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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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The Donkey and the Well

One day, a farmer's donkey fell into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.

At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that fell on his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off!

Moral: Life will shovel dirt on you—all kinds of dirt. The trick is to refuse to let it bury you. Shake off each setback, climb higher, and keep moving. No matter how deep the well, never stop fighting. Never give up. Every obstacle is a step up if you don’t quit.

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Egoist vs. Egocentric


Negative information spreads quickly and is often shared more readily than positive news, reflecting human tendencies toward gossip and concern.

Unwanted things or people have a way of reappearing when least expected.

Wishes might not always bring about positive outcomes and could result in unexpected consequences.

Striving for perfection can prevent us from appreciating or accepting things that are already good enough.

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Egocentric (adjective)

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Part #66: Turn down

The most common meaning of the phrasal verb "turn down" is to refuse or reject something, such as an offer or request. It can also refer to reducing the volume or intensity of something, such as a radio or lights.


- I had to turn down the job offer because it was too far away.

- Could you please turn down the music? It's too loud.

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Two Frogs

A group of frogs was traveling through the woods when two of them fell into a deep pit. Seeing how deep the pit was, the other frogs told the two that they were as good as dead.

Ignoring the comments, the two frogs tried to jump out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept shouting at them to stop, insisting they had no chance of survival. Eventually, one of the frogs listened to their words, gave up, and died.

The other frog, however, continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs urged him to stop and accept his fate. Instead, he jumped even harder and finally made it out of the pit.

When he emerged, the other frogs asked, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained that he was deaf and had misunderstood their shouts as encouragement.

Moral: There is power in the words we speak—life and death lie in the tongue. A kind or encouraging word can lift someone up and help them persevere, even in the toughest of times. Be mindful of what you say and strive to speak life to those you encounter.

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Year 2024 Summary

Make sure to stay connected, more interesting stuff is on the way! 😉


Belittle (verb)

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C1 Words List: Part #39

Aggressive /əˈgres.ɪv/

Word family:
- Noun: aggression
- Adjective: aggressive
- Adverb: aggressively


Description: Using forceful methods and determined to succeed.

Dictionary example:
- The company launched an aggressive advertising campaign to boost sales.

Learner example:
- The aggressive approach taken by the coach helped the team win the championship.


Description: Behaving in a way that shows anger or readiness to attack.

Dictionary example:
- He became aggressive when asked about his actions.

Learner example:
- The dog showed aggressive behavior because it felt unsafe in the crowded area.


Description: Showing energy and willingness to take bold actions.

Dictionary example:
- She has an aggressive approach to solving problems.

Learner example:
- An aggressive marketing strategy is necessary to reach a broader audience and grow the business quickly.


Description: Involving strong or intensive methods to stop something harmful, such as a disease.

Dictionary example:
- The patient was given aggressive chemotherapy to treat the cancer.

Learner example:
- Aggressive treatment is required to combat this illness effectively.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Unusal Coconut Harvesters of Thailand

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Parts of the Arm and Hand

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Greed—A Curse

Once upon a time, there lived a cloth merchant in a village with his wife and two children. They had a simple yet comfortable life and were considered well-off by the villagers. The family owned a remarkable hen that laid an egg every single day. But this was no ordinary egg—it was a golden egg.

The merchant, however, was not satisfied with what he received daily. He was a man driven by the desire to become rich quickly. Every day, he dreamed of a life filled with unimaginable wealth and luxury. This led him to think of a way to obtain all the golden eggs at once.

One day, after much thought, the merchant came up with a plan. He decided that instead of waiting for the hen to lay a golden egg every day, he would kill it and take all the eggs inside its body at once. Excited about his brilliant idea, he sharpened his knife and prepared to act.

The next morning, as soon as the hen laid its daily golden egg, the merchant caught hold of it. Without hesitation, he cut off its neck and opened its body. To his dismay, there were no eggs inside—only blood and flesh. The golden egg that had been his daily blessing was gone forever.

The merchant was struck with grief and regret. His greed had destroyed the very source of his fortune. What once was a life of steady prosperity turned into misery. Without the golden eggs, he became poorer and poorer until he had nothing left.

The moral of the story is: Greed can destroy even the greatest of blessings. Learn to appreciate and be content with what you have.

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Hand speed competition 😂

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Billionaire Interested In Young People’s Blood

According to a 15th-century historian, Pope Innocent VIII fell into a coma in 1492. His doctor, trying to reverse his condition, attempted something shocking. He took the blood of three children and fed it to the pope. Both the pope and the children died. The attempt to heal him using the blood of young children was a failure, but this medieval doctor may have been onto something.

In the late 15th century, medical understanding of the circulatory system was nonexistent, so the blood was poured into the pope’s mouth. While the accuracy of this story is uncertain, some medical historians suggest this could have been an early attempt at a form of blood transfusion.

By the 16th century, doctors had begun to understand how blood circulates through the body, and the first successful blood transfusion occurred in 1665. Since then, blood transfusions have been used to save lives in cases of injury or surgery. But recent research is again looking at the healing potential of young blood.

In 2008, researchers at Stanford University surgically connected the circulatory systems of pairs of young and old mice. Their blood mixed for a few weeks before their brains were examined. The results were surprising. The old mice experienced a burst of brain cell growth. The opposite happened to the young mice, whose normal brain cell growth stalled due to the effects of the old blood. In 2014, researchers at Harvard conducted similar experiments with mice and found that young blood improved the brains, hearts, and muscles of older mice.

In ancient Greek mythology, Ambrosia is the food of the gods that grants immortality. It is also the name of a new company that is testing young blood transfusions on humans. The company has initiated a 600-person research study funded by the participants themselves. For $8,000, older participants, aged 35 to 80, will receive transfusions from individuals under 25.

While the potential for anti-aging discoveries is exciting, we could be walking toward a world where only the rich have access to the fountain of youth. Peter Thiel, the billionaire co-founder of PayPal, has invested millions in anti-aging companies. The Chief Medical Officer from one of his companies has recently reached out to Ambrosia. Thiel has stated that his interest in this type of anti-aging treatment is purely personal, though it raises important questions. In the future, will companies funded by billionaires be able to cure aging? And will immortality ultimately involve the rich draining the life force of the young and poor?

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Part #65: Get off

The most common meaning of the phrasal verb "get off" is to leave a vehicle, building, or other location. It can also be used informally to refer to leaving work or finishing an activity.


- I have to get off the bus at the next stop.

- Let's get off work early today.

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Toe the line

"Toe the line" means to conform to rules, standards, or expectations, or to follow orders without question. It often implies a sense of obedience or compliance.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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The Fastest Animal In The World ⚡️

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The Cocoon

A man found a butterfly's cocoon. One day, a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly struggle for several hours as it tried to force its body through the tiny hole.

Then it seemed to stop making progress. It appeared to have gotten as far as it could and could go no further. In his desire to help, the man decided to assist the butterfly.

He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly emerged easily, but it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings.

The man continued to watch the butterfly, expecting that at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand. This, he believed, would allow the body to contract over time.

Neither happened. In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never flew.

What the man, in his kindness and haste, did not understand was that the struggle required to break free from the cocoon was God’s way of forcing fluid from the butterfly’s body into its wings, preparing it for flight once it was free.

Sometimes, the struggles we face are exactly what we need. If God allowed us to go through life without obstacles, we would never grow stronger.

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