlarni yod  olish uchun atigi
⏰10-15 daqiqa ketadi.

♻️ Kun davomida bu so'zlarni takrorlang.


Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost
🆎 Bugun kecha kanalga qo'yilgan til (so'zlashish )  mavzusini davom ettiramiz.

🇬🇧 Excuse me, What did you say?🤔
🇺🇿 Kechirasiz nima dedingiz? 🤔
🇷🇺 Извините,  что вы сказали? 🤔

🇬🇧 I don't understand you 🤷‍♀
🇺🇿 Men sizni tushunmayapman🤷‍♀
🇷🇺 Я вас не понимаю. 🤷‍♀

🇬🇧 How do you say that in English? 🙃
🇺🇿 Buni engilizcha qanday aytsa bo'ladi?🙃
🇷🇺 Как это сказать по -английски?🙃

🇬🇧 What does this word mean?🤔
🇺🇿 Bu so'z nimani bildiradi? 🤔
🇷🇺 Что означает это слово? 🤔

🇬🇧 I see, thank you. 😃
🇺🇿 Tushunarli raxmat. 😄
🇷🇺 Ясно. Понимаю. Спасибо.

🇬🇧 Letter                        🇬🇧 Write
🇺🇿 Xarf                           🇺🇿 Yozmoq
🇷🇺 Буква.                       🇷🇺 Писать

🇬🇧 Speak.                       🇬🇧 Quickly
🇺🇿 Gapirmoq.                🇺🇿 Tez
🇷🇺 Говорит                    🇷🇺  быстро

🇬🇧 Understand.          
🇺🇿 Tushunmoq.             
🇷🇺 Понимат.              

Berilayotgan so'zlarni doimo yodab boring! !,🤡


👆👆👆 Do’stlaringizni taklif qiling.

Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost

🇬🇧You're lucky.
🇷🇺Вам везет.

🇬🇧You're in luck.
🇷🇺Вам повезло.
🇺🇿Omadingiz keldi.

🇬🇧Lucky dog!

🇬🇧Lucky dog you are!
🇷🇺Ну и везет же тебе!
🇺🇿Rosa omadingiz keldi!

🇬🇧What a stroke of luck!
🇷🇺Вот это удача!
🇺🇿Buni omad desa bo'ladi. Ana sizga omad!

🇬🇧I want to try my fortune.
🇷🇺Я хочу попытать счастья.
🇺🇿O'z omadimni sinab ko'rmoqchiman.

🇬🇧One success after another.
🇷🇺За успехом следовал успех.
🇺🇿Omad ketidan omad.

🇬🇧Some people have all the luck!
🇷🇺Везет же людям!
🇺🇿Odamlarning omadi keladi-da!

⚜ Yod oling va do'stlaringiz bilan suhbatlarda foydalaning!


Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost

🇬🇧Good Morning. Morning.
🇷🇺Доброе утро!
🇺🇿Hayrli tong!

🇬🇧Good day
🇷🇺Добрый день!
🇺🇿Hayrli kun!

🇬🇧Good afternoon.
Good evening.
🇷🇺Добрый вечер!
🇺🇿Hayrli kech!

🇬🇧Hello. Hi.
🇺🇿Assalomu Alaykum!

🇷🇺Добро пожаловать!
🇺🇿Hush kelibsiz.

🇬🇧How are you?
🇷🇺Как поживаете?
🇺🇿Ahvollaringiz qalay?

🇬🇧How are you feeling?
🇷🇺Как вы себя чувствуете?
🇺🇿O'zingizni qanday his qilyapsiz?

🇬🇧I hope you are feeling well.
🇷🇺Надеюсь, вы себя хорошо чувствуете.
🇺🇿Umid qilamanki, o'zingizni yaxshi his qilyapsiz.


Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 Everyday habits to improve your English. Free IELTS lessons are here👇🏻


Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost
Tourist trap
🔆Meaning: somewhere where too many tourists go
📝Example: There are a lot of people visiting Hoi An Ancient Town these days, which makes
this town become a tourist trap.

🔆Meaning: possible to approach, enter, or use
📝Example: The island is accessible only by ferry.

To get away from it all
🔆Meaning: to take a holiday to escape a busy or stressful lifestyle
📝Example: Why don’t you get away from it all and have a weekend in the mountains?

Hordes of tourist
🔆Meaning: crowds of tourists
📝Example: During summer, we can see hordes of tourists in these islands.

To go sightseeing
🔆Meaning: to look around the tourist sites
📝Example: Last year we went to London, and we spent most of the trip going sightseeing,
there was so much to see!

To showcase
🔆Meaning: to show the best qualities or parts of something
📝Example: The main aim of the exhibition is to showcase British design.

Immerse oneself in something
🔆Meaning: to become completely involved in something
📝Example: She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and

🔆Meaning: brightly colored or (of descriptions or memories) producing clear, powerful, and
detailed images in the mind
📝Example: He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.


20 amazing phrases for daily uses | Intersting

♦️Are you OK? — hammasi joyidami ? 
♦️Are you still here? — hali ham shu yerdamisiz ? 
♦️Attention! — Diqqat ! 
♦️Don’t be late, please — Kechga qolmang, iltimos. 
♦️Don’t mind it, please — E’tibor qilmang. 
♦️Exactly so — aynan shunday. 
♦️Farewell — Hayr. Oq yo’l
♦️Give me a chance — Bir imkon ber. 
♦️How’s it going? — Nima gaplar? 
♦️It doesn’t matter — Farqi yo’q. 
♦️It was an accident — Bu tasodif. 
♦️It’s early (yet) — Hali erta! 
♦️Maybe — Balkim. 
♦️Never mind — Hechqisi yo’q. 
♦️No way! — Hech qanaqasiga! 
♦️See you! — Ko’rishguncha. 
♦️Take care — O’zingngizni asrang
♦️Talk to you later — keyinroq gaplashamiz
♦️Until we meet again — Ko’rishguncha. 
♦️Very well — Juda yaxshi


Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost

🇬🇧I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said.
🇷🇺Простите я не совсем понял, что вы сказали.
🇺🇿Uzr, nima deganingizni uncha tushunmadim.

🇬🇧Write it down, please.
🇷🇺Напишите, пожалуйста.
🇺🇿Yozib bering, iltimos.

🇬🇧Translate it.
🇺🇿Tarjima qiling.

🇬🇧Please, say it again.
🇷🇺Повторите, пожалуйста.
🇺🇿Takrorlab yuboring, iltimos.

🇬🇧How do you say that in English?
🇷🇺Как это сказать по-русски?
🇺🇿Buning ruschasi nima bo'ladi?

🇬🇧We need an interpreter.
🇷🇺Нам нужен переводчик.
🇺🇿Bizga tarjimon kerak.

🇬🇧We don't need an interpreter.
🇷🇺Нам не нужен переводчик.
🇺🇿Biz tarjimonga muhtoj emasmiz.

⚜Yod oling va suxbatlarda foydalaning.


Ingliz tilida so'zlashish dan repost
📘 Book 3 | Unit 5

📑 Word list

🟦 skeleton [skelətn] n. — skelet
🔻>> A skeleton is the bones of a body. >> A skeleton tananing suyaklari.

— There is a skeleton in the science classroom.
— Ilmiy xonada skelet bor.

🟦 spoil [spɔɪl] v. — achimoq, aynimoq
🔻>> If something spoils, it turns bad or rots. >> Agar biror narsa spoil bo'lsa,  u yomonlashadi yoki chiriydi.

— We left the fruit out too long, and it spoiled.
— Biz mevani uzoq vaqt tashqarida saqladik va u aynib qoldi.

🟦 starve [stɑːrv] v. — och qolmoq, ochdan o'lmoq
🔻>> If a person starves, they do not get enough to eat and sometimes die. >> Agar biror inson starve bo'lsa, unda yegani yetarli narsa bo'lmaydi va ba'zida o'ladi.

— During the war, many people starved.
— Urush mobaynida ko'p odam ochdan o'ldi.

🟦 thrill [θrɪl] n. — hayajon
🔻>> A thrill is an exciting feeling. >> A thrill hayajon tuyg'usi.

— The boys enjoy the thrill of surfing a big wave.
— Bolalar katta to'lqinda sayr qilish hayajonidan zavqlanishadi.

🟦 wicked [wɪkɪd] adj. — yovuz, vaxshiy
🔻>> If something is wicked, it is very bad or evil. >> Agar biror narsa wicked bo'lsa, u juda yomon yoki yovuz.

— My boss is a very wicked man.
— Mening xo'jayinim juda yovuz inson.



🔆A balanced diet – A diet of mostly healthy food that has the right amount of nutrients

🔆A bottle of bubbly – Sparkling wine

🔆A decadent chocolate pudding – Luxurious or self-indulgent chocolate pudding

🔆A doggy bag – The leftovers of a meal in a restaurant taken home

🔆A scrumptious meal – A delicious meal

🔆A slap up meal – an expensive or very indulgent ‘treat’ meal

🔆A sweet tooth – An enjoyment of sweet food

🔆An English breakfast – A large cooked breakfast that includes egg and bacon

🔆Calm the hunger pangs – To reduce the discomfort caused by hunger

🔆Candle lit dinner – A romantic dinner by candlelight

🔆Covered in a rich sauce – Covered in a creamy gravy

🔆Cut down on – To reduce consumption

🔆Daily consumption – The amount that you eat everyday

🔆Dying of hunger – Very hungry

🔆Exotic meals – Meals that originate in other countries

🔆Fine dining – Food catering to expensive tastes in a formal setting

🔆Food preparation – Preparing food

🔆Food production – Producing food

🔆Fussy eater – Someone dislikes many foods

🔆Home cooked meals – Meals cooked at home

🔆Homemade food – Food made at home

🔆Junk food – Food with little nutritional value

🔆Leafy vegetables – Vegetables such as spinach and cabbage

🔆Mouth-watering meals – Delicious meals

🔆Nutritious food – Food with many nutrients

🔆Quick snack – a small meal that’s easy to eat ‘on the go’.

🔆Packed with vitamins – Full of vitamins

🔆Piping hot cup of coffee – Very hot coffee

🔆Pub lunch – Lunch served in a bar

🔆Rabbit food – Salad vegetables

🔆Ready meals – Heat and eat meals

🔆Refined carbohydrates – Foods such as white rice, white bread

🔆Savouring the food – Enjoying the food

🔆Scrumptious meal – An exceptionally tasty meal

🔆Seasonal fruits – Fruits that grow in season

🔆Starving hungry – Extremely hungry

🔆Wining and dining – Entertainment that includes good food


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